The Army of Tribes Marches

The Thunderbird elder broke the silence.

"We must decide our course of action. I say we fully mobilize and intercept that traitor Judas!"

Some people agreed while some murmured their doubts. Most of the twelve major tribes agreed while a lot of the small and medium tribes disagreed.

A young man from the medium tribe called the Armored Serpent tribe stood up and spoke for a lot of the smaller tribes.

"I completely disagree! If we go to take back the crown for the old king. We would need to send a majority of our warriors forward and even if we are successful. The Coalition will just use this as an excuse to start another war for our beautiful land!"

Many of the smaller tribes agreed as they preferred not to fight, while the twelve major tribes wanted blood.

Crushing Fang stood up and spoke his thoughts.

"While that is a risk. If we do not help Grand Duke Ferdinand and King Gustav take back the throne things will get even worse. Think closely, lately the Coalition has seen some support for a war against our tribes, but Silce and their allies are the staunch opposers of such an action."

The other twelve major tribe elders nodded as they knew where Crushing Fang was going with his reasoning.

"So if Judas, who is a known hater of the inhabitants of the wildland including our Alliance, occupies the throne. We will lose one of the main nations which voted against the war. We either wait for the war to come to us or we strike and potentially stop it altogether!"

Applause rang out from the side of the twelve major tribes, as the young man from the Armored Serpent tribe couldn't refute anything so he sat back down.

No one else stood up to oppose Crushing Fang's words, so the Thunderbird elder decided it was time to vote.

"All in favor of helping King Gustav and Grand Duke Ferdinand?"

The small and medium tribes didn't do anything until all the elders and representatives of the twelve major tribes raised their hands. The moment they did, a good portion of the smaller tribes raised their hands.

The council was split 80:20, with a majority favoring helping so the Thunderbird elder once again struck the ground with his staff.

"We shall help! Blow the battle horn twice!"

When the battle horn was mentioned, the council immediately ended and everyone exited towards their tribe camps.

Leon and Aurora followed Crushing Fang who jogged towards the White Wolf encampment. The moment they reached the entrance.

A loud sound of a horn was heard and suddenly everyone in their tents went out of their tents. Hearing the signal, the warriors scrambled to get ready as they went back into their tent.

Crushing Fang led the three of them back into his tent where he started strapping on armor and clothing made of beast hide, which was incredibly durable.

While he started to fit a shoulder guard, Crushing Fang spoke to Aurora and Leon who were just staring at them.

"Leon, I won't force anything upon you since your guests, but if you wish you may come with us."

Aurora whose eyes were still slightly red wanted to come along.

"Can I come?"

Crushing Fang frowned at the question.

"You don't want to stay with the non-warriors and children? There'll be some elders and warriors that stay behind to protect them as well."

Aurora wanted to argue, but surprisingly Leon spoke up.

"I think you should let her come. Even if you disregard the fact that her father is in potential danger. She knows Silce the best."

Although he was hesitant, Crushing Fang sighed as he did need a guide through the country and capital.

"Fine, but I want her with a warrior or you at all times."

Hearing she could come Aurora calmed down, while Leon followed Crushing Fang outside his tent.

When the three walked outside, a large group of around 200 warriors was already waiting with White Wolf banners.

Leon never noticed before since his bloodline had been dormant, but with it awakened. The entire group looked incredibly intimidating as their individual strengths weren't a joke.

Crushing Fang made sure to check that some warriors stayed back to protect the camp and they set off.

Walking through the enormous camp of the Alliance, Leon could already see that a lot of the tents were empty.

As the warriors mobilized, a good portion of the population of the Alliance was missing as around 30% of the population were either non-combatant, retired, unable to fight, or too young. While the remaining 70% could fight, however, some of the warriors stayed back to watch the camp.

When they reached the exit of the camp, Leon's jaw dropped. In front of him were thousands of warriors each in their own groups with their banners that represented their tribes.

Even though the Parthian army had tens of thousands of soldiers that would fight. Your average warrior from the Alliance would be worth multiple non-officer soldiers.

Plus Leon was sure that the elders of the twelve major tribes were probably all at least equivalent to an A-Tier adventurer and this wasn't even including the incredibly strong warriors like Crushing Fang who weren't even elders.

Leon knew that such a force would even make the Parthian army nervous a tad bit.

Crushing Fang led the White Wolf warriors towards the front of the army and met with the twelve elders of the major tribes since they took on the roles of officers. They talked for almost half an hour before they came to a decision.

Then Crushing Fang came over and explained the plan, at first Leon was confused about what they were gonna do since it would take quite a while for the army to even reach the border of Silce let alone the capital.

However, Leon's eyes went wide with surprise when he heard the full plan that the elders had decided on. He could only describe the plan with a few words.

'A risky gamble.'