


My father glared at me,his nose trills flared ,neck and face red in anger and mouth twisted in disgust. I tried making myself appear smaller by curling into a ball and pressing myself further against the wall wishing I could just disappear and not endure any more suffering from my father's assault.

"What is the natural law!" He bellowed ,coiling his whip around his hand. "Do you want me to ask again boy? What is the natural law in this house?"

"No man should lay with another like he lays with a woman," As soon as the words left my mouth they were followed by an agonizing scream as my father landed the whip on me tearing my flesh.

"Why did you break the rule?" The whip made contact with my skin emitting another loud cry from me ,I had hardly recovered from the previous whip when another came and another....and another like rain making me wiggle like a worm trying to get away from the predicament but he just pulled me back again.

"Dad...please stop! It won't happen again...I swear I won't kiss him..please dad!" I begged amid tears,eyes frantically searching for any bit of humanity left in my father but in vain.

He finally tossed the whip away and yanked me up by my hair, "If I see you with that faggot again,I will burn you both to a stake do you understand?" I nodded, "Words."

"Yes sir,"

"Good,you're staying in the solitary confinement till tomorrow,"

I didn't try begging my way out of solitary since it would just anger him more which meant more hell for me, I just let him roughly pull me by my frail arm from the living room and shove me into the dark basement.

"You are lucky I am being lenient today," He said then shut the door leaving me in the dark room with nothing but the demons in my mind.

I shut my eyes...


I opened my eyes and looked around ,a pure sense of relief washing over me in realization that I wasn't in solitary confinement nor was my dad whipping the gay out of me instead I was on the floor of my room where I had fallen asleep.

Looking out of the window,the sky was pitch black with a few bright stars and moon shaped like a toe nail. I got up from where I lay and dragged my feet to the bathroom then turned on the shower not bothering to take off my clothes. My body was sore from sleeping on the floor and from the hangover.

After stepping out of the shower,I peeled my clothes off and put on a pair of grey sweats and black shirt. I picked my car keys on the dressing table and walked out of the room. I didn't have a particular destination in mind  ,all I had was a strong craving for tequila.

Denver was seated in the living room,feet propped up on the coffee table  working on his laptop, a cigarette slowly burned out on the ashtray as little whips of tobacco scented smoke swirled into the air. He looked exhausted and in dire need of a good eight hour sleep . If I would have been in a good mood and we were as tight as before, I would have crept up behind him ,surprising him with kisses while trying to coax him to take a shower and get some rest before he dies of fatigue from doing so much work.

On the upside,the blonde witch was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh! You're finally awake," He turned to me, "Where are you going?"

"Why do you care?" I snapped, heading straight to the door. Denver sighed , "Don't tell me you're still angry, she's gone okay,"

"Let's just say,I need some fresh air and yeah I am still angry,"

"Whatever," He picked the cigarette and flicked it, "Just don't stay out late,you have a radio interview tomorrow,"

I pushed the door open and walked out straight to the black Rolls Royce parked on the drive. Seconds later, I was on the Hollywood Boulevard heading back to club Dynasty.

The greatest thing about owning a club is,you get free drinks which to me is like a blessing from heaven,come on, who doesn't like free drinks?


"Sometimes I feel like a failure, " I mumbled after another chug of tequila, " Yeah I know I am living the life but deep down I'm a failure,"

Honestly,I don't know how many shots I had or how long I had been seated at the counter as Bree served me more drinks as well as other people but like I said earlier,the bartender was nice to talk to.

"I don't even know what it's like to be happy anymore and i miss being happy, can I have another shot?" I pushed the glass towards her .


"Told you to call me Cerian,we are friends right?" She nodded.

"Cerian,I'm sorry,i can't serve you more drinks," I frowned, "We are friends and friends look out for each other,"

"But I want another.."

