Crushing Fang's Show of Strength

After double-checking that his eyes weren't deceiving him, Leon gawked at the giant beast that looked like it could swallow an entire house whole.

Normally he would want to fight something like that, but this time he knew better. The giant beast wasn't only bigger than the other beasts, but it seemed stronger.

Its color was different and it had a large horn on the front of its head like a unicorn which had to signify something was different with it.

Leon had no problem fighting something slightly stronger or maybe just stronger than himself to challenge himself and get his blood pumping, but fighting the giant beast was suicide for him currently.

As he was in awe of the beast, the warriors looked at the beast with an expression on their faces as well, but it wasn't fear. It was excitement.

If Leon ever saw what his face looked like when he got excited about a fight, he would remark that they looked just like him!

But before anyone could say anything, Crushing Fang shouted.

"This one's mine!"

Although the other warriors all wanted to fight the beast, Crushing Fang was the strongest and held authority among the squad so they had no other choice but to respect his decision.

Hearing nothing from the other warriors, Crushing Fang smiled.

'Let's get to work.'

The muscular leader took off and started to run on the water, which shocked Leon once again as he thought about the fact that the man weighed twice the amount of a normal man.

With the strongest beast taken, the other warriors turned their attention to the bigger beasts that were colored gray and decided to see how strong those beasts were.

They all ran towards the beast which definitely held more power and durability, but at best it might barely teeter on the edge between C-Tier and B-Tier.

Therefore the warriors who were much stronger easily slaughtered the beasts. Although, some like Little Lighting and Raging Bull, who were strong but still young, couldn't kill the beasts with one hit since they were closer to the bottom side of B-Tier.

Still, it only took a few hits and the mighty beasts that would rip apart most adventurers, including Leon, were defeated.

With the gray beasts being almost completely wiped out, Leon paid attention to the main event which was starting to reach its climax.

If Leon didn't know extremely huge people like Erik and Lorenz, he wouldn't doubt that Crushing Fang was the most muscular man he had seen.

However, when being compared to the essentially white beast, he looked like a small rat.

The giant beast that felt like the queen or king of the horde of monsters roared and dashed towards Crushing Fang with speed faster than Leon despite its huge body.

On the way, it stepped on a few gray beasts, which Leon would've never been able to injure, instantly became crushed like a piece of paper.

It lunged at Crushing Fang who was trying to gauge whether he could take the strike or just dodge, but his curiosity got the better of him and he met the voracious maw, that could fit over twenty people, with a slash that resembled an uppercut with his huge double-sided axe.

Leon expected a loud screeching noise, but instead, it sounded like a thud. The axe went through the roof of the beast's mouth, however, that wasn't the worst of its problems as it felt backward from the sheer force.

Crushing Fang pulled his axe out of the beast's mouth before it fell backward causing an explosion of water to spread everywhere like someone had dropped a house into the ocean and the resulting splash flew everywhere.

Before he could say anything, a giant tail came out of nowhere in a sweeping motion and struck Crushing Fang who was still standing atop the water.

The strike came so fast that Crushing Fang could only put up his axe with the flat side taking the brunt of the attack.

To no surprise, Crushing Fang was being pushed back through the water from the tail which had enough force to wreck a small city wall, however after Crushing Fang went back a few meters he had managed to stop the strike.

Sensing its tail whip stopped, the beast wanted to pull back and retreat back into the water for another attack, but when it moved it felt like someone had dropped a small mountain on its tail.

In reality, Crushing Fang had grabbed onto one of the giant scales and started to grip it so hard that the scale crushed under the pressure, and his hand was holding onto a nice chunk of flesh.

Seeing the beast trapped, Crushing Fang smiled and lifted his axe.

At this point, the beast had a panicked look like he had been in a horror film and desperately tried to wriggle and fight his way out of the grip, but it only merited him a few yards.

Seeing its opponent lift his axe, the beast had no choice and a wave of mana surged through until it started gathering at its giant horn.

A ball of gray-colored mana appeared at the tip of its horn and shot at Crushing Fang who was still holding the tail with one hand and the axe with the other hand.

The beast had a decent amount of intelligence that might come close to the average intelligence of a regular person and it knew that Crushing Fang would most likely sever its tail. So it painstakingly decided that if its tail was going to be injured, that he would rather injure its attacker and its tail.

A torrent of gray flames shot out like a bullet and headed straight for Crushing Fang, but a faint light enveloped his axe and he swung down at the flames and the tail with one swing.

Being severed by the attack, the beam of flames split in half and ended up hitting a small patch of land in the middle of the river.

Instantly the shrubbery was reduced to ashes and the land itself exploded like someone had dropped a rocket on it. With a good chunk gone, the water rushed to fill in the new hole and huge waves raged from the commotion.

But the people watching could only give that a few moments of attention as the beast roared in pain that almost ruptured Leon's eardrums.

In the water, a gray liquid was being mixed with the moss-colored water and it looked like someone had spilled mercury into it, but in reality, it was leaking from the beast's tail side which was missing the tail part.

Even though it was experiencing one of the worst pains in its life since someone had chopped off close to 20% of its body, it couldn't care less and instantly dived into the water to try to escape with a trail of silver following it.

Crushing Fang laughed heartily.

"You weren't too bad. I might've been injured by that last attack, but unfortunately, it just wasn't strong enough. Too bad it seems like you just evolved, allow me to put you out of your misery."

Crushing Fang lifted his axe but didn't swing down immediately. A light erupted from the weapon and it looked like a flame, but it looked bizarre since it was made out of light.

Sweat beads dripped down his face and Crushing Fang's muscles bulged as he swung down with great effort towards the trail of silver blood that was getting further away.

A light shot out from the strike and it split the water like a divider. It tore through the dense water with no resistance and soon a split corpse of the beast floated to the water until it was devoured by the smaller black beasts.

(Please look at Author's Thoughts below!!!)