Leon's Bloodline Awakening (2)

The moment the two beasts roared. A black fire started to appear in the bear's maw and it started out the size of a marble, but slowly kept building.

Meanwhile, the Roc wasn't standing idle either, in its open beak a ball of light was doing the exact same thing as the bear's black fire.

Even though the Radiant Light's White Wolf was mostly likely the mightiest being present in the plains at the moment. It looked cautiously at the two beasts' actions.

After the attacks each reached the size of a boulder, the two beasts simultaneously launched their attacks.

Carving through the air like two bullets, the attacks started to revolve around each other like they were doing the tango through the air. The combination of black and white appeared like yin and yang dancing through the air, but there was no mistake about its might.

The sheer power in the strike seemed like it could sunder mountains under its voracious onslaught.

Sizzling, the air seemed to catch on fire. Rumbling, the ground trembled from the sheer power. Gawking, Leon could only stare in utter shock as he watched the mighty beings fight it out.

Although the attack seemed unstoppable, its target wasn't going to stand there and take it idly. The White Wolf's fur started to glow.

Like a heartbeat, its light kept pulsating, but each time it pulsated it would grow even brighter. As the two attacks, which had essentially combined into a spiraling bullet of one, got closer, the light suddenly pulsed off the wolf's fur and the two attacks collided.

The sheer impact of the attacks seemed like a miniature atomic bomb.

The ground beneath the attacks crumbled like a pastry and it was even more devastating than the collapse of the cave system, which Leon didn't think was possible.

But that wasn't the end of it, a blast wave was emitted and everything within the horizon seemed to be affected.

Radiant Light had to dig himself in and fight against the fierce wind to stay still, while the boulder covering Aurora started to crack and chip.

Luckily for Aurora, the brooch and shield she was given activated the moment the boulder crumbled. They emitted two layers of yellowish light that flickered but didn't falter.

Meanwhile, Leon, who neither had great power or special objects to protect him, surprisingly wasn't affected.

It seemed as if the red and yellow aura surrounding him acted as a shield of his own.

After a few harsh seconds, the dust settled and it seemed the attacks reached a stalemate with neither being stronger than the other.

The White Wolf seemed proud, while the two beasts merely roared. Although they were tied, it took the powers of both beasts to tie with Radiant Light's White Wolf.

Even though he had essentially won, Radiant Light was still sweating as he continued to think about what was happening.

'What are those beasts? How can they possess so much power to rival my White Wolf? Simply monsters...'

It was a fair thought on the old man's part. The two beasts that had been awakened from Leon's bloodline were definitely stronger at the source compared to the White Wolf.

Meaning if all three animals were actually there instead of their bloodlines fighting it out, the two beasts would be greatly stronger compared to the White Wolf even though they were all mythic beasts.

The only reason that Radiant Light's White Wolf won the fight was due to the fight that Radiant Light had already upgraded and practiced strengthening his bloodline, which led to his White Wolf becoming stronger and almost unparalleled inside the alliance.

But here were Leon's beasts who weren't even as strong as they could be, summoned from a newly awakened bloodline user and able to fight Radiant Light's, White Wolf.

That meant, although Leon's bloodline wouldn't be even near the same level as Radiant Light's after the awakening, there was no doubt if Leon spent as much time strengthening his bloodline as Radiant Light did.

His would come out much stronger, though that would be a long time from now as most people couldn't summon their actual beasts into action until much later on.

The beasts stubbornly roared and glared at the White Wolf, but decided to retreat back into Leon's body.

Seeing the awakening being complete, Radiant Light fell onto his back, covered in his sweat. He grimaced, then smiled.

"Who would've thought that would be so hard. If I told the others that I had to ignite my bloodline just to suppress a beast from an awakening. I would be laughed at."

Leon and Aurora ran over to Radiant Light to see if he was okay and after some repeated assurance.

The two found out that Radiant Light was merely tired from igniting his bloodline, but he made them swear to secrecy that they wouldn't tell anyone he had done that.

Normally Radiant Light would use his incredible abilities to reach the camp in a minute, but since he was so worn out. The group decided to take a small break until the old man recovered.

As Leon sat on the grassy ground, he decided to check on everything.

-Bloodline: *Confidential* Bear has been awakened

-Bloodline: *Confidential* Roc has been awakened

(Information is confidential due to a lack of power and knowledge. Gain more power or information to see true names)

-Stats have been updated

Level: 43

HP: 131/435

Experience: 340/14890

Title: The Liberator of Gods

Class: Storm Walker

Mana: 415/415

Vitality: 124

Strength: 156

Intelligence: 133

Agility: 156

Luck: 44

Blessing: Ultimate Blessing from ??????


*Confidential* Bear

Stage: 0

Abilities: None

*Confidential* Roc

Stage: 0

Abilities: None

Stat Sheet: Hidden

Transformation Status: Mana Core (1), Muscles and Bones (1), Organs (0)

Unused Attribute Points: 0

Skills: Backstab(2), Dash(4), Stealth(2), Slash(3), Wind Weapon(2), Wind Slash(2), Dagger Throw(1), Wind's Edge(1)

Passive: Sword Knowledge(2), Dagger Knowledge(2), Monster Language(2), Storm Born (1)

Even though he wasn't given the names of his bloodline beasts, nor did he gain abilities from the bloodlines yet. Leon was happy with the fact that his stats seemed to have gained a significant boost just from awakening his bloodline.

He was also looking forward to seeing what abilities he would get from his bloodlines and how powerful they would be.