


I was never one to go to the park because I loved spending my day offs in the comfort of my home or maybe having a few drinks in a bar. But here I was walking around aimlessly in the park at four thirty pm with Crystal.

When Crystal said she wanted cookies, I drove us to a mini mart to get some then her eyes landed on a park across of the street and decided,she wanted to go there. I was scared she'd throw a fit like back at home so I obliged.

"Can I please go play in the castle?" Her eyes becoming bigger and cuter,making it hard to say no.

"Of course honey,just play where I can see you okay and leave the cookies with me,"

She nodded and placed the box next to where I was seated then ran off to the castle filled with kids,sliding from one slide to another ,others trying out the monkey bars and swings. I felt a bit anxious letting her wander off to mix with other kids. My mind racing back to a movie I watched called kidnapped where a mother took her kid to a park like this and let her play with other kids and just for a second she didn't pay attention to her kid and instead answerd her phone . The child got kidnapped.

Corny and Dean would probably kill me if that happened to Crystal,that is if,I don't kill myself first .

Crystal waved at me when she got to the top of the slide and I waved back with a smile. Confident that she will be fine,as long as I don't take my eyes off her.

The five year old had amazing social skills,minutes into the castle and she had already made a bunch of friends and even introduced two to me.  One named Chelsea and the other Simeon when she came to get some cookies.

Crystal reminded me of my little sister Rose ,she's probably twelve by now ,haven't seen her in like ten years. Rose would rant when she didn't get what she wanted,she could be sweet and sour just like Crystal,she was inquisitive and the only one with the balls to yell at an ex marine aka my dad. She was his favorite anyway and the last of four kids.

"Cerian," My head snapped to the person calling me and I immediately smiled ,not expecting to bump into my favorite bartender in the park.

"Bree, oh my God,am I glad to see you here," I stood up to hug the brunette dressed in a yellow floral shirt ,white shorts and sneakers.

"Glad to see you too," We both sat on the bench, "I never thought I'd find you in a park,"

"Trust me I'm not thrilled to be here but my niece over there," I pointed at Crystal,now in the sand pit with Simone making roads. "You?"

"My brother likes coming here,to get some inspiration,"

"Inspiration?" I cocked my eyebrow,for her to elaborate more.

"He's a painter,gets his inspiration from people and nature and there's plenty of that in the park,you're niece is cute. How old?"

"Five,So where's your brother?"

"Wandered off to the lake with Richie,"

Richie? That name rings a bell. "Richie?" I repeated.

"Yeah,you guys met but you were so out of it." She laughed,flicking her hair behind her ear.

Richie, the attractive,yet slightly annoying blond who drove me to Dean's while I was drunk? Guess I remember him, "Can I go say hi to your niece,what's her name?"

"Crystal,yeah go ahead,"


Bree,jumped excitedly and raced over to the sand pit, I thought her enthusiasm would scare off the kids but instead it just drew them close to her ,especially Crystal,its like she had a child magnet on her.

Trust me,Bree didn't look completely weird sitting in the sand pit cross legged,making roads and driving toy cars in the sand whilst making weird car noises. If anything,she looked so at home with the kids,even other parents could agree with that.

I got a text message from Corny,checking in on Crystal and I quickly texted him that Crystal was fine,even sent him a picture of Crystal whispering something in Bree's ear.

Wonder what she's telling her.

"Oh my God, we have a daughter,when? How? I'm a father?"

I turned to the new guy freaking out behind me and I immediately recognized,blond hair,blue eyes and a nose ring did I miss it the other day. "I'm a father," He squeaked with a hand over his chest then walked towards the sand pit  saying, "Babe,you never told me you had kids,thought we never kept secrets," Bree chuckled,patting some sand out of Crystal's hair, "You're silly Richie, her name's Crystal,she's Cerian's niece,"

"Who's that?"

Bree pointed at me and I waved awkwardly, already feeling Richie's intense stare burning through my skull. The guy disliked me for some unknown reason.

Not that I liked him either...look at the time.

"Crystal,say goodbye to your friends,it's time to go," I stood up and went over to the sand pit,trying my best to ignore the scowl on Crystal. She obviously didn't want to go home but it was getting dark, no other reasons whatsoever.

"Aww,you're taking her away," Richie whined as Crystal came to me, "Look at her,you can't take away fun from her,"

"I'm not taking away her fun," I defended, "It's getting dark and she has school tomorrow,"

"Its okay," Bree smiled then ruffled Crystal's hair, "I hope to see you soon then maybe we can go see the unicorn,"

"Bye Cerian," She said to me, "Gosh I wanted you to meet my brother,he's a huge fan,Richie where's Kai?"

"I have no idea,on our way here he got a phone call then whoosh," He wriggled his fingers in the air , "Gone,you know he's good with the disappearing act,"

"Maybe next time,thanks for looking out for her,"

After we shared our goodbyes, Crystal and I were heading back home. Trust me,she wouldn't have gotten into the car,if it were not for Richie coaxing her by giving her a bar of chocolate.

For the rest of the evening, she remained calm and immediately after dinner,she was out like the lights. I could finally get some rest by falling asleep on Denver's favorite rocking chair.

I vaguely remember Dean and Corny picking her up at something o'clock and I definitely don't remember going to bed. All I know is that I had one hell of a day...


This was a short chapter😅😅

I like Richie, he's a pretty nice guy that for some reason doesn't get along with Cerian.

Cross fingers they become friends eventually.

Question? Who's Bree's brother? I would like to meet him.

NB: Crystal's fjve years,keep that in mind