
Lily woke up the next morning she yawned, her eyes felt sore and puffy. She had dreams of her mother and father. She looked to her left hand side where she felt something weighing on her hand. To her amazement it was Luka. He was sitting on a chair his back was arched and his head was laying on the bed, his hand still held Lily's hand curled up near his lips. She used her free hand and slightly moved his hair. His ears twitched from the feeling of her touch. He laid there still asleep. Lily looked at his soft perky ears and touched one. It was so soft she couldn't help wanting to continue to touch it. She got on all fours looking at his soft sleeping expression and cute dog like ears. When Luka started to smile. His eyes opened and the first thing he could see was her face right in front of his she was barely a shorts arms reach away he could move his face an inch and kiss her. He thought of doing it but didn't want to upset her. Lily blushed and rushed back to her side of the bed taking her hand back. Luka looked back to his hand where he had held her's all night.

"If you wanted to touch my ears you could have just asked." Luka muttered with a sleepy tone.

"I-I just thought they looked super soft like a dog's from where I am from." she whispered looking away.

"Hahaha well I'm definitely not a dog. But I wouldn't mind being tamed by you." he answered.

"You're a prince. I'm not even from this world. I wouldn't dare." she flustered out a response.

Luka grabbed Lily by the arm gently pulling her on to him. He gazed at her honey eyes that shimmered in the sunlight. He softly took her hair into his hand and kissed it. Her hair glowed like the rays of sunshine itself. She was startled and for second scared he might force himself but remembered how last time even when they were naked on top of each other he didn't make her do anything.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked blushing while his tail was wagging.

"Are you teasing me again or are you serious?" Lily questioned back.

"I'm very serious." he exclaimed staring into her eyes.

Lily nodded her head yes. Waiting for his lips to touch hers. Luka pulled her in deeply his lips kissed hers as he touched her face. His tongue slipped in scooping hers. Lily flinched a bit not used to such acts. She did the same in return. The two of them started kissing so deeply that it made Lily think of wanting more she placed her delicate hands on his chest. Luka's tail started to wag more like a dog happy to see it's owner return home. She wanted to giggle at the sight but instead low moam came out Luka was touching the nape of her neck. His eyes was watching her expression he didn't want to hold back but he knew she wasn't ready. Suddenly the door knob started moving. Both of them almost panting from the lust and their deep kisses that barely allowed them to breathe separated in just short moments. Luka stood up quickly and Lily ruffled her sheets to her chest.

Francheska entered the room with sheer ignorance to what just transpired. She put a fresh pot of tea down and curtsied to the prince. She looked at Lily who seemed frozen in time.

"Excuse me your Highness but I need to get my lady ready for the day." Francheska pointed out.

"R-right of couse. I shall see you later for breakfast Lily." the prince said exiting the room.

Francheska giggled "so what happened between you and the prince?" gestured to the bed.

"N-nothing really." Lily remarked.

Francheska giggled even more. She helped Lily up out of the bed and picked out a lobely royal blue dress that matched with Luka's usual clothes. She put a small bun in her hair letting the rest fall gracing against her face on to her shoulders down her back. Angelica came in with some biscuits and placed them down next to Lily. When Francheska went into the other room for a hair piece to match Lily's attire.

"You really like to have the attention on you don't you?" assumed Angelica.

"No, I do not." exclaimed Lily with anger.

"You better not be toying with our prince!" Angelica declared.

"I would never. I'm not that type of woman. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. I appreciate all he's done for me." Lily answered glaring at the rude maid.

Francheska came back with blue rose hair clip. She put the clip at center of the small bun. Then she added a white lace choker with a lapis lazuli amulet. Lily was finally ready to head to breakfast. When a knock came from the bedroom door. Angelica answered it and Erick walked in.

"I need to speak with Lily alone please." he told the maids who quickly left.

"Hello Erick, I hope I didn't concern you too much last night. I don't do well with thunder storms." Lily stated.

"I was actually worried....I wanted to help you but I am not supposed to overstep the prince. How are you doing today?" he spoke with hesitation.

"I am doing alright. But are you? Lately your demeanor has changed a bit." she answered.

"Well to be honest I'm not sure. Lately when I see you I want to help you, I want to make you feel at ease. When I saw you crying I wanted to hug you I never felt this way." he mumbled.

Lily was shocked "I-I don't know what to were so cold to me at first I have grown comfortable with you since though. I also appreciate everything you do. But I am not sure how to respond. I don't want to be the reason why you and the prince have strife."

"I would be a knight again just for you. If you asked I would protect you to the end of days....and I'm not sure of what kind of beast person you are. But if you're the kind that has multiple spouses and would want to have multiple I wpuld learn how to accept it so long as I can be by your side." he claimed.

"I will think about it I promise. I'm sorry but I have to leave tp eat breakfast with the prince." she said before she curtsied and left.

