


"If I don't pick just know I'm at the studio or just busy but you can always text me or leave voice mails or Umm - "

Just as I was returning the phone, Denver came,protectively wrapping an arm round my waist and pulling me closer to him. "Where'd you run off to babe and who's this," He sent a fiery glare at my friendly stranger.

"Corey," So that's his name. He answered calmly unfazed by Denver's glare even daring to stretch a hand to him.

"I didn't fucking ask you," Denver spat,the vein on his neck throbbing but Corey just seemed pretty chill with everything while I was almost shitting my pants praying no one would cause a scene. "He's just asking for an autograph,". I lied looking between Corey and Denver.

"Whatever, let's go ,can't believe I'm wasting time on a fucking riff raff,"

The word riff raff didn't hit me till later that evening when we got home. Corey wasn't a riff raff,he was a nice guy with a nice coat and smelled like nature ,a mix of pine,lemons and mint. He's not a riff raff no he's not.

"You've been oddly quiet," Denver pointed out as I crawled in bed after a warm shower.

"Just tired 's all, it's been a long night,"

He pulled me closer to him,burying his head at the the crook of my neck ,lips pressing on that spot I loved. On most occasion,I would be turned on by that but tonight it didn't.

"Said I'm tired Denver,"

"That's a first,you never turn down sex, but okay,get some sleep,"


Sundays for us were meant for sleeping in and just being lazy but on that particular Sunday , Dean and Corey had our entire day planned out. I was the first to wake up at around noon and dragged my feet to the kitchen to get a glass of fresh juice when I heard the door bell ring.

I lazily opened the door and was slightly surprised to see  The Fletcher couple and cute Crystal at my door. Corny was carrying a large pink bag that I suppose was Crystal's while Dean carried the little blonde girl on his waist.

"Did we wake you up?" Dean asked.

"No,I was already awake, come in," I stepped aside to let the family in. Dean placed the girl down and she immediately ran to the living room ,screaming excitedly.

"You guys need anything ,juice,water or beer?" I offered.

"No thanks," Corny answered, "Actually ,we are going to my mum's, she had a bit of an accident last night and now she's bed ridden,"

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah..I hope," Corny sighed, "The thing is,we can't go with Crystal,will you mind if she stays with you till we get back?"

What do I know about kids?

"Crystal loves you ,plus staying with her will give you guys a bit of an experience ," Dean explained, "I'm sorry we just brought it up now ,we could have hired a baby sitter or told you earlier,"

"Oh my God Dean,you sound so pathetic," I chuckled,patting my best friend's shoulder, "Crystal's my god daughter, she's always welcomed in my house plus I'll take good care of her,"

"Thanks," Corny said, "We already fed her but if she gets hungry give her a snack or a fruit, when she cries or gets agitated give her wally,"

"What's a wally?"

"The stuffed whale ,its in her bag," Dean answered. "Oh and don't give her too much cookies,"

"Got it,"

"Crystal,honey," Corny called, "Come say bye to us,"

Crystal waddled into the reception and Corny crouched pulling the girl between him and kissing her forehead, "Be a good girl and we'll buy you a bunny,"

"Bunny!" Crystal cheered excitedly, her pig tails bouncing as she jumped , "Promise to be good, pinky swear,"

I mentally awed, watching the little girl cross pinkys with her parents then kissed both their cheeks. She then came to me and I lifted her up and escorted my friends to the door. "Cerian,in case of anything just give us a call okay," Dean said, worry burning in his eyes and I immediately understood the reason behind his worry. He's always so attached to  Crystal.

"We'll be fine," I assured them.

I watched as the couple got into their car and ignited the engine,Corny lowered the driver's window and waved at us as Crystal shouted, "Bye "

"So what do you want to do?" I went back into the house.


"Sure ," I placed her on the counter and got a packet of Oreo from the shelf,tore it open and gave one to Crystal. She mumbled a thank you and twisted the cookie,separating both halves and licking the vanilla icing.

I made small talk with Crystal as she nibbled on her cookie,I decided to make breakfast for Denver for when he wakes up. "Do you like school?"

"No," She shook her head, "It's hard,"

"Why, is the alphabet giving you problems,"

She picked another Oreo, " It's easy," She sighed, " I just can't say klmnop...it's long," I smiled fondly at her frustration, Crystal reminded me of my younger sister. Christ! She hated the alphabet.

"Trust me,you'll learn it slowly, it takes time,"

"Can I ask something?"

I nodded,putting two eggs in a pot of water to boil. Denver loves boiled eggs on Sunday. " Do I have a mum? Everyone in school has one ,"

Crystal's innocent yet inquisitive blue eyes met mine and I could see the storm of confusion swarming inside her young mind. It was contagious, how do you tell a five year old,she's adopted and her parents are gay and you have no idea who her mother is. "Will I go to hell?"

"Why? Where's all this coming from?"

She shrugged her shoulders,         " Because I have two dads,my teacher says its wrong for my daddy Dean to love daddy Corny.."

So her teacher was poisoning her, "No,you won't go to hell,nor will your daddies. Only bad people will go to hell and your not bad,"

Crystal wasn't convinced ,she even looked more conflicted than before and it was rubbing off on me. Dean or Corny would have handled the situation better whereas I started thinking of ways to change the subject and just my luck,Denver came to the kitchen, yawning and scratching his naked back.

"Afternoon," He planted a kiss on my temple, "What's the kid doing here?" I wanted to slap him.

"Be nice and say hi," I commanded, Crystal's family,she deserves love and respect. Denver forced a smile and turned to the little girl, "Hello,why are you here?"

"Really," I shook my head,then turned to Crystal, "Honey why don't you go watch Sofia the first or the lion guard," I placed her on the floor and she ran to the living room.

"Hello,why are you here! That's how you talk to a child?"

"I just asked," He defended, "But seriously,what is she doing here?"

"Dean and Corny are out of town,so they dropped her here,she's spending the day with us,"

"what? Why didn't they ask me? They can't just drop a child and run off to god knows where,"

"They didn't plan for it, Corny's mum got into an accident gosh why you acting like its such a burden, You know what,if you can't do this then fine,I can manage just fine." The eggs were finally boiled,I put them on a saucer, "There's your breakfast,'m going to watch Sofia the first,"

I don't know if I was still pissed from last night or the fact that Denver just proved his dislike for kids or that Crystal's teacher is poisoning the mind of little kids,telling them they'll go to hell because they have two dads. Bottom line,the teacher's homophobic,just like my dear old paps.

Five hours later,I was almost pulling my hair off  because sweet little Crystal had turned into a monster. No,she did not have fangs and horns or weird eyes but she was just screaming and throwing stuff around because I told her no.

She wanted more cookies.

"Can't you make her shut up?" Denver asked in frustration , "What the fuck does she want now?"

"She wants a cookie,"

"Give her! Just make her shut up,"

Corny said not to give her a lot of cookies, yet that's all she's been eating ever since she came here,now we're out of cookies. "We're out of cookies, she ate them all,"

"Then go get her some,geez! You can't even handle your friend's child," Denver snapped,grabbing his laptop and got up, "I'm going to the gazebo before I loose my chill."

He slammed the door shut on his way out. He slammed it so hard that Crystal went silence for a millisecond before screaming louder and kicking.

"when she cries or gets agitated give her wally,"

Fuck! Why didn't I think of that! I got Crystal's bag and pulled out a stuffed blue whale that smelled like fabric conditioner and Tofus then handed it to the girl hoping she'd finally be quiet.

Wally does magic,the moment she held the toy,the screaming reduced to sniffles. Thank fucking God.


"Yes Crystal," I was exhausted.

"I want cookies.."