Light Rabbit's Droplet of Blood

After the trio had rested, Radiant Light once again ran through the sky like a fighter jet, but this time neither Aurora nor Leon felt as surprised and just enjoyed the ride.

They landed just outside the giant camp and then proceeded to walk through the entire camp back to the White Wolf section.

On the way there, a lot of people gave some curious glances towards the trio. Even though they were generally normal people and warriors of the Alliance.

Radiant Light was almost like a hero to them due to his many achievements and influence, so they were surprised to see him walking with two strangers. Aurora looked quite similar to the tribesmen since she had brunette hair and her skin was much more tan.

However, Leon was undeniably a foreigner, with his golden, honey-colored hair with his rather fair complexion.

Thus a lot of people were surprised to see such an important figure walking along with a foreigner and in the back of their minds, they took note of Leon as someone with some importance.

Finally arriving back in Radiant Light's massive camp, the old man looked at the two youngsters in front of him and smiled.

"Feel any different?"

Aurora seemed to think for a while.

"I guess something seems different?"

Leon also examined his condition and felt like there was some invisible pressure or aura.

"Hmm, it's like an invisible pressure or aura that might blood seems to be giving off."

Radiant Light expected such a reaction from Leon due to his monstrous unknown bloodlines.

"Heh, I guess it's to be expected from such a powerful bloodline."

Although he had just awakened his bloodline, Leon wanted to practice and asked the elder.

"Elder Radiant Light, how do we practice and strengthen our bloodlines?"

Surprised at Leon's yearning for practicing something he had just received mere moments ago, Radiant Light's impression of Leon went up again.

"Ah, that's a good question. To strengthen your bloodlines the normal way. You have to deeply focus and concentrate and imagine you are circulating the power of your blood with your mana. It's like feeding a never-ending black hole, otherwise known as your bloodline."

The old man went towards a pile of items and grabbed a box.

"The stronger the bloodline. The more difficult it will be to make a breakthrough and you'll be able to easily tell when you make a breakthrough."

He opened the box he took out and revealed two incredibly small containers that contained a small drop of blood that was orange.

"However there are ways to increase your bloodline strength through things like these drops of blood."

Leon looked curiously at the container with the droplet of blood.

"That'll increase our bloodline?"

Radiant Light didn't blame Leon for being skeptical.

"This droplet of blood comes from a rare monster called a Light Rabbit. They are practically impossible to find and possess a speed that wouldn't be too far from mine. However, their species originate from a bloodline that corresponds with a decently powerful light creature."

Placing both containers in front of Leon and Aurora, he continued to speak.

"My father managed to catch this one about a hundred years ago and we use its blood sparingly as it strengthens our tribe's bloodline since our White Wolf is also attributed with light."

Picking up the small container, Leon examined the droplet of blood while wondering out loud.

"Is this how your bloodline is so strong?"

Radiant Light laughed.

"Haha, it isn't that easy. The alliance hasn't encountered another one of these since my father slew that one. In fact, there are only a dozen or so droplets left, which is also why my tribe is looking for more beasts that might contain a similar bloodline."

Gawking at the fact that Radiant Light just gave him was so rare, Leon pushed it towards the old man.

"Please, I can't take this. You have already done a lot for me. Why don't you consume this for yourself? I'm not even sure if this would work on me either."

But the elder pushed it back towards Leon.

"I understand how you feel, but since the bloodline in the Light Rabbit is so weak and diluted. It really only works for White Wolf tribesmen who just awakened their bloodlines. If I was to consume it, I would gain no benefits whatsoever."

Leon was still reluctant, so Radiant Light continued to reassure him.

"I insist. I'm curious to see if it will benefit you in any way since your bloodline is so strong it might not affect it."

Seeing the old man not relenting, Leon could only sigh and opened the container. Surprisingly, a rather pleasant aroma hit him and Aurora also opened the container to a similar pleasant smell.

Before either of them consumed the blood, the elder ran over to Aurora and gave some instructions.

"After you consume the blood, be sure to circulate the strength in your blood and feed it the power you gain from the droplet of blood if you receive any. As for Aurora, I'll help you do it."

Dropping the orange blood on his tongue, Leon consumed it and was hit with a wave of flavor. He thought it would taste rather gross since it was blood and had been stored for over 100 years.

However, the droplet of blood had a subtle orange flavor, which made it quite pleasant for Leon to drink.

Refocusing on the task at hand, Leon felt a slight wave of unknown power enter his body and started to circulate the power within his own body. Almost instantly, he pictured the Roc greedily taking up the blood and returning back into his body.

In a blink of an eye, the Roc ate the droplet of blood. Leon felt as if his bloodline became ever so slightly stronger and was glad that the droplet of blood seemed to have been somewhat beneficial, even though it didn't do too much

However, he was concerned about the fact that the Roc had greedily eaten the whole thing and remembered the fearsome bear that also existed within him.

Luckily, the bear didn't do anything and he could only think that the bear didn't make a fuss because it obviously didn't associate itself with light as the Roc did.

With the Roc instantly absorbing the blood, Leon looked next to him and see that Aurora was sweating as a dim aura created by Radiant Light mana surrounded her. Soon, she opened her eyes and exclaimed.

"I think I made a breakthrough!"