


Another night like most normal busy nights in my line of career . I found myself standing on the red carpet in front of a million blinding flashes of cameras.

I should be used to this kind of life after seven years but each day is always a new scary experience especially if Yours Truly is standing next to me on the red carpet.

It was the night of the opening of club Dynasty and thanks to our connection with some of Hollywood Elite and other famous celebrities from around the globe,the whole event was a magnetic pull for all media companies and other club enthusiast.

Thirty minutes after I ceremoniously cut the purple ribbon to officially open the club,I found myself at the VIP section,at a table with Yours Truly,Dean and his significant other and some of our other friends, (There were also strippers dancing in  peacock costumes).

Music bled through the wall fitted speakers as more drinks and "friends," joined at the VIP, it was hard familiarizing with the different faces thanks to the flickering blue, purple and amber laser lights.

Moments later,a tall girl in a glow in the dark neon jump suit walked into the VIP,  screaming excitedly while taking selfies. Despite my little problem with my vision,I could easily tell who the new comer was and I didn't like them one bit.

"Denver !Sweet Sweet Denver!" One of them called in a posh British accent as she approached the man seated next to me,arms spread wide like a pelican's wings ready for flight. "Congratulations on the new club,it's just so amazing,"

"Thanks," Yours Truly said, standing up to welcome her boa constricting hug, " Thanks for coming,"

"Gina couldn't come," She was referring to her twin.

"Yeah,she told me but I'm glad at least one of you came, you remember my  partner,Cerian," He introduced me, "And my best friend Dean along with the others,"

"Yeah," She stretched her freshly manicured hand out to me which I half heartedly shook, "I hope you haven't forgotten me,"

"Kelly," I forced a smile,  who on earth forgets the face of his the 'mistress,' especially after walking in on  them in bed, butt naked and so into it to notice someone standing at the door, "Can't forget you,thanks for coming," If I had a gun I would blow her head off. That was two months ago and I never spoke of it to anyone not even Dean or to Father Churchill at the confession booth.

"Would you mind if I take your spot, I've just really missed Denver," She asked politely, if I didn't hate or know her I would think she was nice,I mean she looks nice and is pretty. She has beautiful long red hair,a set of big blue - green eyes ,straight pointy nose,the perfect cheek bones,perfectly arranged set of blinding white teeth and body fit for her Victoria Secret modeling career. If you ask me,I think she's one of the main reason's insecure girls around the world become anorexic.

"Cerian ,don't be rude," He whispered into my ear. " Be a gentleman would you?" Swear to God,I wasn't going to give my spot for the British nightmare but then Denver (Yours Truly) had to ask me to get up,more like he was kicking me out.

"Okay," I got up," Seat's empty,I'll just go get a refill from the counter and maybe drink myself to death," I mumbled under my breath.

After a few strides, I was at the half empty counter,typing my choice of drink on the iPad propped up on the table.

Double shot tequila. My favourite kind of drink then waited for the robotic arm behind the counter to serve me. The robotic arm bartender was my idea after last year's trip to Vegas at the annual TechCon and we only got it up at the VIP  whereas normal human bartenders would be working at the regular.

"You okay buddy?" Dean asked ,just in time as my tequila was delivered to me on a conveyor belt. Thanks technology. "Yeah, why you asking?" I drowned the drink tapping on the marble counter as I felt the familiar burn."Why are you even here,I left you at the round table,"

"You're drinking tequila," He pointed at my almost empty glass, "That's your I'm not fine drink," Wow! He could read me.

"What's my I'm totally fine drink?"

"Fresh juice or maybe a soda,beer on a slightly bad mood," He answered, "Is it because of those two," He motioned his head over to Denver and Kelly, the two laughing at some inside joke and Kelly was leaning on Denver's shoulder. It wasn't sitting right with me especially because his hand was on her lap.

"They're just friends," I spoke drowning another shot to burn my lies down my throat.

