


They say a good day starts in the morning and that especially happens when the morning sun is up,the weather is fine,clouds are making beautiful bunny shapes in the sky and if someone had a good mood.

In my case,morning was a curse and there were so many reasons to point out,one it was cloudy outside like a rain was coming,two I was suffering from a hangover and three I was in the toilet ,knelt down on the sapphire tiles back arched forward, head in the toilet seat as I tried forcing stuff out of my stomach.

I felt a gentle pat on my back and I immediately knew it was Dean,the pat turned into soothing rubs as he sat on the floor next to me,his other hand gently pulling my hair away from my face so I don't throw up on it.

"What happened this time?" He asked, "You guys got into a fight?"

"You could say that," I rose my head from the seat to look at him, " It's my fault though..."

"Why do you think that?"

I opened my mouth to say something but what came next was bitter greenish -yellowish fluid followed by me coughing and hacking trying to empty everything out.

"God I feel like I'm dying," I groaned,moving away from the toilet and flushed it.

"You'll be fine buddy," He said

"You just need more rest," He placed his hands under my armpits and lifted me up to my feet and escorted me back to bed.

"Daddy,is uncle Cerian sick?" Crystal asked as she made her way into the room ,followed by Corny,carrying her pink back pack. "Uncle Cerian,are you sick?"

"No," Dean answered, stroking her hair, "He is just tired,he'll be fine,right Cerian?"

I looked at the curious girl and forced a smile, "Yeah,I will be fine,are you going to school?"

"Yes,then I will be a doctor or maybe I will be a zoo person. I love animals,"

"That's nice,"

"Honey,we are getting late,say bye to daddy and uncle," Corny called.

"Bye," She ran back to Corny and the two were gone.

Dean,handed me some painkillers and a glass of water from the bedside table. "Get some sleep buddy,"

"I'm never drinking again," I mumbled hypnotically and Dean just chuckled while stroking my sweaty hair, "I'm counting the number of times you keep saying that."


I can't tell how long,I was asleep but when I woke up,it was around noon and I felt much better than earlier. I slid out of bed and shuffled my feet downstairs to get something to drink as well as cure my thirst.

When I entered the kitchen,my feet came to an automatic halt,a lot faster than my brain processed. At the kitchen counter was Dean (nothing out of the ordinary) and athwart to him was my platinum blonde partner , fingers clasped together, eyebrows knotted in concentration and lips pursed as if in anger.

Wonder who made him angry this time...or what..

"I clearly told him,he had a radio interview today and he didn't turn up," His statement just clarified that I'm the one who made him angry...I missed a freaking interview.

"I told you earlier today that, he wasn't feeling okay," Dean defended,"Can't you for once in your life put him first,he's also a human being not some robot designed to work for you,"

Good one Dean.

"He's not working for me, I'm his manager and my job is to get deals for him...actually I'm the one working for him,"

Dean adjusted his glasses, "You know what Denver,try fitting in his shoe and maybe you'll see things from his point of view,besides,life isn't all about working and making money. If you work too much,you fail to notice a lot of things -oh hey buddy,didn't see you there." Dean turned to me as Denver's eyes met mine making me feel smaller by the second.

"Where's your phone?" He asked

"Dude! Give him a break, " Dean fired.

I got myself a glass of water then sat next to Dean,for some reason,I needed him as a shield from Denver's icy stare. " How you feeling," Dean asked,placing the back of his hand on my head.

"Not bad think I'll live," I joked.

"Good,so Umm..He wants to talk to you," He ,as in irritable Denver wants to talk to me,he could chew my head off. I deeply exhaled and nodded ,still avoiding Denver's stare.

" Alright,"Dean clapped and got up, "I'll be in the backyard if you need me," He said to me,after giving me a gentle squeeze on my shoulder,he left.

"Where's your phone,I've been trying to reach you.."

"I lost it." I stated, "I'm sorry I forgot about the interview  "My eye twitched.

His icy glare melted to a warm stare,he released his fingers and reached out for my hand. I wanted to pull away but instead,I let him wrap his large hand around mine,his thumb gently rubbing the back of my hand. I missed such contact,for the past few months the contacts were as rare as rain on the Sahara.

"Don't worry about it,I replaced you with someone else..Dean said you were sick.."

"Just a hangover,I'm fine now,"

What the Fuck was happening,since when was he concerned with my health and why is he suddenly a sweetheart playing concerned boyfriend. Was this another of his schemes?

"Oh-okay.." He raked his fingers through his hair, "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday ,I really am,"

"Its okay," The lie tasted sour in my mouth. "I forgive you,"

"So does that mean we're good?" He asked eagerly.

"Thanks...I love you so fucking much,"

For better for worse.

The marriage vows remained etched in my mind,that's why no matter how many times Denver kicks me to the ground,I always end up forgiving him. I'll just  lick my wounds like a dog and take him back.

Most times Dean would ask me why and I would idiotically say, "I love him," and the other reason being,if I separate from him then I will just prove my parents right,especially my father. The day I officially came out to him,he spat on my worn out boots and said, "You think that faggot loves you? He's like a black widow,lures you into his web then devour you once he's done messing around,"

Sometimes, I think he's right and I hate it when he's always right.

"Guys I'm a bit tired of waiting out-" Dean cut my chain of thoughts as he walked into the house," Please tell me you've made up,"

"Yeah," Denver smiled,I hated his stupid smile because it turned the wheels in my head. Dean's eyes beamed with excitement, "Great! I miss moments like this,"

"Moments like what?" I asked.

"Tensionless," He explained, "So should I oder take outs ?I'm not skilled in the kitchen department,"

"No,don't oder,I'm taking C home,I got a surprise for him plus we got some catching up to do," Icy blue eyes met mine,accompanied by a foreign soft smile that made my heart melt," Shall we?"

"Uh-yeah.." I stuttered. "I'll just go take a shower, could you wait,"


I excused myself and went back upstairs for a shower,making sure to pinch myself while at it just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Minutes later,I came back downstairs and Denver came over to me and held my hand," I'll see you tomorrow at the studio?" Dean asked.
