Flower Meets Beast

Lily was walking home from her small part time job like any other day. Ready to get home take a shower and watch her favorite Kdramas. It was spring and cherry blossoms were fully bloomed and the petals rained down on her as the soft cool wind caressed her pale white cheeks. The wind played with her silky straight blonde hair that shined as bright as the sun. She enjoyed walks home on cool afternoons like this. To her it was just another beautiful day. But she was wrongly mistaken. As she was heading the store to pick up groceries for dinner she saw her boyfriend with another woman. She couldnt believe her eyes. Her boyfriend of three years was holding hands and giggling with another woman. She had tears in her eyes. She ran up to him without a second thought.

"Jonathon how could you? Are you really cheating on me with this woman?" she yelled questioning with tears choking her.

The man shocked sighed and looked over to the other woman " Yeah me and her have been dating for a while, I just couldn't stand to tell you. I thought after all the hints of being busy and not answering your calls that you knew it was over. We've been friends since middle school I felt bad because your parents died and I was your only friend I thought I could be what you needed, but to be honest you don't try and be like the other women out here. You only work and stay home." he said with eyes avoiding hers.

" You shouldn't have asked me out. You should have just stayed my friend." she exclaimed gripping onto her shirt tightly.

With all the emotions and pain Lily tried to find the nearest way away from them to escape the scene. She started running across the street when a car was coming. The car was coming too fast to stop in time. A loud crash could be heard echoing the dim lit streets. Lily laid in the middle of the street. All she could hear was Jonathon's voice crying out to her and him apologizing. Her vision blurred. All she could think to herself was is this how I am going to die. She began to pray to a God that in her next life to bring her to a world that was fair. After all her turmoils losing her parents at a young age and now losing the only thing she had left of a relationship she just wanted her next life to be better.

All of a sudden a God appeared in front of her. It was a dragon, a long beautiful black dragon that made the midnight sky look light in comparison. Almost like ink or paint created this beast.

"Dear child, I have heard your pains all this time. You who never stopped trying and continue through all the suffering I'll take pity on you and grant your wish. But instead of a next life I will heal you and give you a new life." The black dragon said as he suddenly pressed his long snout on her chest and a light bursted out.

Several minutes later Lily woke up to another world one she had no knowledge of. She felt sharp pain piercing through her head and parts of her small body. She abruptly sat herself up and gazed at the world she woke up to. There was a lake and a gorgeous waterfall showering down. She woke up in a meadow of flowers. But she was not alone. A white wolf dazed in confusion was next to her. The wolf tilted it's head and slowly walked up to her. Lily terrified that the animal would attack her and eat her she tried to get up and run but her body wasn't fully stable yet. The wolf came close enough to rip her throat out in a second, but instead he just smelled her. He began to wag his tail and as he noticed he was wagging he suddenly stopped and gained his composure. Then suddenly the wolf began to transform and a naked man appeared in front of her.

Lily was so shocked and bewildered with the naked man she quickly averted her eyes as her face fully flushed in embarrassment. The man knelt down with a smirk and with his index fimger and thumb he lightly held a strand of her golden hair.

"I've never seen you here are you a new beastwoman to this area? Did you come with a pack or a mate?" he asked her with a smooth tone.

"I'm not sure I was in a car accident and then a black dragon appeared. Now I'm here." she said with her hands covering her eyes lookimg in the other direction.

"Car accident? What is a car? Wait you met the Black Dragon God??" he asked with enthusiastic curiosity.

"Ummm I believe so...c-can you put clothes on or something. I'm not used to seeing random naked man." she said stuttering over the mixture of embarrassment and lust.

"Oh right sorry I ran out of my home to hunt in my beastform before clothing myself." he said as he started to shift back into his wolf form.

Lily stared at him in awe he was beautiful in both forms. He had a six pack with a v line and muscles in his arms that looked like he could pick her up with one arm. His hair feathered him in layers and he had glacier blue eyes that pierced into you. His wolf form looked so soft and cuddly yet ferocious and strong. He wasnt the normal wolf size either it was more like a dire wolf from ancient times.

"So since you're not from here do you have anywhere to go." he asked staring at her.

"N-no I-I actually don't. I have no idea how I even got here. I can barely remember, it feels like it's fading." she stuttered as she tried to remember everything.

"Well how about you come back to my place and we can try and figure everything out there. You must be someone important to have met the Black Dragon God." he said smiling.

"Okay, but only until I figure everything out. I would hate to burden a stranger." she said as she finally mustered enough strength to stand up.

He chuckled a bit "No worries a beautiful woman like you could never burden a man. Why don't you hop on my back since it seems you don't have all your strength yet to walk." he said sweetly.

Lily nodded and gently got on his back, grabbing his neck softly to hold on. As she whispered into his pointy wolf ears "thank you very much."

He blushed from the feeling of her breath hitting his ear and her touch holding onto him. He began to leap into the forest and ran all the way through. Passing through the thick trees and barely being small enough to stay on the narrow path. His breath was paced and his fur glistened. His strong feet kicked pebbles and rocks out his way. He snapped branches with his large paws. Soon the forest stopped and they entered into a village where people made a path for the white giant wolf and looked at him in awe.

He kept running ignoring the people just smiling at them without stopping to talk. He then arrived to a large looking castle. Guards starting bombarding the entrance with a man in a butler looking suit appeared in a most bothered expression. He looked like he was upset enough to cry. The man then approached the wolf. He was extremely handsome too he had long black hair and glasses that sculpted his green forest like eyes.

The man began to speak "Your highness your supposed to not leave the castle ground without guards with you I tell you this every time. We have hunters and butchers to cath the castle food. You shouldn't waste your time on such trivial matters. And you shouldn't have a woman on your royal back either." he said with strong glare to Lily.

Lily was extrememly stunned by such announcement. In the world where she came from there wasnt really royalty beside the known Queen Elizabeth and her royal family in England. She began to try and climb off the wolf but her hopped and to make her stay on. He stared at the wolf and looked at him with a strong presence making the man turn his head.

"She is my royal guest from now on. Do not pester me again about this matter." he said in a roaring tone.

The guards knelt and waited as the royal wolf entered the beautiful castle. He roamed through the halls. The big long halls filled with gorgeous royal paintings of people who looked of nobility. He stopped at a door and knelt down.

" You can stay in this room. I will come back for you later. We can discuss your situation and have proper introductions." he said softly as Lily got of his back gently.

She blushed forgetting how she didnt even know his name. She nodded in response and watched as he left. She entered the giant luxurious room with a bed so big 5 wolves his size could fit in it. She looked around and walked to the window. Straing in amazement at the beautiful sight that was un front of her. The castle grounds were filled with guards and maids. With a large garden filled with white roses and light blue hydrangeas. A beautiful water fountain of a wolf in the center. She was frazzled by the new situation.