The Attack on the Silce King's Castle (4)

Almost all the knights were surprised at the fact that people had actually dared invade the throne room since there was almost no force left in Silce that could defeat the twenty personal knights of Judas unless the other Grand Duke combined forces with the military.

Because of this, the moment they received the command to attack almost all the knights besides a few, including Arulo who stayed behind to protect Judas, all charged towards the group.

Leon looked at the charging group like he had seen a ghost as these were most likely all equivalent to a B-Tier adventurer which was a horrifying force in his eyes.

But before he could do anything, the tribal warriors all brandished their weapons and charged as well, but the knights couldn't be bothered with the charging soldiers as an even bigger threat was thundering towards them.

Crushing Fang snorted and continued to charge like a raging bull. The knights all thought that the man charging was being presumptuous in not using his weapon.

One of the younger knights yelled as he swung his sword at Crushing Fang.

"Presumptuous! Do you know who we are? We are the personal knights of King Judas! A barbarian like you dares ignore us? Are you seeking death!?!"

The moment he finished his sentence, Crushing Fang frowned and suddenly disappeared in front of the young knight's eyes.

But before he could attempt to find him, he felt something grab onto his helmet and pick him up from the floor.

He couldn't see anything since whatever picked him up came from directly behind him, but that didn't matter as his helmet crumpled and a mush of red flesh fell on the ground. Just like that, a top force in Silce died.

However, the knights behind the man and King Judas saw exactly what happened. Crushing Fang suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind the knight before grabbing him and crushing the reinforced armor like crumpling a piece of paper.

Something finally clicked in King Judas's mind and he stood up while pointing at Crushing Fang.

"Y-You! Your the son of that demon from one of the tribes!"

The overweight man finally started to mumble like he was a crazed man rambling.

"HAHA, yes! I remember seeing you on the battlefield, but you were younger and weaker!"

Crushing Fang smiled devilishly and laughed.

"Haha, it's good to see that your memory hasn't left you yet, but you should really be worrying about other things"

Like a shadow, Crushing Fang became a blur and suddenly appeared next to King Judas where he swung his axe normally.

Surprisingly, King Judas wasn't startled or afraid and took out a heavy-looking hammer and used it to block the axe swing.

When the two weapons hit each other, a horrible, loud screeching noise deafened the ears of all the people in the room. Meanwhile, a shockwave vibrated out from the two weapons, and the knights who were all previously surrounding their king were sent flying in random directions.

Leon expected to see the overweight man completely overwhelmed and slice in half as he looked like he hadn't worked for a thing in his life.

However, when he saw the outcome his jaw dropped, Crushing Fang was sent two steps back while Judas himself was sent five steps back.

While Crushing Fang had merely swung his axe with his strength and no other tricks, the attack could easily injure or at least fling back a B-Tier adventurer. Yet here was this fat man who was only sent five steps back.

Even Crushing Fang looked surprised as he muttered.

"Not too bad. Compared to your looks, it seemed like you actually tried to get strong as well."

King Judas's eyes started to twitch as it looked like Crushing Fang had touched a nerve and the mana within his body suddenly surged as he swung his giant hammer at the ground and roared.


When the hammer hit the ground, The ground itself shattered and suddenly spikes rose up from the floor like a sentient being and rushed at Crushing Fang.

Suddenly Crushing Fang didn't look so careless as he realized there was more to the attack and suddenly the familiar flame appeared around his weapon before it collided with the spikes.

The spikes shattered, but Crushing Fang couldn't relax just yet as suddenly a huge fist of earth fell on top of him and Judas dashed funnily with his big belly to swing his battle hammer.

Using his axe, Crushing Fang tried to slice through the fist, but surprisingly he couldn't completely slice through it even with his mana-infused axe. Even though he couldn't slice through it, the force was enough to fling it backward.

This gave him enough time to redirect his axe to meet Judas's battle hammer head-on, but surprisingly the battle hammer also had mana infused into it.

Due to the amount of mana infused into both weapons, the moment they collided another shockwave stronger than the last rumbled out, which disturbed the various fights happening throughout the other rooms.

The warriors and knights at B-Tier could only grit their teeth as they tried not to be blown away from the pressure, meanwhile, Leon and Aurora already stood as far away as possible as there really wasn't anything they could do.

Crushing Fang clenched his hand and realized that his fingertips were slightly numb from the impact and frowned. Not wanting the fight to carry on any further, Crushing Fang suddenly started to circulate his bloodline.

His arm started to transform exactly how it did back at the jail and then he swung again. Judas looked surprised and cautious at the transformation, so he also used his trump card while screaming.

"Heavy Earthen Armor!"

Suddenly a thick set of armor made from the ground covered the overweight man, Judas then channeled as much mana as he could into his hammer and met Crushing Fang head-on, but his expression suddenly changed.

Crushing Fang's attack completely blasted away the hammer and met the earth armor with a loud thud.

By the time Crushing Fang retracted his axe, a chunk of Judas's armor fell apart with a loud plop on the floor.

Judas felt like his shoulder had been dislocated from his hammer being blasted away while he looked on in horror at his armor breaking. If the strike was able to chip away at the hammer and Judas had no attack that could match Crushing Fang.

He would slowly be chipped to death as he had no strong attacking skills.

Crushing Fang did exactly that and continued to launch an attack at the strong, but falling apart armor as Judas tried to turtle and put his arms over his face.

Piece by piece, the armor continued to break down until finally the armor near his chest and arms finally gave out and his clothes could once again be seen.

Seeing the armor fall apart, Crushing Fang swung down his axe while he sounded like a grim reaper as he asked a question.

"Any last words?"

But before Judas could say anything, a voice sounded from behind the throne.

"That's what I should be asking."

A figure broke the throne in half and suddenly blocked the axe with a skinny rapier. Judas looked at his savior and exclaimed.

"General Xenophon!"