What a Bloodline Weapon is

Like a small bomb had been set off under the ocean a spray of water erupted like a volcano and rained everywhere including the land that Leon stood on.

The heavy water felt like stones, but then a drop of light gray blood fell onto Leon's skin and he received a notification from the system.

- Faint and weak dark and shadow bloodline detected

(Potentially compatible with *Confidential* Bear. Consume 100ml of blood for potential growth to *Confidential* Bear bloodline)

Reading the notification, Leon was ecstatic at the idea of advancing his bloodline even further, but then the idea dawned on him that he had to drink quite a bit of blood from that huge creature and most of it was already mixed into the swamp water.

Before he could lament any further, Crushing Fang jumped onto the pocket of land and the ground shook slightly as he set down a huge piece of the beast's tail.

Seeing the amputated tail, Leon's dead hopes were suddenly revitalized as he might be able to get enough blood from the tail if he was lucky.

However before he did anything rash, he went over to Crushing Fang and explained the situation. Crushing Fang smiled in return.

"No problem! To be honest the blood's useless to me and no one else here as a dark or shadow bloodline. So go right ahead!"

With the go-ahead from Crushing Fang, Leon walked up and took out his canteen which was almost empty.

He quickly poured the remaining water into his mouth and drank it before he went over to the tail and tried to get some blood.

The tail had been completely amputated with an almost perfectly clean cut, but the muscles were still contracted and the blood seemed to be stubbornly fighting against the thought of flowing out.

In an attempt to draw some blood, Leon took out Ensis and swung with as much as force as he could muster with his regular strength.

Even though it hit the exposed raw flesh from the beast. A loud pang rang throughout the air like the ring of a bell, but somehow the flesh didn't even have a scratch, while a small droplet peeped its head out.

However, the droplet still wouldn't drop and tenaciously clung to the flesh of the tail. Although Leon hadn't used magic, he still thought that his strength could cut through most common metals, but it couldn't even move the blood stuck on an amputated tail.

Before he tried again, Crushing Fang walked over and laughed.

"Haha, do you want some help with that?"

Looking a little embarrassed, Leon could only nod his head and Crushing Fang flicked his finger at the exposed flesh which rippled from the force. After the ripples spread throughout the flesh, it relaxed slightly and some blood started to drain from the tail.

Not wanting to miss the chance, Leon quickly filled his canteen with the blood, but secretly in his mind, he was gawking at Crushing Fang's strength.

'My strength's already at 156, yet I couldn't even damage the exposed part with Ensis. How high is his stat? 300? 500? 750?'

With nothing to get an exact estimate, he could only let his mind run wild as he finished filling his canteen with the light gray blood from the beast. He rejoined Crushing Fang.

As the warriors waited for Crushing Fang to give orders, Leon looked at the battlefield and could tell that the smallest beasts had already decomposed with dozens of beast cores everywhere.

Meanwhile, the gray beasts were still in the process, while the giant light gray beast was still not decomposing and looked completely unaffected by the normal phenomena that would normally occur.

Leon could only attribute this to the fact that it was extremely powerful, but that wasn't the only thing that surprised him.

The other warriors hadn't even bothered to collect the beast cores!

He just looked at the beast cores then at Crushing Fang like he was seeing the strangest and most bizarre thing possible.

Seeing Leon look at him funny, Crushing Fang raised an eyebrow.

"Is something the matter?"

It took a few minutes for Leon to explain that best cores, especially from the ones they had killed, were worth quite a bit of money.

By itself, the beast core from the big beast, that was probably at the baby stage of the bottom of A-Tier, would be worth much more than the amount of money he had earned throughout his life.

After hearing everything, Crushing Fang picked up a beast core from one of the black beasts off the ground and looked at it.

"You are saying this is actually worth a lot?"

Seeing Leon nod, Crushing Fang scrunched his eyebrows in thought.

"Well these aren't worth much to us, it's bloodline's too thin and weak to make a proper bloodline weapon and it's a little too ugly for jewelry. I guess that beast core from the one I killed might be able to be made into a decent bloodline weapon if its bloodline was potent enough, but that things long gone…"

Hearing Crushing Fang's words, Leon only had more questions and asked him what bloodline weapons are.

Crushing Fang gave a general run down about what bloodline weapons were.

According to Crushing Fang, the stronger warriors from the tribes used weapons called bloodline weapons.

Where they would only take beast or monster cores that had a bloodline that was similar and rather strong to at least one of the tribes.

From there they would usually insert the crystal into the body or blade part of the weapon and their bloodline powers would gain an amplification from it while using the weapon.

To show an example, Crushing Fang looked around at the surrounding warriors and shouted so everyone could hear.

"Anyone with a bloodline weapon on them, raise your hand."

The moment he said that almost all the warriors raised their hands, and Crushing Fang called up Little Lighting while he spoke.

"As you can see all of here have a bloodline weapon of some sort. However, this is only because these are the elites of their tribes, most warriors would not carry or even have one."

Little Lighting arrived and Crushing Fang took out his two-headed axe and compared it to Little Lightning's spear.

"Little Lightning here has a bloodline weapon, but its amplification powers are quite weak compared to my axe. There are a few reasons. One is the fact that my axe has two on it, while Little Lightings only has one."

Before Leon could ask his question, Crushing Fang answered it like he was reading his mind.

"However having two on a single weapon is quite rare, since they have to be able to harmonize and not conflict with each other which is incredibly rare. Mine only worked since the beasts they came from were from twin beasts. Finally, the core quality matters and mine is of a much higher quality compared to his."

After processing what he had heard, Leon understood why the warriors weren't interested in the beast cores.