Sophia's Plan

Aurora looked slightly horrified by the news she had received, but recovered quickly and said.

"Well, that's why I'm here Sohpia to try to stop Judas!"

Sophia who had been sitting got up in shock and almost knocked over the chair she was sitting in while she gasped.

"But Aurora, I don't know what kind of support you got, but you have to rethink your decision. Normally Judas by himself with his knights and now the army would be almost untouchable, but with general Xenophon and the Corin army. Things are even worse now."

This thought did dawn on Aurora, but as she thought about how Crushing Fang had easily taken care of the giant beast back in the swamps that most knights would struggle against and perhaps perish too.

She felt better and tried to reassure her old head maid.

"While that may be true, I hope you know that I have some formidable support on myself as well and I don't think the army is going to be a problem."

Sophia looked at Aurora weirdly.

"Why wouldn't the army be a problem? Sure a majority of them might not agree with Judas, but they still will fight to protect him."

This time it was Aurora's turn to look at Sophia weirdly.

"Sophia, do you not know?"

Sophia shook her head in response.

"No? What am I supposed to know?"

Aurora turned to Leon and he leaned in and whispered to Aurora so Sophia couldn't hear.

"Can you trust her if we tell her about who our support actually is?"

Taking a minute to think, Aurora nodded her back and whispered back.

"Yes. Sophia is loyal to my father completely and never liked Judas in the first place. Plus she actually seemed to enjoy interacting with my mother so it shouldn't be too bad."

Hearing her answer, Leon nodded for Aurora to go ahead.

Aurora then explained to Sophia how the Alliance of the Great Plains had found out about the coup and how they did not want Judas in power in fear of war.

She also explained that the entire army of silce was being distracted and how she gained support from the tribes so she could defeat her traitorous uncle.

At first, Sophia looked shocked but over time she looked relatively normal and by the end of it she was nodding as she murmured.

"If that's the case, this would be the best opportunity to take down Judas before he can consolidate his power. But do you really have enough supporters to take down Judas? Even though the military might have left, he still has his personal knights and soldiers along with whatever general Xenophon has left."

Aurora nodded as she believed in the power the warriors had. Seeing Aurora nod, Sophia pursed her lips and leaned in.

"In that case, I will try to help you as much as I can, but might I add a suggestion?"

Becoming curious, Aurora nodded and Sophia told Aurora all about her suggestion and plans. By the end of it, both Leon and Aurora looked completely shocked and then smiled as the plan Sophia had suggested was much better than they could have ever thought of.

Aurora stood up and bowed.

"Thank you, Sophia, do you want to help with us then?"

Sophia nodded and followed the two out of her house while making sure to be hidden. They ran up to find the warriors and when they did.

Crushing Fang and the rest of the squad went up to meet them while Sophia saw how huge Crushing Fang was and almost fainted.

Meanwhile, Crushing Fang looked at Sophia and back to Aurora.

"Who is this?"

Aurora explained to Crushing Fang who Sophia and the plan she suggested.

By the end of it, Crushing Fang gave a low chuckle and smiled.

"Now that sounds like fun."

The capital city of Silce was dark besides the few spots that lamps illuminated, this also applied to a rather big building located near the outskirts of the city.

The building was mostly made up of rock, but the outer layer had a reinforced metal covering its exterior that had runes that flickered occasionally showing that they had been reinforced with some form of magic.

Meanwhile, on the exterior of the building, there were a series of windows with metal bars that surrounded the entire buildings and usually provided sunlight to the prisoners inside the cells.

At the moment, thousands of citizens were crammed into the small and plain cells of the buildings and slept on the cold hard floor of the prison.

Dozens of guards roamed the outside grounds while others were patrolling atop of a wall that surrounded the building.

Various torches were strewn all about providing some light for the soldiers who looked bored and tired.

Two particular soldiers that were standing on top of the wall while looked out looked bored and the shorter one sighed.

"This is so boring. All we do is stand here in our heavy armor the entire night and go home sore and sleep-deprived."

The other soldier, who was tall and thin, standing next to his friend nodded his head in agreement but gave a counterpoint.

"That's true, but it beats going to the frontline and fighting those barbarians. I heard that they mobilized their whole army and marched straight to Framas. Do you know how terrifying that is? If they could survive the offensive of the whole Coalition back then, then surely taking Silce shouldn't be too hard."

The shorter soldier with his big belly started to frown.

"That's true, but do you really know who's at fault? Our damned new king. None of this would've happened if he hadn't taken power. Everything was peaceful and fine until he took the crown."

Gasping, the taller soldier looked behind him to see if anyone was listening.

"Shhh, don't say that so loudly! Don't you know the king placed some of those soldiers from Corin here? If they hear you we'll both be executed."

The soldier expected to hear his friend say a retort, but there was only silence.

Curious he turned around to where his friend was and saw that his friend was lying on the ground unconscious.

Before he could do anything, a giant hand covered his nose and mouth, the tall soldier looked up with his eyes and saw a giant man who was slightly taller than himself but also incredibly bulky.

But that wasn't the worst part, in the soldier's eyes he recognized the person as a barbarian.

The warriors gave a weak blow to the soldier's neck which knocked the man unconscious but didn't do any significant damage.

Looking all around the wall, the warriors could see a similar scene playing out all across the top of the wall as dozens of soldiers were knocked out by various tribal warriors and then he threw down a series of ropes from the top of the wall.

Soon the entire special squad of warriors had climbed to the top of the wall, while Aurora, Leon, and Sophia were the last ones to climb up the wall and the entire group looked at the giant building covered in bars that had various soldiers lounging around on the outside.

Crushing Fang stood on the top of the wall looking at the remaining soldiers on the outside and smiled.