Alternate Reality: Am I still Dreaming?

Hailey? Oh right, the little who bumped into me is the same girl from my dream! It could be any Hailey from around the world, but they both wore red. Wait… the Hailey in my dream died. I'm not sure… my memory is pretty fogged up right now but if it is the same Hailey, then I have to prevent this.

'Ruby, She showed up in my dream because I have to save her right?'

'She seems like a normal human. I don't know what's so special about her. I mean, her aura is a bit off but it might be because she bumped into you.'

'I'll save her.'

'How? The mom will notice you if you follow them around. Worst case scenario, she'll assume the worst and think you're a pedophile.'

'Shoot you're right. What do I do?'

'No clue. Figure something out.'

'What! This power is useless!'

'Nah, you're useless. You aren't strong enough to use your full power. If you were strong enough, you would have gotten the exact location of where the kid will die. Too bad though you're too weak.'

Back with her dumb attitude, I thought Ruby was supposed to help me, not provide stupid commentary. If she won't help me I'll do it myself.

'Give me access to my full power. I can handle it, trust me.'

'Nope. I already told you. You are TOO weak. If you try, you may die.'

'Half? Half of the power?'

'Putt, I don't even think you can access a fourth of your power. And you wanna try half. HAHAHA.. You've got to be joking! You're not in a stable state right now, do you really think you can access your powers without dying?'

'But the little girl might die. What do I do?'

'Eh, just let her die, I guess?'

'I can't do that. Can you just try please?'

'Alright, alright. Here's a clue, she's supposed to die today. You can't change it. Her fate has already been locked.'

'What, that's it? Only that piece of information?'


'Ruby, I-'


'I'm sorry…'

'Why do you care so much about the girl anyway? You don't know her.'

'I'll feel guilty.'

'Why would you even feel guilty? You don't know her and she's just another stranger on the street.'

Ruby wouldn't understand the pain of losing someone, she's probably been dead for decades. I've seen my family in pain and I've seen how losing someone so close to you hurts. While everyone chose to accept it, I chose to push it away and lock myself in my room. I couldn't tell her all that, I didn't need her to know my problems.

'I mean if she died, I could have prevented her death, but I didn't. She had a whole life ahead of her and if I can't save her I'd feel like it was my fault for not trying.'

'What if she died and you tried to help her?'

'Well I mean I guess there was nothing I could do about it. I will still feel guilty about it.'

'By the way you've been standing here for over 10 minutes here you know. That little one may have died already.'

'Oh shoot, you're right. Where do I start finding them?'

'Just drive around until you find them I guess. They probably won't be too far.'

'How do you know that?'

'Holy, are you dumb? ARE YOU DUMB? What did you see in your vision?'

'The girl ran into the streets and a car ran over her.'

'It's been 10 minutes, do you think they will get far? Especially since the kids only like what 3?'

'Oh… you're right.'

'That's another minute wasted. Hurry up and get into the car.'

'It hasn't been- Ok, sorry.'


I circled around the neighborhood for a few minutes looking for the little girl and her mom. There was no luck until 7 minutes had gone by. They had stopped by the sidewalk and the woman was talking to someone. The girl was playing with a ball.

'Ah there she is! Can you see her Ruby?'

'I know, I see what you see idiot.''

'Oh, ok… wait the girl, the girl she's running into the streets!'

A loud engine roared in the distance and within a few seconds. The car crashes into her and the girl is thrown a few feet and she lands on the floor stained with blood. I didn't make it in time. I failed to prevent her from dying.

'She's dead. You dumb ass, could have just stopped the time or something. Although it would only be for a minute, you probably could have saved her.'

'Can you just SHUT UP! I don't know if lost souls have feelings or not but can you stop acting like a heartless bitch? I just watched another person die, if I didn't spend my time arguing with you I could've saved her!'

I called for an ambulance as the mother cried in horror. The other woman was speaking on the phone with a worried expression. A man got out of the car frantically, he ran to his trunk where he pulled out a first aid kit. He started to clean up the girl's wounds while the woman was yelling at him. I parked my car and sat there waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

Eventually we heard the wailing of the ambulance and a police cruiser in the distance. The man slowly inched towards his car. I got out of my car and ran straight towards him grabbing his arm.

"Don't even think about running away."

"You don't understand, I have to bring important papers to my boss. I can't afford to lose my job, I just managed to get this."

"I'll bring it for you, where do you work?"

"It's private company documents, I'm not allowed to give it to anyone. I'll just call my boss."

I watched as he dialed a number on his phone, then he put the phone near his ear.

"Speaker, please."

He nodded and put the phone on speaker. We waited half a minute before his boss picked up.

"Hello? This is Alexandra, If you are looking for Miss Pierce she's currently in a meeting. Please call back later."

I live in such a small world. Everyone seems to know each other.

"Hey Alexandra, it's the new worker Thomas. I'm afraid I can't come to work today, I've run into a bit of an issue today."

"That's fine Thomas. I hope you're aware you have to give Miss Pierce your work?"

"Yes, Alexandra. I'll email it to you. Is that okay?"

"That'll be fine Thomas. I hope you have a nice day, I hope you are doing well."

The call ended and the man sat down shaking his head. The ambulance had arrived and took the little girl away. The cops pulled both of us into questioning and

I showed him the footage from the camera installed in my car. They let me go early and continued to keep the man in custody.

I drove home frustrated at the fact that I couldn't save the girl, but what's done is done. It's not like I can turn back the clock but what made it worse was the poor man's family had to suffer as well.

These past few days I've learned that the world is a harsh, cruel place. Nothing is ever fair, if you want something you don't always get it. That's just the sad reality my parents have been shielding me from.


I got home exhausted. I was heading to my room when Derrick stopped me in front of my room.

"Look, Theo. You may not believe me right now but, I really do know what's going on."

Ruby was no help, how the heck is Derrick going to help he probably has no clue what's going on? He thinks I'll trust him? Maybe when pigs fly.

Derrick flicked his wrist and mini flying pigs appeared.

"How did you… I-"

"Look pigs are flying, you have to believe me now right?"

"Did you just read my mind?"

"Maybe. You probably won't know because Ruby isn't helping you."

"I believe you. Now, can you help me? I want to figure out how my power works."

"Sure, we're going to the gym."

"The gym?!"