"What you need is a ride home and a good rest, I will get someone to drive you home,"

"I can drive myself home," She sent me an icy glare that immediately made me change my mind, "Okay fine,"

She pulled out her phone and rapidly texted someone then went to the other side of the counter to serve another customer.

A while later a tall blonde man in a black and white white stripped shirt walked in ," Hey Babe," He called ,waving over to Bree who widely smiled at her, a galaxy of stars shimmering in her eyes.

"Richie," She said excitedly and with so much love.

I joined the dots and concluded that they were a couple.

"Is your shift over?" He asked ,taking a seat next to me.

"No,I texted you to come get my friend and drop him off ,he's really wasted and I can't let him drive like that,"

"So where's this friend.." He looked around and I lazily waved at him. "I'm the friend,"

"This is him?" He confirmed with his girlfriend and it sort of pissed me off that he didn't believe in me. "You look familiar,I bet I've seen you somewhere,"

"I'm famous,"

"Really babe,him out of everyone, aren't there any other drunks you'd like me to drive home? Anyone but him, I don't like him,"

"I don't like you too blondie," He gasped in offence turning to his girlfriend to justify his claim but Bree just rolled her eyes.

"He's drunk,"She defended then turned to me, "Please be nice and Richie,if you take him  home,we can try that thing you always wanted." His eyes immediately lit up. "Okay, friend of my girl,let's go,"

"Piggy back," I requested lifting my hands up to him, "I can't walk.."

"I'm beginning to regret my decision ," He said but turned around anyway and let me crawl on his back.


Minutes later, Richie pulled up at the address I gave him ( Dean's place) because I didn't want to go back home since I was technically mad at Denver. I had enough drama for a day.

"So..I guess you can walk from here to the door?" Richie asked as I took off my safety belt.

"Yeah, thanks for driving me,"

"No problem, "

I opened the door and slid out of his banged up jeep then gently pushed it shut. He waved at me then quickly drove off. Alone again ,I sunk my hands in my pocket and walked to Dean's door. The lights were out , I could just take the spare keys from the fake rock on the flower bed but I choose to ring his door bell.

Two rings later,his bedroom light flicked on ,then the living room and finally the hallway leading to the door which was followed by soft steps and finally the door opened revealing a pissed off seven foot guy.

"Jesus Christ Michelle!" He whisper yelled, "Its three in the morning and you reek of alcohol.." He pinched his nose bridge in frustration and let out a huge sigh, "Get in it's freaking cold anyway,"

Corny was a lot of things,a friend, a brother, my partner in crime, a dad and above all ,he managed to pick up the role of a mother, even when he scolds you for doing something wrong,he does it with so much love just like a mum sure he was a year younger than Dean and I but whenever any of us screwed up,he'd go all mum on us ,that's why

Without uttering a word,I walked into the mansion, "Where were you anyway,Dean's been worried sick because he couldn't reach your phone,seat in the living room I'll brew some tea for you,"

"I lost my phone," More like swapped it with someone. I flopped on my favourite chair and just as I was getting comfortable on the leather recliner, Dean ,in his spiderman pyjamas and messy bed hair came downstairs squinting at me.

"C,is that you?" He asked in confusion. "What are you doing here not that I don't want you here,it just that it's quite late and.."He came over and hugged me,more like sniffed my clothes like a hound dog, "Did you swim in alcohol ,Jesus C!"

"Here drink this," Corny handed me a mug of hot tea then kissed Dean's temple, "Tea?" He asked his spouse.

"I'm good,thanks, I'll go get your room ready okay," He said to me then walked away,disappearing between the corridors.

I've spent most nights in Dean and Corny's place than I have in mine,that's why one of the rooms is now "mine," I even have most of my clothes here.

After my tea,Corny escorted me to my room and the two helped me crawl on the queen sized bed.

"You do have a drinking problem,you know that?"Corny asked.

"No I don't,"

"That's what someone with a drinking problem would say,"Dean said, "Goodnight buddy,should I leave the lights on,"


I was out like lights