


"Did you go to the spa this morning?"

"No ,why?"

"You're glowing,"

"Did you win a million dollars?"

I rolled my eyes, "No why?"

"Are you drunk?"

"Christ no! Why?"

"Then are you high?"

I scowled at my best friend, " I'm not high or drunk nor did I win a million dollars,geez why you asking? You've been asking weird questions since I walked in here,"

"Well you seem happy and I'm just curious ,what's that?" He stood up from his revolving chair and walked up to me then tilted my head to the side, "Mary Magdalene!" He gasped, "Is that a freaking hickey?"

My face turned to crimson and I pulled away from Dean,who was now looking at me like a proud mum who's son got accepted into Harvard university. "You guys fucked and you didn't tell me,you fucked right?"

"Am I supposed to tell you every time Denver and I fuck?"

"Well yeah," He shrugged, "You only tell me when you don't so it's fair if you tell me when you do,so how was it? I know he's pretty big down there compared to Corny but it's only by a few inches and Corny is so fucking good at it and..."

"Holy Saints! Don't get all graphic with me,I get it. " I wildly waved my hand trying to get rid of the image.

"Well tell me," He insisted, "And make it fast before the band gets here, we're doing instrumentals today remember?"

"Fine," I pulled a chair and sat down,Dean copying my actions and when he was as calm as he could be, I gave him the 411. " Yeah,we fucked and it was great though I'm still sore from it,"

"That explains the slight limp," I glared at him, "I'm sure no one noticed,"

"That's not even the good part," I said.

"There's more?"

"Drumrolls," He played air drums, "We are getting a kid,"

"Shut the fuck up!" Dean shouted excitedly,slightly jumping off his seat, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, he already has a room renovated for the kid,all that's left is adopting one,"

"Where we got Crystal," Dean suggested but I was quick to put it in the idea box.

"I'm not going to New York,I want it to be a secret,no one should know we're adopting especially the media,"

"That's going to be a challenge, I've got friends working with social services, I'll see if they can help adopt a small town kid though I warn you, its going to be a long process. "


"Hey that's a a new necklace?" He asked,I smiled and unhooked the wooden necklace from my neck,the surprised look on Dean's face growing by the second, "Thought you lost it back in Germany," He examined the necklace now in his hands.

"I did, Denver got it back,"


"He hired an investigator to track it down,turns out a fan picked it..well according Denver,I don't really care just glad I have this back. It's like a good luck charm,"

"I'm happy for you man," He returned the necklace, "I hope this phase last forever,"

"Yeah,me too,"

"By the way ,where the fuck is your phone,"

"Long story," I replied.

"The band's not here yet so there's time,"

Time to confess," Remember that night at Dynasty.. The opening night?" He nodded, "Well...I got totally wasted and met this guy then stuff happened and we swapped phones. I'll just ask guys from the IT to help track my phone and the guy,"

"You're careless," I was expecting him to be a bit more worried or maybe judge me for sleeping with someone out of wedlock  but my story just seemed to amuse him, "Next time swap phone numbers not phones,"

"I can't believe you,"

He opened his mouth to say something but we were interrupted by three young men and a pink haired female, Nate,Sam,King and Tasha,the guys playing the instrumentals in my music.  (The band)

"Morning sorry we're late," Nate said ,slipping off his sling bag and put it on the sofa,by the door.

"No problem, " Dean answered as we all shared casual hugs, "Hope you guys are prepared,did you all go through the music sheets I sent in your mails,"

"Yeah," Natasha agreed."

"Cool, in the booth now, we can't waste any more time,"

As the three went inside the booth, Dean shot me a - we'll - talk  -later -wink then we took our seats behind the deck watching the band set up their instruments. I slipped on the silver headsets laid out on the deck.

"You guys ready?" Dean asked,pressing the microphone button,so his voice traveled into the recording booth, Sam shot him an okay sign then they begun playing.

Half way through the recording, there was a knock on the door and one of the girl from the reception walked in, Macey,I think that's her name. I pulled off my headsets and turned to her with a smile, " Good morning, "

She greeted both Dean and I .

Dean muted the band then shot a friendly smile, "Hey Macey," Yeah,her name was Macey.

