Storms Before The Blossoms

It had been a week since Luka and Lily's incident. Luka had been busy from all the guest and with royal duties apparently. Lily had been scoping out the castle accompanied by Fancheska an Angelica her new maids. She was starting to feel so lonely with no one to really talk to and she didnt know how to confront Luka. She had been wondering if it be better if she just left. However she was scared ahe knew nothing about this world and the people in it. Or how everything worked she had no knowledge of the customs.

"Francheska can we go to the library? I have a few things I want to learn." Lily asked.

"Sure we can my lady. Where ever you want to go I shall follow." she answered.

Francheska led Lily to the vast open library where thousands no hundred of thousands of books slept waiting for the touch of someone. Some seemed old and dusty others were new with hard covers. Even scrolls were kept up high that needed a ten foot ladder. Lily brushed her hands on the books quickly scrolling the titles looking for something that would answer her many questions. She came upon two. One that was about the Lupine Kingdom the other was of The Black Dragon God.

Lily sat at the nearby chair with a small tea table next to her. She opened up the one about the Lupine Kingdom first. She read and read using the frail tips of fingers to grab the next pages. The book talked in detail about the previous Kings and Queens. It also talked about how wolf beast people usuallt mated with only one person for life as other beast people would have multiple spouses and lovers. Which was the reason why the Lupine Kingdom had less citizens than some of the other kingdoms. Lily stopped at a picture of a man with Jet black hair and amber eyes accompanied with a woman who had white snow like hair and blue sky like eyes. She had guessed that must have been Luka's parents but she had no idea what happened to them. Looking deeper into the book she gained new facts. The wolf beast people could live up to 120 years of age without the assistance of any magickal gems or amulets. They are also known as the best trackers and hunters alongside the lion, tiger, snake, and few avians. They can have a litter up to 12 which is known to be a good omen with more pups. They also have keen sense of possessiveness over the ones they love. With the last fact Lily closed the book and sighed. She wondered was that why Luka acted that way he has feelings for her.

"Whats wrong my lady? You seem to be down since the ball." Francheska questioned with concern.

"N-nothing. Just stressed a bit. I think I'll take the other book back with me and read it in my room later." Lily responded trying to avoid the reason for her stress.

The three women walked around the castle heading back to the room. Lily didn't realize that she was walking the same direction as Luka's study room. Erick and Luka walkednout of the room and Erick saw Lily who seemed to be in another world. Francheska coughed and then curtsied to the prince showing respect. Erick stood there waiting for the two to break the awkward tension. But alas neither of them wanted to speak.

"I see you went to the library." Erick spoke gesturing to the book in Lilys pale hands.

"Y-yes I did. I-I was looking for answers to some of the questions that's been pestering me these past few days." she stuttered from the awkwardness.

"Hmmm the Black Dragon God hasnt been heard of for many many years. But my family used to tell tales of him. If you'd like I can tell you some of the stories I heard." Erick offered with a smile.

His smile took Lily aback since he was always cold. Was he trying to be like Aaron and upset Luka or was it him being genuine. Lily nodded and smiled back to him.

"I would very much appreciate that. I will look forward to hearing the storied the next time you are free." Lily professed.

Luke stood there even more silent. He watched Lily and Erick he wanted to apologize he wanted to ask for forginess and explain. But words would not come out. He was ashamed of himself and could still hear the cries from Lily that night echoing in his mind and heart. Luka never cared for a female before, he had always ignored the proposals of the other beast women. But Lily was different from the rest. He felt comfortable talking to her. Lily had left and conitnued on. Erick stood there looking at the prince puzzled.

"You know if you apologized she would be quick to forgive you. It's your own fault for not speaking and being displayong such a shameful act." Erick expressed coldly.

Luka grabbed him by the shirt in a fit of anger. But let go swiftly his words were true and annoyed him because Erick was right. Erick shifted his clothes fixing his demeanor and sighed.

"Apologize during dinner." he retorted becore leaving the prince.

Luka went to his room sat on his chair and thought of the words he should say. Practicing repeatedly in his head. He looked out the window as the clouds grew grey and could smell the rain that would soon fall. He was extremely anxious to apoligize to Lily. He decided to go bathe before the would meet and prepare himself. Maybe it would calm him down.

Lily waited in her room. Where Francheska also prepared a kit for her to take to the bathing room. So they could prepare Lily for dinner. Lily and the maids grabbed everything Lily may need and headed out. Lily let out a depressing sigh that grabbed both Fracheska and Angelica's attention.

" You sigh my lady like a woman dealing with hard times. But you live in a beautiful room in the castle of one the greatest kingdoms." Angelica mentioned with a devilish smirk.

