


After Cerian and I dropped Ryan off to school, Cerian headed over to Dean's place while I headed back home. After the strange call from Daniel last night, none of us talked about it . I wanted to talk about it, maybe even understand why he called but Cerian, he likes sweeping stuff under the rug and just not deal with it until later on.

This morning, he claimed he was fine but skipped breakfast to smoke outside. "What's wrong with him?" Ryan asked worriedly.

"He's just a bit stressed," I answered.

"Well he should know,smoking's bad for his health. Yours too. " I wanted to argue that I don't smoke but he just scoffed, "Pfft..I found a pack of cigarettes in your car yesterday when you picked me up from school." Yeah maybe I smoke once or twice.. "Could you maybe just go talk to him before he smokes himself to death."

When I got outside, Cerian had a new cigarette dangling between his lips as he tried to flick a flame on his lighter. "You've had enough," I said,snatching the cancer stick from his lips and tossing it in the trash can. The idiot sent me an icy glare.

"What the fuck?" He hissed, patting his pocket,searching for another cigar but it seemed like that was the last one, "Why'd you do that?"

The storm in his eyes just said that he wasn't as fine as I thought he was. Last night's call totally messed him up. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm fine," He lied.

"Look I know you're not so don't try lying, " He pouted,crossing his arms over his chest," Guess who else is not fine?"

I pointed at Ryan who was seated at the exact place I had left him, sad eyes looking at us through the window ,lips jutted to a pout,he was supporting his head on his hand while the other was just idly poking his bacon with a fork.

The raging storm in Cerian's eyes immediately turned to calmness. "Oh shit!"  He ran a hand through his hair and I watched it bounce back in its usual messy form, "I'm so sorry.."

"I know, but go talk to him,"


As I approached the gates of my home, I was surprised to see a man in a pair of blue Levis and checked shirt talking, actually with the way he was wildly waving his hands in the air its safe to say he was arguing with security.

Timothy,being the professional he is,kept a straight face while talking to the man,one of his hand was lingering at his waist, ready to pull out his gun in case the guy appeared as a threat. When he saw me approach, he said something to the bloke then walked up to my car.

"Is there a problem?" I asked Tim while rolling down my window.

"Yes sir,the gentleman over there wants to talk to you. He says he's family..."


I looked at the guy again, this time studying his face,he had bushy grey eyebrows, a set of green eyes, a full beard, a mop of curly chestnut hair with streaks of grey and an ugly scar running across his face. The guy looked painfully familiar but I still couldn't figure out who he was.

"He says his name is Daniel." Timothy mentioned.

Fuck!! That scar was enough proof.

"Should I let him in?"

"Just open the gate, tell him to get in the car," I pressed the unlock button.

At the back of my mind,I knew ,I was playing a loosing game here. Daniel promised to kill me if we ever crossed paths again. Now here he is knocking on my door after calling last night. I was curious to know what he wanted, why he called and why on earth he's here in LA of all places. How long has he been in LA? How'd he find out where we lived? Where did he get Cerian's number? I just hope I don't end up being the curious cat that was murdered by curiosity.

When the gates opened, so did the passenger door and Daniel slipped into the car. In that very moment, I  felt  myself go numb and for a second I even forgot to drive. Daniel smelled of fabric conditioner and axe unlike his usual alcohol and cigarettes odor another odd thing I had picked up in the few seconds I was with him was the genuine smile on his lips.

It was sickening.

"Nice car.." He said,probably trying to start a conversation with me but I ignored him and started driving towards the house, saluting Tim as I drove by.

The usually short drive to my house took longer and at some point I felt like ramming my car into a tree - mostly on Daniel's side so I could watch him get launched out of his seat and through the windscreen like a cannon ball because the fool wasn't wearing a safety belt and my mind wasn't in the right place.

Unfortunately ,he got out in one piece when I pulled over at the drive and when he got out, I saw how his eyes look at the green Lamborghini poison parked at the drive.