"Well they look to close to be just friends,are you sure you are okay with that? I can kill her for you or nicely make her understand he's taken,"

"Dean, 'm fine," I typed in my second oder, "I'll live through it,trust me, Oh ! Look, your husbands coming this way,"

Corny approached us with a slight stagger ," Babe," He hooked his long arm around Dean's neck, "I missed you back there," He slurred.

"On the scale of  one to ten,how drunk are you?" Dean asked jokingly but even a deaf,dumb and blind man could tel he was worried.

"I have nine fingers," Corny answerd lofting his hand up to Dean,a stargazed look splashed on his face to a point that he seemed completely defeated, "I don't understand why I have nine fingers,"

"I thought the Irish could hold down their liquor,"

"He's half Irish and I have to take him home before he starts sobbing over his cat that died three years ago," Corny is always a sad drunk, anytime he gets drunk he just starts sobbing over little things ,sometimes its fun to watch. "You can come with," Dean offered but I shook my head.  "I'll be fine,drive safe,"

I decided that I was just going to seat at the counter and get wasted but when I glanced behind me only to see Kelly shoving her tongue down Denver's throat and said "Fuck it!" Maybe it was my time to go have fun you know, let loose because as much as it was Denver's night tonight was also my night and I deserved to be happy. Like everyone else.

I drunkenly walked out of the VIP ,went down the spiral stairs leading to the heart of the club where there was a dancefloor already filled with a sea of humanity having the time of their lives cheering at the guest Deejay,playing eight feet above everyone in a little open glass cube at the far front.

Without a care in the world,I dived into the sea of humanity,letting myself drench in everyone's sweat, not minding when bodies pushed against mine mainly because Young blood was playing and I'm a sucker for 5sos.

I let the music take control of my body,lifting my hands over my head and swinging my hips here and there. I wasn't the best dancer out there,hell I am not even a dancer it was just the alcohol in my system.

Speaking of alcohol,I needed more.

Without giving it much thought, I danced my way out of the crowd and collapsed on a bar stool,my eyes scanning the shelf for my favorite brand of tequila and surprisingly make small talk with the bartender.

"You're drink sir," The bartender pushed my glass over to me.


Suddenly a body flopped on the stool next to me, "Can I please have a shot of double black on the rocks,"  said my neighbor in a bored tone, his voice seemed familiar, like I heard it somewhere not so long ago.

I curiously turned to the guy to get a better view of him ( well just a side view),he had a creamy cocoa skin,sharp jawline,broad shoulders,slightly long neck and a mass of black curly hair ,some falling over his face despite the floral bandana tied around his head to keep them off. What caught my eye more were the tattoos on his arm,there were roses,chains what looked like a pill but one stood out,a tree with no leaves but dried out branches on one side but on the other side it had leaves.

"You know it's rude to stare,"He said while swirling his drink and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I wasn't staring," I defended,bringing the rim of my glass to my face and sipped the drink.

"I could literally feel your eyes boring holes through my skull," His tone was flat.

"Why would I stare at you?"

"Because I'm hot," He answered cockily and I internally agreed. "Don't you think?" He turned to me with a smile that made my heart skip for a beat as my palms instantly became sweaty.

"Well..um..yeah,not really..I've seen better," My eye twitched as I tripped over my words as he got more amused by the second,thinks were getting awkward on my side so I took another swig of my corrosive drink.

"What's your name?"

"I'm famous," I mentally slapped my head but if he wanted to play cocky well two can play that game.

"Well,nice meeting you famous, I'm not famous," He said, "So why are you here?"

I own this club dumbass. I titled my glass at him, "Trying to have fun,"

"By drinking alone,what's the fun in that?"

Good question, "You ,why are you here?"

"Honestly,a friend of mime dragged me here and right now,I just want to get drunk and maybe have a dance with a certain green eyed boy called famous."

"Aren't you charming, " I chuckled.

"So you ,me ,dancefloor?"


The rest of the night flew fast,I font remember much happening  or how we both ended up  in the men's room with me on my knees for him.