


One cigarette pack later and I still wasn't getting that calm effect I was looking for , nicotine just never cuts it for me , instead it always leaves me craving for something much more stronger.

I pulled out another stick,sliding it between my lips , held a lighter at the end and flicked the lighter to a blaze. With my hand cupping the end of the cigarette to keep out the wind from blowing my little flame off.

I lit up my cigarette ,watching as it turned into a gentle orange glow then I put the lighter away.

With my eyes shut,I sucked in the smoke from the cigarette feeling it snake its way down my throat and tighten around my lungs. I pulled the stick from between my lips and flicked the ashes on the concrete pavement I was seated on then pushed it back in my mouth to take another long drag.

A while later ,my eyes landed on Bexley walking out of the building,in neat measured steps, ten inch high heels clonking on the palazzo steps as she approached me and my lucky guess was ,she was sent by her boss to get me since she never comes to the little backyard park unless she was on lunch break.

It's where most employees like eating, there's a fountain ,log benches and tables and a variety of plants,who wouldn't want to eat or smoke out here?

She stopped in front of me and offered me a crooked smile like she had some personal vendetta against me . Maybe it was for that time I called her out for indecent exposure during an annual appraisal.

I have no problem with how employees dress especially the ladies but seriously there's limits especially if you are a PA, you can't just come to work in a really tiny crop top that exposed your under boobs and an extremely short skirt way above the knees.

"Boss needs you in the office," She said gingerly,her arms akimbo, chest out as if she was showing off her new silicone boob job.

"Good morning to you Bexley," I smiled, "Tell your boss I will be there after finishing this," I flicked my cigarette at her,she just clicked and pranced away , trying to get as far away from me as possible.

I could always end her career with just a snap of the fingers and make sure no one in LA hired her,but for some reason, I wanted her around. She was my muse .

After I was done with my last cigarette,I got up,patting my jeans and raking my hands through my already messes up hair to make it look a bit presentable.

I made my way into the building and got into the private elevator that was strictly reserved for Dean, Yours Truly and I since we literally owned the whole place.

Five minutes later, I found myself standing at an empty hallway staring at a large mahogany door debating on whether i should just walk in like I used to or have some manners and knock like an avarage human being who went through middle school and learned a few things about courtesy.

Walk in...


Dude..just fucking walk in,what's the worse that could happen?

One deep breath later,I grabbed the eagle winged silver door handle and gently opened the door hoping things won't go south because I forgot to knock or maybe interrupted a meeting.

Two sets of eyes immediately turned to me,one was hidden behind a pair of blue vintage sunglasses ,they belonged to an eighteen year old (I think) red head seated on a chair in front of a glass office table,legs crossed over each other and fingers idly playing with the pendulum on the desk. I'm guessing she was the new artist Dean was talking about.

The other set of eyes were a striking blue like that of old ice in the glacier caves, a direct eye contact was as if they were looking through your soul and yet so hypnotizing,you can't look away.

The eyes, the striking blue ones belonged to the devil that I signed a deal with,he was the man seated behind the desk on a large white coffee leather chair with an exaggerated backrest making it look like a throne and him the king.

Despite the fact that he didn't have a crown on his head to show his royalty,everything about him claimed he was royalty ,let's start with the basics,he is a successful ruler of this kingdom that we built *Music industry* he is great at making negotiations and finding opportunities when there seems to be none,he has a bunch of people kissing his ass and the ground he walks on.

( I am definitely not one of those people its just that I like making him happy and if he asks me to jump off a cliff. I would. No questions asked) and finally is his looks...

Every time I see a Mr. Universe or some proclaimed hottest man on the planet,I always want to cry or ask rather loudly to myself, "What makes them think,he is the hottest man?" Because to me,the man seated behind the desk was the Mr. Universe.

He had shiny quiffed  platinum blonde hair that seemed to glow under the golden rays of the sun filtering into the office through the large gliding window behind him.

his skin was a warm beige with no blemishes except for a middle sized dark brown mole stuck between the bridge of his nose and right eye. I liked the mole,was a turn on for me,isn't that weird?

"Leith, once again, it was nice meeting you and I am sure we will have fun working together," He said to the girl ,eyes fixated on her.

"Yeah sure," Leith smiled and got up ,stretching a hand out to me,"Hi Cerian,I'm a huge fan and I am so glad,to be signed with Dynasty and.."