Erick smiled hoping that maybe he might have a chance. But inside Lily she was having an inner turmoil. She recalled the kiss she shared with the prince and when Erick held her when she cried. The were both kind to her and they were both special. She didn't know which one to pick. Lily was concerned what would happen. She knew she also had to tell Erick the truth about how she came to the castle and how she's from another world.

She was excited to see the prince though butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She was also dying to eat since she arrived the food she got to eat was the most delicious she ever had. She entered the dining room and sat at the table near the prince. Luka saw her and smiled.

"You look amazing, blue really suits you." he said with a loving smile.

"Thank you Luka. Im grateful to the chance to wear such beautiful clothes. Where I'm from these are no longer in fashion. It's almost like I'm a princess." she responded.

"Well you could always be my Princess and maybe someday my queen. Princess Lily sounds nice." he suggested.

Lily smiled but remembered Erick "I-I don't know how to answer that." she conveyed.

"Well think about it for now, there is no rush we still need to get to know each other more." Luka noted.

She nodded to his words. The spoke about Lily's world as they ate breakfast. The atmosphere was nice with the two chatting away. They seemed happy and relaxed. Lily told Luka about cars and how there were only humans and animals no beast people. She spoke of her family and why she hated thunderstorms which Luke realized by how she acted the night before.

Luka told her about his family and how when his parents were alive they would always have a ball. His mother loved to dance and his father would admire her beauty as she twirled in the dance room. His father enjoyed hunting the most when he wasn't spending time with his family. They were a happy family until his mother became ill and passed when he was 12 and his father passed from the war when he was 14. At the age of 16 he had been considered an adult and had to take charge of the kingdom.

Lily felt bad for him also losing his parents young. But Luka spoke how Aaron and Erick kept him in high spirits that they were his best friends. They always found ways to cheer him up and make him laugh. When ever Aaron could he would come over and play pranks that was before he became a womanizer. Erick was always serious and wpuld try his best tp protect Luka which is why he became a knight when Luka's mother died.

Their conversation lasted a good while. The royal servants smiled at Prince Luka's new found endearment and softness. They spoke with hopes that maybe he could finally be happy with a lady like Lily at his side.

The two of them decided to head for a walk around the garden and continued their chat. They walked around for a bit, their conversation and laughs seemed endless. They enjoyed walking side by side hearing the other talk. But suddenly a guard walked up to Luka and whispered something in his ear whi h made his face look disgusted.

"I'm sorry Lily I have to take care of something at the outer gates I will be back later." the prince said.

"Of course." she answered.

He waved to her and left the castle grounds in a rush. Erick was at the glass stained doors by the entrance of the garden area.

"Erick what are ypu doing here?" she asked.

"I was told to stay by your side until the Highness returns." he answered without hesitation.

Erock seemed concerned so Lily lfollowed and listened to him. Luka and Erick's expression were a bit dark like something happened. It was better if she wasn't in the way. She and Erick went into her room and sat down on the victorian styled sofa.

"Erick what's going on?" she asked with worry.

"The prince went to handle a rogue beastman apparently its harpie eagle avian beastman, who has been either stealing food from the citizens or beong framed for it." he answered.

"Will he be alright?" she questioned Erick.

"Of course. He's the soon to be king. The royal blood wolves are stronger than the other wolf beastman. By the way what beastman are you?" he said.

Lily twiddled her thumbs wondering if she should tell him. Wondering if the truth would make her sound crazy or if he would understand.

"I am not a beastman. I came from another world, where beast people don't exist only humans and animals." she told him.

His complexion changed. It all made sense now. Everything came into place in his mind. She seemed to have no knowledge of the kingdoms or the people here.

"The Black Dragon God sent me here before I died." she muttered to break the silence.

"Makes sense hundred of years ago during the great war supposedly a strange man appeared and somehow stopped it. He claimed the Black Dragon God sent him here. But the Black Dragon God also gave him powers." he remarked.

Lily was happy that he didn't call her insane. She was also happy with the new information she learned. To know a human came here too before her. But with poweres she questioned. Maybe she had some unknown powers too.

Erick stood up and sat next to her leaning in "did you think about what I said?" he asked.

Lily shuffled from his random act. She blushed thinking about her words and nodded.

"Yes but I need some more time." she answered.

Suddenly a guard stumbled in rushing to Erick. Erick stood up and immediately tried to calm the guard down.

"The Highness has been injured we captured the rogue. I need you to come to his side immediately." the guard said in a panic voice.

Erick grabbed his stuff and headed out but Lily grabbed his hand her face was frozen with fear.

"Please let me come with me." she begged.

Erick knew he couldn't stop her. Even though she seemed terrified it wasn't for her own safety but once again for someone else. He nodded his head and all of them headed out. Frantically they all rushed to the prince's side.