Alternate Reality: Ghost Charms

"Theodore Spencer, I don't know what's going on in that mind of yours but, I can't let you go insane over someone's death. Even if that someone is your best friend. I mean look at you! In the course of two days you've become an absolute train wreck!" She went quiet and her words were replaced with sobs.

"I just want you to be okay. It hurts to see you like this. You're not acting like yourself. You sleep all day and you haven't eaten anything in the past two days. Do you know how worried I am for you?" Her eyes were filled with tears as they rolled down her face.

I've never seen my mother so distressed. I tried to respond but I couldn't find the right words to comfort her. I was afraid I'd say the wrong thing and make the situation worse. I took a deep breath and muttered,

"I'm sorry."


To be honest, the words I'm sorry for don't fix anything. It doesn't make my mother feel any better and it most certainly won't bring Dax back from the dead. I was so caught up in finding out who murdered Dax, I haven't noticed how it's affected the people around me. I just didn't know what to do in the moment, my mother just nodded and left the room crying. I messed up and I don't know how to fix it, I flopped on my bed and stared out the window.

It had started raining and the sky was dark. Perfect weather to stay indoors and figure a way out of this mess. I tried piecing things together but, I didn't understand why they were hanging out at an abandoned house. Especially the one on miser street, that abandoned house was surrounded by forests and graveyards. It wasn't somewhere where people would go to hangout.

'Theo! Can you hear me?'

'Perfect timing Ruby. Thanks for ruining my peace and quiet.'

'Oh, I'm sorry I ruined your little fantasies about Dax.'

'WHAT NO. There's nothing between us, we're just best friends. Ruby, you're weird.'

'What? I'm not weird. It's normal if you like Dax.'

'There's nothing- I'm not going to argue with you. You're such a child.'

Ruby giggled. For a second I thought someone was hiding in my house but her giggle was adorable. Once she stopped laughing she went silent for a second before I finally hear her say,

'I found out a way for you to see me.'

'See you? Like your ghost or something?'

'Kind of... But, you won't be able to see my face. It's weird I know but, I think you might like it better than staring at a wall or ceiling. Of course others won't be able to see me but, it helps you know when I'm around.'

'Oh, cool. So how does it work?'

'Go to 294 West Berry Lane, There's a girl named Aurora waiting for you.'

'Creepy but alright. Wait, how does she know I'm going to go? Does she also have powers of something?'

'She can predict the future. I suggest you hurry up, don't make her wait. I'll tell you more about her when you get back.'

Knock Knock

"Who is it?" I don't have time for this. I have to go and meet the fortune teller.

"It's Derrick. Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, hurry up. I have to go somewhere." The door handle turned and Derrick poked his head in before he entered the room. He walked around my room scanning the room before he started talking.

"I know what you're going through right now and it's exhausting I know but, you can't just be so insensitive about it! Mom literally left the house wiping away her tears, she's worried for you. She may not know what's going on but I do. It seems crazy but just hear me out."

"Derrick, I have to go talk to me when I get back." I grabbed my hoodie and shorts and headed towards my bathroom but, what he said next made my heart skip a beat.

"I know your secret. You can't hide it from me." He knows about my powers? He's probably just bluffing. I can't deal with this right now, I have to go.

"What secret? Are you dumb? Listen, I have to go meet up with a friend right now and I'm already late, save this nonsense for later. Get out and shut the door on your way out." I headed into my bathroom and threw on my shorts and hoodie and rushed out the door with my car keys in one hand and my phone in the other.

I really hope Derrick wasn't talking about my power. His big mouth couldn't keep a secret if he wanted to.


I arrived in front of a beautiful mansion and the gates swung open when security saw me. I parked in front of the entrance where a middle aged man was waiting.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Spencer." Ew, He addressed me like the fancy business men addressed my father. I don't have any strong feelings of hate towards my father, I'm just not that close with him. He's always been on business trips or working late at the office.

"I prefer to go by Theo. Thank you." The man nodded and gestured for me to follow him.

The house was beyond amazing, the marble floors, the staircase, the pillars and the decoration. Everything screamed fancy. We turned right from the front entrance and entered a beautiful living room or that's what I thought it was. From the entrance to the room you'd see a seating area facing towards the fire place opposite the doorway. The ceilings were ridiculously tall, about the height of a two story building.

"Woah." I breathed. There was a girl in a sapphire blue dress sitting at a sofa reading a magazine.

To the left was a small drink station with a floating staircase beside it leading up to a small reading nook. I followed the man towards the seating area.

"Miss Pierce, He's arrived." The girl set her magazine aside, got up gracefully and smiled.

Aurora looked like quite the model, she was pretty tall considering she was my height when wearing high heels. Her smile was absolutely stunning and her every move was smooth and elegant. She held out her hand and said, "Hi, I'm Aurora. Pleased to meet you."

"Thank you. You may leave Ron. Theodore, have a seat." I took a seat and she walked back to the place she originally sat. The girl didn't look old. She looked like she hadn't even graduated college.

"I apologize if this is unprofessional but, you don't look too old. How did you acquire such a beautiful house?"

"I'm Aurora Pierce, the heir to the Pierce enterprise. I used to go to your high school, but I had to leave to attend some business so now I'm home schooled." I've never seen her around but she wouldn't lie to me would she?

"Oh, I apologize I didn't notice." She chuckled.

"That's fine I was in a disguise. Anyways, Let's get down to business. I have a meeting to attend to at 3 so we have a little less than an hour. The lost soul 'Ruby' has requested for me to give you the ghost charm." She handed me a bracelet and a pair of earrings.

"What if I lost this? Or, someone took it?" I was afraid that Ajax may try to take this away. I couldn't risk it. I had to know.

"They are not visible to everyone, only those with supernatural powers. Ruby said to include the earrings because she noticed you have the piercing. Don't worry about losing it, it'll return to your side within an hour. Don't forget to check your pockets."

"Thank you Miss Pierce. I must go now. I hope we can stay in touch."

"No worries, just call me Aurora. Here is my contact card, you can find me here." She slid a card across the table, took the card and left.


I stopped by the grocery store on my way home and I was loading the groceries into the trunk of my car. A little girl wearing a red dress bumped into me. She stumbled backwards but a woman caught her just in time.

"Hailey! I told you to watch where you're going."

Hailey... that voice and name sounded too familiar. Where have I heard it from?