"Hi,sorry for interrupting but there's a man at the front desk,he insists he wants to see you Cerian,"

"Tell him I'm busy,"

"We already did,but he says its important,he won't leave,should I get security?"

"No," I pushed my hair back.

"Just go check ," Dean patted my shoulder, "Who knows maybe its Cinderella," I shot him an inquisitive look, "You know,Cinderella lost her shoe and he lost his phone alright I'm gonna stop talking now before you bite my head off,"

"Tell him to wait in my office,I'll be there in a minute," Macey walked out of the room while I slipped my headphones back on.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked

"Working," I reached across the countless knobs and buttons and tapped the microphone, "Guys we are back on," I said to the band.


Fifteen minutes later,I left the studio and headed to my office,which I never really use unless I'm writing or signing a deal that needs my consent.

When I walked in,I was met with the guy from last night,gelled hair knotted in a neat bun,eyes hidden behind a pair of blue vintage sunglasses,he was wearing a blue floral button up shirt and black skinny jeans ripped at the knees. He looked hot,no doubt or question but he pissed me off because he had his hands on my Grammy glass shelf. No one touches my Grammies especially because there's a huge note on the glass saying "DO NOT TOUCH!!"

I shut the door as loud as I could grabbing his attention,he turned away from the shelf to me and smiled like we were long time buddies, "Green eyes," He said,his tone dripping with amusement.

"One don't call me green eyes and two step away from my Grammy shelf"

"You didn't complain about the name the last time we met,in fact I think you like it,"  He sunk his hands in his pocket and walked to the desk taking a seat.

I rolled my eyes and walked straight to my chair and fell on it swinging right and left as I glared at the man, "I believe you have something that's mine,"

"I believe you have something of mine too," He said,fishing out my beautiful iPhone from his pocket and placed it on the table then slid it over to mine,I did the same with his, (I always had the phone with me)

"Thanks, " I said,pressing the power button and mentally heaved out a sigh of relief when it lit up.

"Same goes to you, I'm gonna go now,I'm sure I will bump into you again like the last three times,"

"Three times?"

"The bridge,I was the fake boyfriend who saved you from the ped  and the guy who you swapped phones with," He answerd flicking a finger,"

That's why he was so familiar.

He got up and went straight to the door and just as he was about to leave, he turned to me and said, "Oh and Cerian,keep breathing,"

I wanted to ask him what he meant but just like that he was gone,I fell back on my chair now twirling a pen between my fingers. "Keep breathing," The words circled in my head and for some reason it was getting me more worked up than it should. Sure,I tried to jump off a bridge but that doesn't mean I could do it again. I'm not broken beyond repair.

At least not yet .

"Was that Cinderella?" Dean asked,I didn't even hear him walk in here, "Dude he's on faya!!" He fell on the chair where Cinderella was sat at. Geez,now I'm calling him Cinderella.

"You okay there buddy did he do something bad,say something wrong? Should I hate him?"

"No, I'm fine," I got a pack of cigarettes and a lighter from the drawer.

"Is that why you're lighting a cigarette? You were on cloud nine minutes ago? I hated that he was beginning to worry about me, "Plus,you're getting a kid,you can't do that if you have a smoking habit or if you're an alcoholic,"

"I'm not," I argued even though I already had a lit cigarette too close to my lips.

"Cigarette in my hand now," He ordered, I groaned and gave him my already lit cigarette then watched him put it out, "The rest of them,"

"Seriously!" I slapped the pack in his hand and he smiled,quite satisfied smile, "So we going back to trying to finish the album before the deadline,"

"That can wait," I said,getting up, " I need a breather,"


"Hey babe,"Denver smiled when I walked into his large office, "You guys done?"

"Yeah, you busy?" I asked shoving the door shut with my foot before advancing further into the office,"

"Not really,why?"

"Dunno, I just missed you,plus I wanted to say thanks for last night," I placed my hands on his laps and got down on my knees.

"Here now..."

"Yeah,its not like it will be the first time, is that okay?"

"Umm...sure," He pulled down his zipper.

Fuck you Dean for taking my cigarettes