Two Weeks in the White Wolf Camp

Hearing that Aurora had made a breakthrough just like that, Leon gawked out of surprise and a tad bit of jealousy.

Finally being able to rest, Radiant Light looked over at Leon.

"Any luck?"

Looking a tad bit embarrassed, Leon mumbled.

"It only helped slightly."

Seeing Leon mumble, the old man laughed.

"Ah, don't look so down. The good thing is that you at least know that one of your bloodlines will strengthen with other light animals or perhaps even medicinal plants. Plus, your bloodline is so strong that I would be shocked to death if it did progress you through a breakthrough."

Leon understood what the old man said but still couldn't put away his disappointment, as he was really looking forward to seeing how powerful the abilities he would gain from his bloodline.

Even though he didn't make a breakthrough. He decided to strengthen his bloodline through the slow, but steady way that Radiant Light had told him.

Leon excused himself and went back to his own tent, where he sat down. Closing his eyes, he focused as much as he could and then started to use the mana in his core.

Like a wave, mana ran through his blood but after a few seconds, his blood seemingly absorbed all the mana.

Leon continued this process a dozen times until he started to sweat profusely. The process was quite tiring for him since he would use a majority of the mana in his core to fuel a wave that would be eaten instantly.

But to gain new mana, his body would naturally produce some and gather mana from the surrounding subconsciously.

However, that took quite a while, so he tried to speed things up by manually trying to absorb as much mana as possible from the surrounding with his current abilities.

Albeit this method was faster, his mental strength was slowly drained as he focused on gathering mana then circulating it through his body safely.

Every day he would wake up and eat a meal and unless he had to do anything. He would continue to cycle mana through his body as his bloodline refused to be sated and ate all the mana he gave it like a black hole.

This would become his daily routine and like a blink of an eye. Two weeks passed by. Nothing really spectacular or notable happened during that time.

Although, Leon got to experience life as a person that lived in the great plains of the wildland and got to see a little spar between Radiant Light's son and another warrior. Though they used no magic or other abilities besides pure strength, it was still quite powerful and ferocious.

Life was peaceful.

By then, he had gotten quite friendly with Elder Radiant Light, who had been spending a lot of time with his only granddaughter.

On a sunny afternoon where the sun beat down on the short grass of the plains. Leon visited Radiant Light as he realized he still wasn't close to breaking through.

When he walked into the giant tent that belonged to the elder of the White Wolf encampment. He expected to see the old man talking with Aurora, but instead, he saw a bulky and shredded warrior with bulging muscles seemingly dancing.

Every time his toe touched the floor, he would use it as leverage and reappear at another spot, and every time he did it. The bulky man would appear as a blur.

After a few seconds, the man stopped and Leon recognized it to be Radiant Light's son, who was also Aurora's uncle. Speaking of the little girl, she was watching intently, while sat on a plump cushion off to the side.

Seeing the familiar new face, Crushing Fang wiped some sweat off his brow.

"Ah, it's you. Do you have any requests?"

Leon looked like he interrupted something so spoke succinctly.

"Uh, not necessarily. I was just looking for the elder, as I had a question about bloodlines."

Crushing Fang spoke calmly with a rather velvety, deep voice.

"Oh, father left to investigate something a few hours ago, but I think I can help answer your questions. Even though father is definitely more knowledgeable than me, I know a few things myself."

Hearing the man speak, Leon went on to explain how he hadn't made any real progress even after spending two whole weeks entirely focusing on strengthening his bloodline for his first breakthrough.

After hearing of his worries, Crushing Fang laughed heartily.

"Hahaha, don't worry about that. It's' natural for some people to struggle with breaking through their bloodlines because of their particular condition and quality. There's nothing steady practice won't fix, as even though the difficulty and requirement for each breakthrough will be exponentially harder. Enough time will get you there eventually."

Even though Crushing Fang gave accurate advice, he actually had the wrong understanding of the situation.

Ever since Radiant Light awakened Leon's bloodline, the old man hadn't actually told anyone about the boy's monstrous potential.

In fact, Crushing Fang thought that Leon had a weak and diluted bloodline, which would indeed make it harder for a person to achieve breakthroughs.

Meanwhile, Leon thought that Radiant Light had naturally told his son about Leon's peculiar and unique bloodline.

Therefore, he interpreted the muscular man's word as if he was saying that because his bloodline was so strong, that it was harder for him to achieve a breakthrough.

With neither of them being wrong, but right about the situation, Leon nodded his head while taking Crushing Fang's words to heart.

"I see… I guess I just have to practice consistently and steadily instead of hoping for quick success."

Crushing Fang admired that Leon didn't give up and asked him if he wanted to watch him practice his technique.

"Do you want to watch me practice my movement technique? I was just showing Aurora my technique since it doesn't evolve floating and running through the air like my father."

Curious, Leon agreed and sat on a cushion next to Aurora. With another observer, Crushing Fang started to move again.

Like a thunderclap, he would explosively move to a different spot each time any part of his body made any minute contact with a surface.

At a glance, it seemed like some sort of funky acrobatic dance.

However, after observing for a while, Leon thought about how as long as the muscular man wasn't in the air, that it would be really difficult for a person to hit the man.

Unless they could restrict his movements by immobilizing his limbs or stopping him somehow. They would require greater speed or explosive power to catch the man unless he was in the air.

Crushing Fang continued to do the movement until a loud sound rang throughout the entire camp of the alliance and a large commotion started to occur throughout the camp.

Meanwhile, the muscular man stopped moving and frowned.

"An emergency council meeting?"