His Highness

The sky was like a dreamy hazy purple with shades of pink as nightfall grew closer. A knock echoed from Lily's bedroom door. She walked and opened it. The man who she seen turn into the white wolf was standing there. His hair still feathered him but with a better view she saw two white pointy ears on his head and a white long fluffy tail. He stood there like a dream, like a prince charming in fairy tale books. He walked in and knelt down taking her hand staring at Lilys surprised bashful face.

"I am Prince Luka Van Lupine of the Lupine Kingdom. I am the crowned prince of this country the soon to be king once I have found my rightful mate to rule with me. I promise to help with all my power." he said earnestly kneeling kissing Lily's hand that he was holding.

"I appreciate that your Majesty. I am graced with presence of royalty. I've never met someone of royalty before. I'm sorry if our first encouter was disgraceful to you." she said blushing remembering their first encounter and his extremely lewd body.

He smiled as he watched her face turn beet red and chuckled softly "No it is me who should apologize, I unknowingly was nude in the presence of such a beautiful lady as yourself and must have embarrassed you. I'm sorry, please forgive me." he said as his voice lingered so smooth.

"I accept your apology.." Lily said with a small giggle appreciating how much of a gentleman he was "My name is Lily. I'm not sure how I came to this world. I remember almost dying and a black dragon coming to me and a bright light then I woke up in the meadow." she said with a puzzled face.

"The black dragon you mentioned must be the Black Dragon God. He is known to show up during difficult times, grant wishes to those who deserve it most and to be a very merciful creature. But not many have seen him, the last recording of him was dated back 100 years ago. But nonetheless I will help you by any means necessary." Luka said in such a calm majestic manner.

"Thank you your majesty." Lily gratefully replied.

"Oh please just call me Luka. Hahaha I think we're past such formalities when you've already seen my body." he said with such a sweet teasing laugh.

Lilys face burned up and had a flashback to his body. She covered face with her slim frail hands and started waving them in the air like trying to shoo a fly.

"I-I wont call you your majesty if you stop t-teasing me." Lily stuttered in response as she looked down trying to avoid his eyes.

"Hahahaha well I will try but your bashfulness makes you an easy target for such small fun. Its quite cute to see your reactions." he said as he grabbed her by the chin gently raising her beautiful face, making her look at him and his strong beautiful blue glacier eyes.

She shook her head from his grasp and waved her arms in front of her face again. Trying to set some distance. So he couldn't see her face and her reaction. Lily took a couple steps back as well just for more precaution to escape his teasing. But she couldnt stop blushing since his lips were so close to touching hers. She hadnt been touched by a man like that. Not even Jonathon touched her like that. She was still a virgin at most a peck kiss was all she ever felt. Luka started giggling to break the mood. He grabbed her hand and faced forward to the door opening it. He started to walk making her follow.

"You've had such a day you must be hungry and tired. Why don't you have dinner with me and then try to have a good night's rest." he asked tilting his head like he did when was in his wolf form.

"That sounds good. I'm actually starving. There are some things I would like to ask you too as we eat." Lily answered back to him.

"Oh my dear, don't tell me you're planning to propose so soon." he said with a huge grin on his handsome face.

She blushed and giggled. Adjusting to his teasing ways. They both started laughing. The maids and butlers nearby stood there and watched as the two of them laughed like the best of friends. The royal staff was stunned to see such a view of their prince and the mysterious woman. That they all started talking and smiling as they watched the two.

Luka escorted Lily to the extravagant dining hall that had golden chandeliers and beautiful long table with a royal blue colored table runner, and delicious food she'd never imagine encountering. He pulled out her chair next to his for her to sit. She sat down and watched as Luka in a beautiful royal blue and white prince's outfit elegantly sat in his chair.

She still couldn't believe her eyes. The scene and aura was like a fairy tale. He was a prince that turned into a giant white wolf. She went from a hard working young adult who was orphaned at a young age to being a woman teleported into a new world of beast people.

"So Lily ask me anything you want. I would also like to get to know you better." Luka said.

"Well does everyone in this world turn into animals too? Not everyone else has ears and tails out." Lily asked with curiosity.

"You really aren't from this world. But yes everyone here is a beast person. Each kingdom, tribe or village have different beast people. The people here are wolves. In the South you'll see tigers lions cheetahs and other big cat species. In the east are where reptiles and amphibians live the most. In the north is where we are now. Wolves, bears, coyotes, foxes, and other forest like beast people live here. To the west we have gorillas, apes, it's where the primates choose to live. In the center are those of lower classes and where all come to meet. This is my territory where the meadow ends where I found you is where the Bear's territory begins. Lucky I found you first." he explained.

"You said luckily you found me first is the bear territory filled with mean beast people?" Lily asked as she began to eat the lovely pasta in front of her.

"No, I'm just glad I found a treasure like you first." Luka said with a small smirk holding red wine in his hand.

As Lily blushed she continued to eat the delicious food. Luka continued talking about how the lands were separated. He talked about how the prince in the bear kingdom was his childhood friend. He spoke of his adventures to the other kingdoms and the different beast people he encountered. The two of them smiled and talked until the butler looking man with the dark black hair and forest green eyes entered.