"Shut up. Don't speak to your lady like that." Francheska asnwered smacking Angelica in the head lightly.

"Yes I should be grateful. Pardon me for my attitude." Lily retorted.

Francheska glared growling at Angelica. Lily ignored the two desperately wanting to bathe in the hot bath. They arrived to the bath and it was a glorious huge area. It was more like a giant in ground pool. The steam rose making the room look misty. Lily undressed taking all her clothing off she had towel wrapped in her hair. She started walking to the bath that was around the corner. Abruptly a manly figured appeared and the two of them bumped into each other. Lily tripped and the man fell back. Lily was shocked it all happened in jusy a short moment she just tried to raise herself up when she felt the nude muscles of the man. She blushed and looked down it was Luka laying beneath her.

The two of the laid there astonished by how the two of them were there. Luka was bit groggy too from the fall but it wasn't anything too serious.

"Umm are you okay?" he asked with a concerned expression on his handsome wet face.

"I-I am so so sorry. I wasnt paying attention." she confessed.

His naked wer body still under her. Made her flush ever so deeply.

"It's fine it's more my fault than yours" he answered gliding a piece of her hair that was in her face before he sighed "I'm also sorry about before. That has never happened. Seeing you with Aaron and his hands around your waist infuriated me."

Lily smiled gently looking at his eyes and how genuine they seemed "Im also sorry for my behavior and ignoring you. I didn't know how to speak to you." she revealed.

Luka chuckled "I was feeling the same."

They both laughed off the previous awkwardness. Without adressing their new found situation. It was oblivious to them. when they were finally enjoying each others company. When Lily's chest pressed against his and Luka looked up at her with a blushing face. Her soft breast was against his hard chest. Lily felt something hard poking her posterior she blushed. Luka grabbed her by her arms and lifted her up taking the towel he had and quickly covering himself.

"I'm apologize for my rudeness. My body immediately reacted." Luka expressed looking at her naked body that seemed red from the embarrassment.

Lily took the towel off her head and swiftly wrapped her body. The two of them seemed so nervous. Luka wanted to touch her bare body again, instead he bit his lip and turned away.

"Enjoy your bath I'll see you at dinner!" Luka yelled at Lily as he exited the bathing room.

Lily dipped her flushed body in the hot steaming bath. She touched her breast that had encountered Luka's hard chest. She remembered the feeling of something poking her. Her face was so red Rudolph's nose was dull in comparison. Luka always expressed a gentle sweet exterior. But his bare body was nothing Lily's virgin mind could have experienced. She covered her face hoping no one was looking at her in the empty room.

Her head went under water where she blew bubbles like a child. Keep calm she kept repeating to herself. It was just a natural reaction for him. She mustered out trying to draw a rational conclusion to him getting an erection to her. Francheska came in and saw Lily she frantically began hollering to her thinking she was drowning. Lily popped up quickly waving her arms notifying Francheska she was fine. She was hoping Francheska and Angelica didn't see anything. Especially Angelica since she'd most likely spread rumors and gossip about what had just happened. Lily finished bathing and got out the bath. She put on her frech clothes with the help of her maids and went to her room. At her room they finished her up putting her hair up in a bun. All of a sudden a loud crashing thunder echoed the castle. Lily hated thunder ever since her mother and father passed in a car accident on a stormy night.

She ran to her bed and hid under the covers holding back her tears. Francheska stood up quickly concerned for Lily. When crash another hit of thunder. Lily started shaking feverishly hiding herself. Another crash roared through the castle making Lily scream. Luka and Erick heard the scream. They ran out rushing to Lily's bedroom. Erick arrived first and then Luka both wondering what had happened. When Francheska began explaing the prince rushed to her side and embraced Lily. The thunder hit again Lily grabbed the prince by his halfway buttoned up shirt and nuzzled into his chest crying.

"Please...don't leave me...don't go" she wept.

She cried earnestly into Luka's arm until she tired herself out. Luka sat there playing with her hair until she fell asleep. He looked down at her carefully placing her head on the pillow.

"I will sit here with her. Bring me my food and hers in case she wakes up." Luka demanded.

"Your highness you mustn't people will gossip and get the wrong idea." Erick answered.

Luka shook his head and grabbed Lily's hand holding it caressing it in his. He ignored Erick's advice and continued by her side. Erick left the room and shut the door he tightened his fist and gritted his teeth. His body wanted him to hold Lily. The prince reacted faster than him. He wanted to tell her it was okay. The maid came out and looked at him.

"I'll go fetch their food you should rest." Francheska said.

Erick nodded and turned away walking from Lily's room. He couldn't handle this feeling. He knew he couldn't go against the prince but he wanted to be there more for Lily than listen to Luka's demands.