Awkwardness Before Intimacy

Lily awoke the next morning to Francheska preparing her a bath and fresh sheets neither Erick nor Prince Luka were to be seen. She wondered if it was all a dream or perhaps it was all real. Her body felt heavy and her mind hazy. 

"My Lady i was ordered to prepare and give you a bath this early morning. " Francheska said. 

When Lily raised herself attempting to get out of bed but almost falling over due to the hazy feeling that swelled inside her. That is when Francheska gestured to Angelica to come help move Lily into the bath. The gently carried her making sure she wouldn't get hurt placing her inside the ceramic clawfoot bathtub. Lily let out a slight sigh of enjoyment when her pale skin touched the warm bath. She could smell roses and feel the petals touching her pale skin. The steam from the bath even fogged the windows. When a knock could be heard from outside. 

" Who is it? " Lily called out. 

"It's Luka can I come in? " he asked. 

" Lady Lily is taking the bath you ordered us to prepare your highness. " Francheska answers for Lily after noticing her blushing face and her dipping half her head into the water like an ostrich trying to hide from a predator. 

" Good to hear then i will see you later Lady Lily once you finish. " the prince responded as he left the entrance to Lily's room. 

Luka couldn't help but imagine Lily and her bathing. He imagined him bathing with her holding her in his arm skin to skin. Feeling the warmth of the bath all over him and the warmth of her skin in his grasp. It was getting harder for him to manage the lust he was developing for her. Every ounce of him whined to claim her, to mate with her, to make her his. He headed to the courtyard where he exited the palace and shifted into his wolf form running into the forest. Desperately trying to rid himself of this overwhelming feeling. 

While Lily was still in the bath she blew bubbles while half her head was still dipped in the bath. Like a child would during a bubble bath. She was still trying so hard to remember last night's occurrence but she couldn't. She thought maybe it be best to ask one of them yet her face flushed just from the mere thought. If it did happen part of her felt embarrassed that she had dozed off in the middle of it all or that she may have dreamt it all up. For a few moments longer she continued to bathe trying to enjoy it and let her mind quiet itself. 

After a while Lily stood up " Francheska please help me get ready. " she asked of her trusty maid. 

Lily decided to address the awkwardness between the possible three of them. Rather than allowing it to continue. Without her knowing Erick was also heading towards her to see if she was finally awake. Francheska had platinum blonde silk dress picked out for Lily that would compliment her hair and skin tone. Angelica pulled half her hair up into a bun leaving the rest drape down her shoulders and back. A natural tone makeup was applied to her with a pinkish tone lipstick to highlight some of her features. 

" You look absolutely beautiful, My Lady. " Francheska said once they finished up.

Once again a knock was coming from Lily's door. She wondered if it was the prince again. She had doped someone would be able to answer her question this time. This time she wouldn't shy from the truth. Lily knew for certain she had feelings for the two wolf beastmen, whom also made it clear they wanted her.

" It's Erick My Lady, may I enter? " Erick requested. 

Lily opened the door herself to see him. She smiled up at him the man who could be so stern and serious yet so sweet to her. She pulled him by the wrist into her room to join her on the sofa.

" Thank you my lady for allowing me some time. I know his highness is also waiting for you as well. Have you spoken to him as of yet? " Erick asked softly as he tried to hide the hints of his flustered face heating up as he recalled the night before. 

" He came while I was bathing so I was unable to talk to him yet, I'm oping he comes back soon. " she said with a face that held a loving expression when she thought of Luka. 

Erick could tell Prince Luka held the spot closes to her heart. However he was trying to learn how to deal with that so long as he could be by her side. He looked over at Lily with her hair glistening and her pale skin making her look like a porcelain doll that you wanted to be careful with. 

" I hope you and his highness get a chance to speak. " Erick answered back. 

" I had a question for you too, Erick. Ugh unmm.. did anything happen between the three of us at dinner last night? " Lily asked with all the courage she had as she coughed out what felt like a lump in her throat.