


After Cerian and I dropped Ryan off to school, Cerian headed over to Dean's place while I headed back home. After the strange call from Daniel last night, none of us talked about it . I wanted to talk about it, maybe even understand why he called but Cerian, he likes sweeping stuff under the rug and just not deal with it until later on.

This morning, he claimed he was fine but skipped breakfast to smoke outside. "What's wrong with him?" Ryan asked worriedly.

"He's just a bit stressed," I answered.

"Well he should know,smoking's bad for his health. Yours too. " I wanted to argue that I don't smoke but he just scoffed, "Pfft..I found a pack of cigarettes in your car yesterday when you picked me up from school." Yeah maybe I smoke once or twice.. "Could you maybe just go talk to him before he smokes himself to death."