Awakening Bloodlines in the Plains

Radiant Light led the two of them out of the White Wolf encampment and out of the entire alliance. By the time, they reached the outskirts of the camp. Radiant Light cracked his neck and looked at the two of them.

"For safety reasons, let's go further away from the camp, and to speed this up let me take you two."

Leon looked into the distance.

"How are you going to be tak-"

Before he could say anything else, Radiant Light picked up Aurora with one hand and picked up Leon with the other. Even though Leon weighed a hefty amount since he was quite tall, but to a powerhouse like Radiant Light.

They both weighed like air and he got into a sprinting stance.

"Hold on to something!"

Hearing this, Leon turned to face Radiant Light.

"Why would we have to hold onto so-"

Radiant Light jumped into the air with such force that he was eye level with a few birds in the sky. Although, he wasn't flying as he was slowly falling like a feather.

Aurora almost passed out, while Leon also had his eyes wide open with sheer shock but before he could say anything.

Radiant Light did a sprinting motion in the air and with each step he took. He flew through the air like a fighter jet. Aurora was screaming with fear, excitement, and sheer shock, meanwhile Leon felt sheer shock and awe when he saw that Radiant Light did this with ease.

At first, he was like Aurora who was experiencing so much stimuli that she even fell unconscious for a second then came back screaming with fear and curiosity like an extreme rollercoaster.

But now, he had begun to open his eyes and embrace the experience. He felt like an eagle in the sky that soared through without a care in the world.

After a few minutes, Radiant Light had already put so much distance between them and the camp that Leon knew that they were at least a few dozen miles away.

When he finally stopped, he gently floated down to the ground and gently set down Aurora and Leon, while he put both his hands on his hips to stare at the sky.

"Whew, I haven't done that in a while. I forgot how exhilarating it is to be free. I don't usually leave the camp unless it's to help the tribe and even then I can't fly at fast speeds, since others can't catch up."

Leon had to hold onto a nearby tree as his vision slowly stabilized due to the sheer speed they had traveled, while Aurora was doing something similar but also looking slightly sick.

Seeing the both of them in sorry conditions, Radiant Light floated down to the ground gave a little pat on the head to Aurora as he laughed heartily.

"Sorry about the sudden flight, but I just wanted to show you both what opening my bloodline has helped me accomplished. Although it can't be truly called a flight, I'd say the whole things about a hard second."

After both Leon and Aurora stabilized, Radiant Light rolled up his sleeves and stretched his muscles which cracked and creaked.

"Shall we get started?"

Radiant Light sat Aurora down and sat right in front of her while they faced each other. He closed his eyes and Aurora didn't know what to do, but followed his lead and closed her eyes.

After a few seconds, Leon couldn't see anything visibly different, but as time went on he could suddenly see this aura-like light that radiated from the old man.

Like a fog of smoke, the light gathered up for a brief minute before it suddenly shot straight at Aurora.

At first, Leon was nervous for Aurora, but a few seconds passed since the light entered her body and she showed no reaction if it was hurting her.

Then after a few minutes had passed, suddenly a bright light shot out from around Aurora in a similar fashion like Radiant Light's, but Auroras shout out much faster. As the fog continued to surround Aurora's body, Leon had to rub his eyes to double-check if he was seeing things correctly.

A wolf that looked incredibly similar to the one associated with the White Wolf tribe took shape from the fog and it looked quite mysterious as much of its features were not shown but the overall shape was very detailed.

The wolf howled for a minute and stared at Radiant Light. Seeing the wolf stare at him, the elder suddenly released that suffocating pressure that Leon had felt before, but this time it was even stronger and he fell to his knees.

Barely being able to lift his head as he felt a mountain-like pressure weighing down on his entire body, Leon saw Aurora who still had her eyes closed but looked undisturbed despite the immense pressure that Radiant Light generated.

Then he looked over at the old man and looked even more shocked, a similar White Wolf appeared next to the old man, but this one was even bigger and looked to be the size of a large boulder.

Radiant Light's wolf howled at Aurora's and her wolf stared at its counterpart until it eventually left and returned back into Aurora's body.

When the wolf and fog returned to the little girl's body, she slumped down onto the ground and started breathing heavily as if she had just worked out.

Seeing everything go smoothly, Radiant Light sighed with relief.

"That went incredibly well! I didn't even have to fight her bloodline."

Leon looked at the old man who was smiling and questioned everything he just saw.

"So just now?"

Radiant Light looked at the confused young man and laughed.

"I just stimulated her bloodline with mine and it forcibly jumpstarted her bloodline, but the flaw with this method is that the bloodline will come out and take its form. Usually, the bloodline will fight and threaten to destroy everything around it and the owner itself, but my bloodline was strong enough that it backed away without a fight."

Then the elder suddenly looked very serious and stared at Leon.

"Your's however, will not be as easy... which is why I brought us out here."

Aurora finally breathed normally and tiredly walked over to the two of them, but Radiant Light needed to try to awaken Leon's bloodline which meant she had to take cover.

Pointing at a giant boulder in the ground relatively a good distance away, Radiant Light wanted Aurora to take cover behind the boulder, but before she started walking the old man suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, before you go. Let me give you something."

Suddenly, a ring on his finger lit up and a shield and brooch appeared out of thin air as the old man gave it to Aurora.

"Take this and use it if anything comes your way. Don't worry about using it, I already embedded my own mana into it."

While Aurora walked to the boulder, Leon's mouth was open like a door.

'A spatial ring!'

Spatial rings were quite rare and could not be mass-produced. They were rings that had their own spaces and a ring could store something as small as a small chest to the size of buildings. Creating a spatial ring wasn't impossible, but only a few amounts of people could accomplish such a task with many resources and much time.

Therefore, a lot of spatial rings were passed down or discovered as they were treasures.

They sounded similar to the storage spaces back in Leon's guildhall, but magic like the one back in the guildhall took ages to set up and couldn't be moved. This made spatial rings incredibly rare and even Erik only had a small one.

Radiant Light looked at Leon gawking at his ring and laughed.

"Interested in the ring? It's one I found in a ruin, but sadly it only holds about the size of a small tent."

Although it didn't sound major, such a thing was still rare and Leon was in awe.

Radiant Light made Leon sit down and then sat in front of Leon like he did with Aurora.

"Okay, let's do this!"

Once again a fog-like light came out from Radiant Light's body and launched straight into Leon's body.