chapter 2

Watson reappears in a mist of shadows, along with the man in the cloak.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?" asked Watson.

"Watson, you should know I'm not after you", said The cloaked man.

"Kenzo!? Why?" gasped Watson.

"Now why would I tell you that?" wondered the cloaked man. "But, i'll give you a hint, it's not good".

Then, the cloaked man disappears, which sends Watson to Kenzo, who's still at the sweets shop, this time drinking a fruit smoothie.

"Guess who", said Watson, with a smile.

"Well, look who returned", said Kenzo.

"Says the person who's blindfolded", replied Watson.

"Hey, this was your idea", said Kenzo.

"That reminds me, I know a very special thing to show you", said Watson.

Watson leads Kenzo back to the house.

"Can I take the blindfold off?" asked Kenzo.

Watson takes Kenzo's blindfolds off, puts on his glasses, and sees a row of white lilies, two statues of angels, a bunch of stone children laughing and playing, last there is a fountain.

"It's beautiful", said Kenzo, with his eyes glittering.

"I knew you'd love it", said Nora.

Nora is now wearing a white dress with pink flowers around her, and pink heels.

"Wow! You look amazing", said Kenzo.

"Thank you, but don't be hesitant, you can call me mom even though you'll aren't officially married yet", said Nora.

"Mom, don't make him feel awkward", said Watson.

"I would never, besides it was Zoey's idea", said Nora.

"Why do you always blame her?" asked Watson.

"Most of the time, it's her fault", said Nora.

"I heard that", said Zoey.

Zoey has a long white dress with yellow flowers around her.

"So, what do you think of the decorations?" asked Zoey.

"I love it", said Kenzo.

"Great, Addison it's time", said Zoey.

That's when a flock of birds appeared and started flying around Kenzo.

'These doves give off one wish to the person, who they get attracted to', thought Watson. 'Too bad, Kenzo doesn't know magic exists'.

But, at that moment, a dark cloud appeared along with a police car.

Once the policeman gets out of his car, he points to Kenzo,and says "Are you Kenzo Field?"

"Yes", said Kenzo.

The policeman handcuffs Kenzo.

"Hey, what gives", complained Kenzo.

"Kenzo Field, you are being arrested for the actions of the serial killer Den Teal that has committed ten murders with a pistol in New York", said the policeman.

"What? That's ridiculous, I have never committed a crime in my life", said Kenzo.

"We have recent evidence that shows you were in New York around when these murders were being committed", replied The policeman.

"Sure, I did go to New York", said Kenzo. "But, that was unrelated to those murders".

"We will discuss this more at the station", said the policeman.

The policeman takes Kenzo in his police car.

"Don't worry, Kenzo, we'll help you out of this", said Watson.

"You better not let me down", Kenzo tells Watson.

"We won't", said Nora and Zoey.

'I will, stop that evil sorcerer', thought Watson, looking anger in his eyes.

"Can I help you?" Addison asks Watson in a whisper.

"Sure, does that fountain lead to the lake?" answered Watson in a whisper.

Addison nodded her head.

"Watson and I will head to the station, while you two get everybody else", said Addison.

Zoey pinch Addison's cheek, and says "Good idea, Watson keep an eye on her".

"I will", said Watson.

Zoey and Nora leave and get the rest of the family.

Once Zoey and Nora left, Watson and Addison stand above the fountain.

Watson gets a pearl necklace out of his pocket, then split the string and the pearl lands in the fountain.

As the pearls land in the fountain, the water starts bubbling, then opens a wormhole.

Watson takes Addison's hand, and they both dive in the water.

The wormhole takes those two away.

Meanwhile, Kenzo is at the station behind bars.

"I told you that you will regret putting me behind bars", Kenzo proclaimed.

"I doubt it, Kenzo", said the policeman, revealing his purple glowing eyes.

Kenzo backed to the wall, and says, "Who are you?"

The policeman smiles, walks through the bars, puts one finger out, and says "You'll find out".

The policeman touched Kenzo's forehead and knocked him unconscious.

"Now, to reveal what this place is truly is", said The policeman.

The policeman changes into a man with long black hair, wearing a black cloak, then spreads a large amount of dark energy that makes the small station turn into a tower.

This tower can only be seen by believers of magic or people that use magic.

The policeman's name is Ala the sorcerer.

Watson and Addison ended up by the lake and there they see the tower.

"Uh oh!" groaned Watson and Addison.