


Vexed, annoyed, frustrated,irritated and on the verge of blowing up then kicking the so called social services out of my living room because I was done with them. It's been two straight weeks of trying so hard but failing to successfully adopt the perfect kid. Don't even get me started on the paper work.

"What do you mean,we can't adopt from Phoenix?" I asked the red head lady on my left, "You said that about Wisconsin and Kansas?"

"Like I said before,you would have better chances of adopting if it weren't for your careers,and from within your vicinity " She said to both Denver and I.

"So what about our careers, Brad Pitt and Jolie adopted kids despite their careers,that's bull-"

"Actually Angelina Jolie served as a UNICEF ambassador and looking at your police reports ,you've both broken the law, drunk driving, illegal possession of narcotics and-"

"Okay,we get it,"Denver interrupted, "What would you suggest, I mean my husband really wants a kid,"

The gentle man who'd been quiet the entire time,sat up and adjusted his yellow shirt then said, "The best thing to do,is visit the foster home,there's one ," He handed me a pamphlet of St. Anne children's home, "By sending representatives only makes it harder to adopt one, give us a call once you've thought about it,so we could make arrangements with the home. Have a nice day,"

Denver walked the two out while I picked the empty glasses of juice and went to the kitchen. Denver wouldn't go to a darn home , the door to ever getting kids slowly shutting,it just needed an extra push for it to completely shut.

"So.." Denver came back.

"Let's go to St Anne," I suggested,tossing the glasses in the sink for the cleaning lady to do them later.

Denver sighed and slid on the counter stool opposite to me,"We can't ,my entire schedule is fixed for a month," He slammed the door shut.

"Today's Saturday,we are both at home ,free," I stressed.

"You forgot, today's April sixth,"


He let out a vexed sigh, "Shawn's exhibiting his art today and I promised him we'd be there,"

"Do I have to? Shawn's more your friend than a mine, so when are we going to St Anne?"

"Look,I'll ask Bexley to cancel the meeting I'm having on Tuesday,then we can drive over to St. Anne's, is that okay with you?"

"Yeah fine," Denver smiled at my reply ,"Promise?"

"Cross my heart swear to die,"

We spent the rest of the day at home, something that hasn't happened in a year or two and I was grateful for that despite the fact that Denver was on the phone most of the time instead of watching the movies I picked out.

I'm not complaining though..

When the clock struck six -thirty,we had to get ready for the exhibition. I dressed in a a pair of black suede boots,black skinny jeans and a maroon turtleneck underneath a black cashmere sweater , my hair was my major problem,for some reason,I couldn't style it to perfection.

While I was struggling with my unruly curls,my eyes met with Denver's cerulean ones in the mirror,he was standing by the door, dressed in his usual three piece Louis Vuitton suit, this time,(it was maroon to match my turtle neck ) and a pair of black Gucci loafers. His perfect golden hair in a perfect quiff that made him look a bit taller.

"Let me," He said strutting into the room,he stopped in front of me and took the hairbrush from my hand . I think I forgot how to breath as he gently brushed my hair,pushing it away from my eyes,i was suffocating in his toxic scent and my skin felt as if it was on fire with every gentle contact. He knotted my hair into a neat bun,leaving a few strands hanging free at the temples.

"There,you look great now," He said,planting a soft kiss on my cheek, "Ready?"

"Yeah,let's go,"

It was a fifteen minute drive to the gallery and trust me,I wasn't thrilled when we arrived. Blame it on paparazzi. Denver,stayed close to me and for once tried to dodge the reporters and walked straight into the building filled with 1

Painting after painting by one of the best artists adorned the vibrant white walls and well made sculptors stood tall and majestic. I wasn't really an art enthusiast like Denver was but I could tell good art when I saw one.

"Denver my man!" Shawn approached us,he looked dashing in a shinny grey two piece suit and nicely styled caramel hair. The two shared a weird bro hug then Shawn's usually cheerful almond eyes turned to me,"Cerian!" He cheered, pulling me in for a hug, "I haven't seen you in forever,how the fuck are you?"

"I'm fine," I pulled away adjusting my jacket, "Been a bit busy,"

"I totally get it,you guys follow me,I'll show you my latest piece,"

There was a crowd of twenty - twenty five people gathered at Shawn's stage, looking at the picture hung up on the wall, the picture was taken from an aerial view showing the night sky and dots of white for the star..I think ..because some stars looked bigger,like platforms others shaped like crackers.

"Ladies and gentlemen,this looks like a night sky doesn't it?" Shawn asked,stepping in front of the crowd, there was a murmur of agreement,some like me were just confused. "Sadly it's not, it's the vanishing glacier,that's snow breaking up,"

So that's why the stars looked unusually large.

"Hope this will help create awareness on the melting ice caps..."

The rest of what Shawn was saying about climate change simply vanished in my mind when my eyes landed on a familiar figure at the far end of the hall, he was looking at a painting hung up on the wall and his back facing me. I couldn't put a name to the figure but I knew he was the stranger I swapped phones with.

What on earth is he doing here anyways?

My feet started moving towards the man despite the fact that I just wanted to stay rooted next to my husband *chuckles* I don't even know why admitting that to myself sounds funny.

One feet away from him and I wanted to turn back around to where I came from, "Hello Green eyes," He said,eyes not leaving the painting. His back was still facing me ,its a puzzle how he knew it was me without having to turn around.

"Cerian,that's my name," I corrected,taking a step next to him,taking a moment to admire his style,unlike most people dressed in suits and ties,except me of course,he was dressed in a long knitted woolen white coat with black spades ,a pair of black vans,black Balmain skinny jeans and a white shirt.

"Take a picture,it'll last longer," He said with a smile and I felt myself go red as I quickly turned away with an awkward cough and found another interest in the painting in front of us. "It's not wrong to stare but it can be creepy sometimes,"

"I wasn't staring," I argued earning a chuckle from him," I was just looking at your coat "

"What about it?"

"Its ugly?" It was beautiful.

"I'm hurt," I could feel him smile," My grandma made it for me,You should have seen the look on her face when she gave it to me,hey what do you think about this painting?"

The painting was what I would politely call... Odd..there was a plethora of colors mainly purple,red ,yellow and black mixed in thick waves on the canvas,some swirling like massive hurricane clouds,the black colors splattered in the clouds like ghostly shadows.

"Interesting," I said after thinking too hard. The painting was beautiful no doubt,but it was hard to tell the story behind it, "You? What do you think about it?"

"See the shadows? They're every bad thing in life like black holes sucking in the light out of a once perfect life but again looking at it from another point of view with the bright colors, it shows hope,despite the darkest times in life there's always going to be light."

"Wow...that's really inspiring"

"Explain interesting,"

"Lucid dreams," He cocked his head for further explanation, "You know how some people turn to LSDs to escape reality? To just look at the beautiful colors dancing around in front of your eyes? That's what I think this painting is about,the artist was trying to escape reality,"

"What about the shadows?"

"They are portals,doors to other world's away from reality. Look who's staring now?"

"I'm sorry," He rubbed his eyes turning away from me and back to the painting, "That was fucking deep and inspiring,bet Kiran would kiss your feet for describing his work like that,"

"You look great by the way,"He said after a moment of silence between us.

"Thanks," I swallowed, " You too," He quirked an eyebrow in amusement, "Your coat is beautiful too,"

"Thanks,but for insulting my coat earlier how about you try making up for it?"


He smirked and leaned closer to me,I thought he was going to maybe kiss me and I jumped a little but then he leaned closer to my ear and said, "I'll tell you over the phone," He pressed something on my chest,

(his phone,)
