chapter 3

The tower has a form of darkness around it.

"That's not good", said Watson, shocked.

"What's the big deal, there are no guards, monsters or anything else", Addison pointed out.

"True, but there is still a powerful sorcerer inside and he is what stands in-between us and Kenzo", said Watson.

"That's correct", said Ala, sending a beam of darkness towards Watson and Addison.

In the tower, Kenzo wakes up, realizing he is in chains.

"What? This must be a dream, it has to be", Kenzo assumed. "But, I know that I was arrested not that long ago".

"He wasn't an ordinary policeman", said a voice.

"Who are you?" asked Kenzo.

"A friend, listen to escape you must find the key that lies within you", said the voice.

"The key that lies within me", said Kenzo. "What does that mean?"

"Take my hand", said the voice.

Kenzo reaches his hand to the wall, where he feels a hand, that takes through the wall.

Once he went through the wall, Kenzo felt Watson and Addison being attacked by Ala.

"Wait, did you feel that Watson is in danger?" asked Kenzo, looking at his hands.

As Kenzo looked at his hand, he notices that the hand he grabbed has magical shackles on, this made him look up, and then there he saw a man who has long blonde hair, wearing a white hat, white outfit and boots, holding a staff in his other hand.

"You're a magician, but how magic doesn't exist, this is crazy", said Kenzo, surprised.

"Then, how can you see me, my new friend?" asked the magician.

"That is true, wait we don't have time for that, my future husband is in trouble; please help me", said Kenzo.

"Of course, after all you saved me", The magician smiled.

"Me? Saved you? But, how", Kenzo wondered.

"By taking my hand, you freed me from my imprisonment", answered the magician.

Before Kenzo could say anything else, the magician takes him out the tower where he sees Watson and Addison who are fighting a dark force with elves by their side.

"Elves won't be able to save you forever", said Ala.

"I know that", said Watson.

"We have to help him", said Kenzo.

"Of course, but first you must tell me that you realize your future husband is a teacher to elves", said The magician.

"He's a what?" asked Kenzo.

"He is the great mentor to the elves, some kind, some fierce, but what they all have in common is their souls are connected to humans, which means they are pure", The magician tells Kenzo.

'He knew about magic too and he didn't tell me, then again he kept pestering me about how I believed in certain superstitions that other people wouldn't at my age, so does that mean', thought Kenzo.

"It doesn't matter who he is, or who he teaches I still will help him because I love him and I know he loves me", said Kenzo.

The magician smiles, as Kenzo's arm glows, and bracelets appear on both arms of his.

"My magic senses your love, so just think of how you want to attack the dark sorcerer and these bracelets will give you the power to summon it, that power will come to me and I'll use it against him", said The magician.

"Awesome, let's do this", said Kenzo.

Watson and Addison are using a force field to protect themselves, while the elves are sending magical waves against the dark sorcerer.

But, Ala sends the waves back to the elves, which makes the elves become weak.

"No!" cried Watson, shielding the elves.

"Don't worry about us, teacher, we will be fine", insisted an female elf warrior, barely being able to stand.

"Look at yourself you can barely stand!" complained Watson, shielding the elves.

"She might  be like that, but we can still help", said an male elf, with 

Twelve warriors behind him. "Let's go".

The male elf and the twelve warrior tried to attack, but a shadow hand slowly drains them of their energy.

This shadow hand infects the other elves even the non-warriors.

"Oh no! Ala, this must stop", said Addison.

"Why young witch, you should know that interfering with my plans, will make you my next target", Ala claimed.

Ala sends a wave of cosmic dark energy towards Addison, Addison makes a magical bow and arrow appears, and shoots the arrow at Ala.

The arrow wounds Ala along with a thousand more, but instead of disappearing Ala grows stronger.

"No way! Your power shouldn't be increasing", gasped Addison.

"Seems the witch needs to go through more training", said Ala.

Ala tries to send a wave of dark knights along with a thousand crows towards Addison.

Watson tries to help, but his powers don't help.

Just when they thought things would end badly, a giant blast hits Ala's attack, making him land in the lake.

"Who dared delayed my attack?!" complained Ala.

The magician appears above Ala, who is in the lake, then Kenzo comes on with angel wings and lands by the lake, and says "I dare".

"Kenzo!" gasped Watson and Addison.

"But, how?" asked Ala.

"I had some help", said Kenzo, pointing to the magician.

"He freed me", said The magician..

"And he will help me protect Watson", said Kenzo. 

The magician sends a wave of light energy towards Ala and traps him in a cube.

"Impossible, how did you overpower me?" asked Ala.

"It's because your power is full of heart, and yours is full of hate", said Kenzo.

The magician makes the cube disappear along with the sorcerer.

"Whoa!" gasped Watson and Addison.

Kenzo watched in amazement as the cube and the tower disappeared, then says, "so, magic is real".

"Yup", said Watson.

"I'm glad, you're safe", said Kenzo.

"That's my line", Watson winked.

Watson and Kenzo kiss and Kenzo puts his arms around Watson.

"Yo! Lovebirds, we have company", Addison points to Nora's car.

"Watson! Addison! Kenzo!" called everybody.

Zoey, Nora, Mila along with the dogs run to Kenzo, Addison, and Watson.

They are all end up smiling and laughing.