Emergency Council Meeting in the Alliance

Being summoned since he was the interim elder of the White Wolf tribe, while Radiant Light was gone, Crushing Fang took Leon and Aurora to the familiar large tent that held council meetings.

Crushing Fang sat at the front of the White Wolf group, while he insisted that Leon and Aura sit just behind him. Since the twelve tribes' camps were situated the closest to the council tent, most of the twelve tribes were already present and talking amongst themselves.

Slowly, important people from each tribe trickled in and took their seats. After fifteen minutes, everyone was present.

Everyone was murmuring amongst each other as they were curious about who and why they called an emergency council meeting.

All the representatives of the smaller tribes looked at the twelve main tribes, as pretty much only one of the twelve would dare invoke an emergency council meeting.

At first, no one did anything until the elder from the Thunderbird tribe stood up and started to speak.

"I called this council meeting."

The elder from the Thunderbird tribe seemed to be a similar age to Radiant Light, but the Thunderbird elder had a very long beard while Radiant Light had a small one.

Everyone murmured, while Crushing Fang spoke.

"Let's cut to the point, why did you call this meeting?"

When Crushing Fang spoke, he stood out. Even though he was just acting elder as Radiant Light was not present. He was very much the youngest person, while almost all the other elders of their respective tribes were quite old.

The Thunderbird elder murmured something about youth, then spoke seriously.

"I'm sure we all know our positions on politics within the Coalition and especially Silce. But for those who don't allow me to say our position again."

The thunderbird elder had a long walking staff with a bird at the top and slammed it into the ground.

"We are neutral to the politics of the Coalition unless it is paramount to the survival of our people and others that roam the Great Plains with us."

Everyone else gave a slight nod and even a small remark that showed they agreed before the Thunderbird elder continued to speak.

"In all the Coalition states, our ties are the closest to Silce of course since they are the biggest supporters of the tribes."

Hearing the information, Leone was pleasantly surprised, but after he realized that if the son of the king married a tribesman. Their stance had to be a lot better compared to the rest of the Coalition.

After a brief pause, the Thunderbird elder suddenly raised his voice.

"With this in mind, I bring news we must act upon! The crown has been usurped in Silce."

Suddenly the entire council went up in gasps and murmurs similar to the previous time that Leon and Aurora had been here.

The small and medium tribes all murmured with disapproval, but the twelve major tribes especially frowned.

The second youngest elder, who came from the Horned-serpent tribe that the Shamaness was also from, spoke up with a frown.

"What happened and who has taken the crown?"

The Thunderbird elder continued to speak with a boom that carried his voice throughout the entire tent.

"As previously mentioned in one of our past council meetings, we learned from our informant with Grand Duke Ferdinand that a civil war was raging within Silce. However, it was merely a battle for the Archduke position between Grand Duke Ferdinand and Grand Duke Judas."

All the tribe representatives and elders nodded, while Leon noted that it seemed as if the Alliance had an informant within Silce for information.

The long-bearded elder started to pace around the center of the tent.

"Now despite our support for Grand Duke Ferdinand since he is one of the most avid supporters among the Coalition higherups, we can not simply intervene in such a thing, so the informant was told just to relay information."

All of a sudden the Thunderbird elder turned around and faced towards the twelve major tribes especially.

"Our informant suddenly used their only and precious message crystal."

Leon looked confused, while Crushing Fang whispered to him what a message crystal is.

"It's a rare crystal that has two parts with one transmitting a short message, while the other one receives it. The Alliance has barely any, but our informant was provided with one. However, he would never use it unless it was an absolute emergency as he usually just sent his findings through a letter."

The Thunderbird elder took out a crystal and put it on the ground in the middle of the tent. A dense pressure enveloped the area as the elder injected the crystal with more mana than Leon could muster.

The crystal glowed and a somewhat blurry image was playing with a seemingly normal soldier in armor, but he looked frantic as his breathing was irregular and sweat rivulets flowed down his head.

"I don't know how much time I have left before they breach through the defenses, but council members and other tribe members. You have to interfere! Grand Duke Judas suddenly captured the king by surprise with help, but I don't know who or what is helping him."

Suddenly the building in which the informant was in shook as a loud explosion echoed.

"My time is being cut short, but Grand Duke Ferdinand and Grand Duke Judas faced off, but Grand Duke Ferdinand had to retreat into the mountains. That slimy Judas has forced the Silce army to do his biddings. Judas will ascend to the throne and we all know what that means for the Alliance. Send hel-"

The building the informant was in was hit by a giant fireball which devastated the building. Before the informant could pick up the crystal which fell to the floor, a bunch of voices were yelling as they got closer.

Without much of a choice, the informant took his weapon and fleed towards a forest near a mountain. The crystal suddenly shut off and broke apart like sand.

The entire council went quiet all except for Aurora who let out tears until she passed out from an influx of emotions that assailed her.

Crushing Fang muttered under his breath.