"That's Cerian's,"  I stated, I wanted to rub it in his face, so he knew just how successful his son had become despite of how he treated him.

"Come in," I opened the door and walked inside,Daniel timidly followed me in,he remained standing in the middle of the living room,hands in his pockets, eyes staring at the house from floor to ceiling in awe like he was seeing the Giza pyramids or even the hanging gardens of Babylon .

I went straight to the kitchen and poured two glasses of whisky : One for him,one for me.

"If I had poison,I'd put it in your drink," I frankly said while shoving the drink on his chest and for a moment he completely paled. "Have a seat,"

Is he Daniel's clone?


Definitely Daniel's clone..

I sat down facing him, one leg crossed over the other. I put on a brave straight face but god knew just how scared I was. I could literally hear my heart beating in my ears.

"Why are you here and how long have you been in LA? How long are you staying?" I just shot the questions in my head.

"That's a lot of questions but I'll answer, but firs of all," He tipped his glass of whiskey at me, "Thanks but I don't drink. Water would be nice?"

I'm now four hundred percent sure he's Daniel's clone.

"That's new," I said,getting up and taking his glass then exchanged it with a glass of cold water and he actually thanked me. "Nine years of sobriety," He admitted proudly then paused to sip his water, "I'm going to answer your questions,"

"I came to make amends," He confessed, flicking some of his hair away from his face, "..For all my short comings. I came to LA last night and immediately I got here,I called."

"How'd you get his number and where we live?"

Daniel chuckled softly, "I'm an ex marine who's main mission was to extract Intel . How have you been? Both of you?"

"Great, life's been good to us,"

He took a moment again to sip his water, eyes scanning the house once again like he was looking for someone. "Where is he?" He asked almost whispering .

"He's out with a friend. Trust me,he won't be as hospitable as I am."

"He hates me,doesn't he? I made his life a living hell,"

"I don't know. Honestly, "

Daniel's eyes had turned glassy like he was on the verge of crying. He palmed his face rubbing his hands on his jeans, "Could you please talk to him to meet me. Can I?" He pointed at the note pad and pen on the coffee table and when I nodded,he took it, scribbling down the address of where he was staying at.

Victoria inn,palm springs

Rn: 23.

"How long are you planning on staying here?"

"A week or two."

"I'll try talking to him,"

He sighed in relief then pulled out a white envelope written Anne and sisters on it. "Anne asked me to give this to him, his sisters also wrote something for him. I haven't read it. I know it's old school but they wanted it this way. " He smiled dreamily, "Could you give him this on my behalf,"

"Sure," I took the envelope and he stood up, I copied him.

The two of us walked to the door and I opened it for him, "Thank you," He said again. I  flinched when he placed a hand on my shoulder and upon seeing my reaction,he dropped it, mumbling an apology, "I'm really sorry for what I put you through. I hope one day both of you forgive me. Guess I'll be on my way now. Goodbye,"

When he was gone,I walked back into the house and slumped on a sofa like a log,drowning what remained of my whisky. What the hell just happened. I really need someone to talk to.

As if on cue, my phone buzzed and Shawn's picture along with his name popped on my screen. I instantly answered,pressing my phone against my ear.

"I'm starving ,let's go to chin chillies.."

"Okay ,but guess what you won't believe who just was with me right now?"

"Who? Jesus? Leonardo Di Caprio..wait Sam smith. I swear the guy makes me question my sexuality," I heard him shuffling around ,maybe searching for his car keys, "Even my wife thinks I have a crush on him. Who was it. Tell me?"

"Shut up," I growled,rubbing my eyes. The artist can be annoying sometimes. I heard him whine about how he likes to know stuff.

"It was Daniel,"

The next thing I heard was a crash,like he fell down along with everything in the room he was in,probably his studio. "Daniel! Like sadist father- in- law who beat the shit out of you two for being gay?"

"That one,"

"Shit! We are talking about this at chillies, see you there and don't leave anything out. Tell me everything.