"Okay, I get it,welcome to the company," I interrupted and platinum blonde chuckled in amusement .

"Leith, see you on Thursday,I'll be introducing you to your new management," He said.

"Okay bye," She waved and walked out of the room and boy was I glad when she finally left.

"Someone's jelly," Yours Truly said while swinging left and right on his swivel throne.

"I'm not," I lied.

"So you say," He chuckled softly making me roll my eyes and collapse on the seat that was once occupied by Leith.

"You weren't home this morning," I picked a handful of jelly beans from the jar in front of me.

"You came home drunk,I knew you'd wake up hangover and cranky and I couldn't deal with that,"

He's such a caring life partner,isn't he?

I settled on sorting the jelly beans,separating the other colors from the green ones so I could only have green jelly beans.

"Are you ready?"

"For what?" I asked while shoving some jelly beans in my mouth.

Yours Truly let out an agitated sigh rubbing his temples like he was having a migraine,

something he does when he's frustrated or angry or maybe both.

He always gets angry at the littlest things and sometimes its hard to deal with him,like that one time he got angry because my eye kept twitching. I couldn't help it,my eye twitches almost all the time. It's a medical condition. Another time he got angry at Dean because he double sneezed next to him even though he observed hygiene and sneezed into his elbow.

"Are you Alzheimer's?" He asked,pointing finger guns at his temple. "You forget the simplest things," He rose his voice.

I huffed,picking another handful of jelly beans," Can't you just remind me instead of raising your voice,I hate people shouting and you know it,"

"Okay fine," He rubbed his forehead," Club Dynasty is opening tomorrow and we have to go there right now to make sure everything's perfect for tomorrow, I still don't understand how you could forget that,"

"I've been busy and I'm sorry I forgot,so when are we leaving?"

"As soon as you stop stuffing your face with jellybeans," Told you,little things get to him. I ate my last handful of jellybeans.

"Bexley,tell Sam to get the car ready in three," He spoke into the telephone and Bexley responded almost instantly, "Sir,everything's ready ."

"Let's go."

Like a faithful dog,I followed him out of the office to the lobby where three SUV's were waiting,two of which were for security and one was ours and Gerald,head of security.


The rest of the day was spent by us looking around at the new fully furnished club ; some furniture were still coming in especially the office ones of which included a number of million dollar paintings like the ones at home. All of them from the same artist named Kiran Sherwood who according to the internet is today's Pablo Picasso thanks to him using the cubism movement.

"What does this painting tell you?" Yours Truly asked me,his eyes fixated on the artwork that had recently been put up in what would be his office.

With little to no interest as I am not an art enthusiast, I gazed at the painting,on it was a  forest caught up in a blaze,except for one tree that was unscathed by the fire and on the use tree were birds,monkeys and even snakes.

"Tress are burning except that one," I answered.

He chuckled softly and pulled me close to him by my waist then planted a kiss on my head. God Jesus Christ! That leave a burning sensation because I haven't feel his lips on me in weeks,let alone a kiss as chaste as this. " See those animals," He pointed," They depend on that tree,the tree itself is a red oak ,they are resistant to fire,"


"You aren't getting it,are you," His blue eyes were filled with amusement. "It says that even in the toughest situations there's always going to be something or someone to lean on,someone to help you. Those animals depend on that tree to protect them from the blaze,"

"What do you depend on?"

"Things that make me happy,"

"Do I make you happy?" I asked,looking deep into his eyes, trying to find his soul or some sort of weakness.

"Cerian," He wrapped his hand at the back of my neck,tilting my head upwards to face him and in that moment,I felt my knees buckle, mouth instantly going dry and my heart hammering inside my chest. I bet on the gods it would beat right out of my rib cage.

This moment was the most intimate moment I have been with him in weeks and I just wanted to scream at him to kiss me already .

His lips were inches away from me,a little shift forward and our lips touch and that was all I needed to confirm that I was still breathing and that we were in this sinking ship together.

Just a few more inches..

I closed my eyes to receive him.

"Boss, the news lady is already here," Someone said and just like that,I felt slapped in the face when he pulled away.

"Really..." I wanted to cry.

"This is important," He said before walking out of the office while straightening his hair.

"Fucking stupid painting,"