"Your Highness we need to discuss royal affairs when you're done." the man said coldly.

"You can tell me here. I'm enjoying my time with Lily. We are talking about the history of the kingdoms and my voyages to them." the prince said like a child pouting.

"Your Highness she is not of royal blood or in the royal court to hear such things. She shouldn't even be dining with you." he said with a stone cold glare that was so sharp it stung Lily.

"Hmmmphh Erick I said it once I'll say it again she is my guest. Do not be so disrespectful again. I will not tolerate such disrespectful behavior towards my precious guest." he exclaimed with an authoritative growl.

Erick the man whom seemed to be Luka's chancellor or knight submitted, as he bowed and quickly exited as he had came in. The prince had a scowl on his face. He looked at Lily almost with distraught and unease.

" I apologize Lily his behavior was inexcusable he's very protective of me. Erick doesn't trust many. Please don't take it personally he's actually very kind. If you'll excuse me I have to take my leave and talk with him." he said as he bowed and headed to his study.

Lily sat there thinking of Erick and his cold stare. People don't usually get on her nerves or hurt her feelings when they talk ill of her. But Erick made Lily feel a sharp pain., she never liked the cold stares of others. Especially when she dealt with them after her parents' passing. The cold stares from those that pitied her. With the cold glares her relatives shot at her when no one wanted to take her in. If it wasn't for her grandmother she wouldn't have had anyone. Jonathon was by her side too until that day.

Lily stood up and tried to shake off the overwhelming feelings. It was an exhausting day. She started to head back to her bedroom but realized she was lost after a few turns down the different halls. She tried to continue looking but with a sigh she knelt down and began to mope. She thought to herself if this day could just get a little bit better then she could finally relax.

" Hey what are you just doing there. Sitting like that don't you have any manners? How could you get lost?" a man asked with a cold tone.

Lily quickly stood up accidentally headbutting the man in the chin. They both yelped. She rubbed her head where the pain was at. She looked over and it was Erick standing there holding papers. His chin was all red. She quickly took his face in her hands without thinking and tilted his head to check if he had a bruise.

"I-I'm so so sorry. I was lost and was trying to remember my way back. I'm not good with directions and lose my way a lot. It -it's all my fault." she exclaimed frantically.

Erick looked down at her realizing how close she was. With out even Lily realizing she was too close to his face and his lips. He could feel her soft breath. Her eyes looked sorrowful. He could see she felt bad. He took her hands and softly removed them from his face that was somewhat blushing. His hair glided with every stride with every small movement he made.

"It's fine. It was a mere accident I'm not the Highness's first knight for no reason. It takes more than a small headbutt that resembles a peck from a sparrow to hurt me." he said in a calmly matter trying to gain his composure and removing the last ounces of his blushing that once remained.

Lily looked down again his words were sharp once again. She did not understand why she bothered him so much. She didn't mean to hit him and she just wanted to find her way back. She was ready for their encounter to be over.

Erick stood there and watched Lily and her body language he could sense she was on edge. He tried to guess why. Maybe because she was lost. Or it was the words he spoke before. He sighed. Then Lily looked up and saw his expression. She began to walk away to try and find her own way back. But suddenly Erick grabbed her hand.

" I will show you the way to your room." Erick said with no emotion.

He started walking her to her room. Both of their demeanors were awkward. One seem cold with no emotion. The other frazzled with annoyance. Lily just walked silently watching his back. She bit her lip with overwhelming awkward feeling. Suddenly they ended up at her bedroom door. Erick unknowingly still had her hand.

Luka annoyed with Erick's attitude went looking for him with him nowhere in sight he began heading for Lily. Luka gazed saw Erick and Lily hand in hand. Luka had this immense feeling take over seeing Erick touching Lily. He walked over there swiftly and grabbed Erick's hand from Lily. Quickly he snatched Lily into an almost embrace. Lily was star struck by how fast everything happened.

"Erick are you annoying my guest again? Why were you holding her hand?" he asked with a fierce voice.

" I encountered her on my way to find you. She was sitting like a child lost in the hallway. I simply grabbed her hand so she wouldn't get lost and brought her to her room." Erick said with an icy tone.

The two began glaring at each other. It was like a silent war had taken over the castle grounds. Lily was so uncomfotable in the middle of the two of them she thought of trying to break the ice.

" Luka what Erick said is true. He was just helping me back to my room. I think there has been a misunderstanding. I apologize. Thank you Erick for showing me the way I'm sorry for my childish behavior." Lily said with the last part emphasized in response to what Erick said.

Lily curtsy to both the gentlemen "if you don't mind I would like to rest now it has been a hectic day" she said.

"Of course Lily. Please rest." Luka said before Lily entered the room.

Lily then turned and shut the door to her room. She quicky undressed out of her dress she was wearing. And flopped on the bed sighing. She had heavy thoughts of everything that happened that day. She was exhausted from it all. Her eyes were heavy. With her eyes slowly shuttering yet she could still see the faces of Erick and Luka who looked like they were going to brawl. She then saw the black dragons face somewhat faded. Too tired to think anymore she drifted to sleep.