Bloodline Stone

Still curious about the stones, Leon raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"What exactly are we starting?"

Radiant Light picked up a stone the size of a human index finger and set it in front of Aurora.

"We call this a bloodline stone. If a normal person with a weak bloodline picks it up. They would have to drop their blood on it to get a reaction, but Aurora's bloodline is so strong that it almost rivals mine. It should just activate with her picking it up."

Aurora picked up the stone and it started to glow. At first, it started at a light dim, then it slowly got brighter until it became the same intensity as a flashlight.

Radiant Light smiled and even chuckled.

"Wow. The stone mostly gives a ballpark in terms of the purity and potential of the bloodline. Mine's actually slightly dimmer compared to yours Aurora, but of course, in terms of actual strength, your bloodline hasn't awakened yet while mine is nearing its end."

Looking excited like he had won the lottery, Radiant Light looked all giddy.

"Even if you decide to go back to the Coalition. I can awaken your bloodline and give you guidance and a method to practice channeling your bloodline. With your bloodline alone, you'll be able to triumph and gain tremendous power!"

As Radiant Light was about to suggest awakening her bloodline, Aurora looked towards Leon then back at the elder.

"What about big bro Leon?"

Leon could only smile and even gave a small chuckle.

"Ah, there's no need. I doubt I even have a bloodline and even if I do it's probably so weak that I'd have to cut myself."

But Aurora puffed out her cheeks and looked adamant.

"I won't awaken this bloodline thingy without big bro Leon testing himself."

Seeing his stubborn granddaughter, Radiant Light could only sigh and gave Leon a slightly smaller stone, the size of a thumb.

"Take this and if necessary prick your finger, although even if you did. If you have no bloodline, there'll be no reaction."

Curiously looking at the small stone, Leon picked it up.

Boom. The moment he touched the stone, it blew up like a grenade that sent pieces of rocks everywhere. The rock shrapnel traveled like bullets, but before they could hit Aurora or Leon, Radiant Light easily cast a white light in the shape of a sphere.

Trapped in the white sphere made up of light, the shrapnel became stuck. Leon didn't think it would explode and looked at Radiant Light for an explanation, but all he saw was the elder blinking in confusion.

Leon still decided to ask.

"What happened?"

The old man was deep into thought and started to mutter.

"How curious. I've never seen such a thing before. Was the rock just defective and set to blow up? Or... "

After a few seconds, Radiant Light picked up another stone the size of a whole human hand and set it in front of Leon.

"Try picking up this one. If my hunch is correct, the bigger size might help explain what happened. Don't worry about the thing exploding too, with my power containing an insignificant explosion like that is a piece of cake."

The rock was quite heavy, but with Leon's strength he easily lifted up. As he picked it up, a flash of light suddenly lit up the room like a flashbang.

Even though the tent was made of extremely tough material that even provided noise canceling. The light was so bright it became visible to anyone outside. In fact, if Leon was not in the tent. The light would have surely reached the sky.

Compared to the flashlight-like light Aurora's rock gave out, Leon's was like a sun that had suddenly appeared in the tent.

The light had started to blind Leon to the point where closing his eyes did little and he had to completely look away with both hands over his eyes.

Even with such obstacles, the light still managed to sneak into Leon's vision as he saw a dark red light clash with a whitish-yellow light.

Not knowing what to do, he let go of the stone and was finally able to open his eyes once again. However, he had to blink a few times just for his vision to return back to normal.

Looking next to him, Leon saw that Aurora had buried her face into the ground in an attempt to block the light while Radiant Light had his eyes wide open with his jaw almost hitting the ground.

Radiant Light started to mumble like a crazy person.

"Wha-wha-wha…what was that?"

Leon could only stare at the old man who started to rave and mumble like crazy until he eventually managed the courage to ask a question.

"What happened exactly?"

Almost as if he was slapped back into reality, Radiant Light could only look at Leon and got closer to him as he continued to observe everything about him. Leon felt naked under the old man's gaze, almost as if the elder could see through his soul and entire being.

Eventually Radiant Light spoke after observing Leon for a while.

"Who exactly are you son? Your bloodline…"

Radiant Light, who was probably the strongest person Leon had ever seen, shuttered like he had chills.

"Your bloodline is something entirely different. It's powerful, no that would be an insult. It's monstrous."

Looking suspiciously at Leon, Radiant Light almost squinted.

"What's your last name, boy."

Seeing someone who could kill him with a soft slap, Leon could only comply.

"Basileus? Hmm, never heard of it before…"

After a few more minutes, Radiant Light finally sighed and gave a nice hard pat on the back, which reminded Leon of Erik.

"Well son, your bloodline is something that I can't even begin to figure out. The potential and purity themselves are already on a different level, even compared to a powerful one like mine or Aurora's. But what's even more surprising is that you seem to have two bloodlines."

This time Leon was surprised.

"Is it possible to have two bloodlines?"

This time Radiant Light stood up as he paced around the tent.

"Theoretically, it is possible. However, the alliance has tried to give birth to a child with two bloodlines, but even crossing two main tribes didn't matter. In the end, the children only had one of the two bloodlines and even had a diluted version sometimes."

Stopping in front of Leon, Radiant Light looked at Leon curiously.

"But somehow, you seem to possess two separate bloodlines that obviously haven't lost any of its potency or purity. It's simply marvelous..."

Leon took the words from the elder seriously, as Radiant Light was by no means a small or weak figure. In the end, Radiant Light looked at the young man and child in front of him and sighed.

"First off, never mention anything about what occurred in this tent, regarding Leon's bloodline. Secondly, I'll awaken Aurora's bloodline."

Then he looked at Leon.

"However, yours will be tricky, to say the least. Even though your bloodline is dormant and unawakened, I'm not sure if mine holds enough power, but only time will tell I guess."