Please Mark Me Your Highness (18+ Warning)

Erick coughs up his tea all over the table we were sitting at. Lily tried to hold in a giggle from his reaction to her question. Yet then in that moment her face became as red as a cherry she received her answer without him saying a word. The embarrassment she felt was so profound with the flashbacks of the night before. Their hands caressing her bare body oh how it tantalized her, she could almost let out a moan from the sensation that was burning deep inside her. 

Lily may have had a boyfriend before in her old world however Jonathon never touched Lily in such a manner. Peck kisses here and there with the holding of the hands every so often however he made sure to stay busy apparently. Lily always wondered what it was to lay with a man and to be held throughout the night by them. She started to crave Luka there was a throbbing that wouldn't cease and her mind became clouded again with a haze that felt heavy. Almost like a hangover from a night of drinking after working all week. Yet this was worse and it wouldn't stop throbbing she looked at Erick with such a painful expression. Erick could tell right away something was tormenting her. 


He rushed to her side kneeling before her lap holding her hand in his. Lily's head pounded over and over like someone playing on the drums. Her vision grew obscure making it hard to discern anything in front of her. The throbbing started to travel into her eyes making it nearly impossible to keep open. She couldn't handle it anymore the pain became too excruciating to want to bare. Lily fainted in front of Erick out the unbearable amount of pain. Her body shut itself down to protect itself. The servants surrounded her frantically as Erick held Lily close to his chest. 

"Quickly inform his highness of Lily's current condition and call the royal physician immediately!" Erick growls echoed towards the servants. 

Erick was so scared a feeling he was still not accustomed to his breathing became rapid as he looked down at Lily with her golden hair wrapping around his arm. Lily was covered in sweat and making noises that sounded similar to a wolf's whimper. Her body curled into his warmth unconsciously. He noticed the symptoms she was experiencing and it was similar to when beast-women would fall into a heat cycle. Erick was more puzzled than ever because he could tell she wasn't a beast-person at all. Then within seconds she yelped with a scent protruding from her body as it laid limply in Eric's arms.

A knight rushed into the room the where the duo sat on the floor in the middle of the room "his highness has given the order for Lady Lily to be placed in his room for recovery effective immediately and he is almost back to the castle grounds" the knight informed the sorrow filled man who was trying desperately to cover Lily's scent so the knight wouldn't pounce. 

Erick nodded and swatted his hand towards the knight commanding him to leave. He couldn't allow any other male besides his highness and him to smell Lily's pheromones. He knew any other beast-man would lose all rationality and attempt to mark her. He wanted to protect her even if that meant he had to ignore his own instincts that screamed to claim the woman he was carrying. He bit his lip blood drawing from the cut focusing on every ounce of pain to keep his mind sane. Erick knew it wasn't his place to mark Lily first. His highness was the one who claimed her heart first, the one who she held closes to her heart. The thought made his chest ache he shook his head like a mad man as he headed down the halls still airing out his own pheromones. Lily's scent was that of morning dew and lavender. While his was more like vanilla and sandalwood. The closer her got to his highness's room the stronger the scent of pine grew which he knew meant that Luka was exuding out his pheromone as well. 

Finally reaching the entryway of Luka's room, Erick could barely breathe as the leader of their pack the "king" of wolf beast-men released his pheromones that made all quiver. He bowed his head as he handed over Lily to his highness. Luka snatched her quickly into his arms his eyes glowing, unmasking the intentions he was holding back himself. Lily wrapped her arms around Luka's neck letting out moans that had an aching tone. Her body shivered to the tips of his fingers touching her skin. Erick had turn away almost as if his tail was tucked in. Without hesitation Luka brought Lily into his room slamming the door behind them. Gently he placed her on his massive bed with soft blue silk sheets spread out. Lily arched from a pain that craved Luka's touch. Tears falling down her pink cheeks. Her mind completely hazy unable to determine if the tears were from her aches of pains or aches a burning lust. She craved the warmth waving her arms helplessly looking for Luka. 

"Please your highness.... please mark me your highness, I can't handle the pain any longer! " Lily begged out still unable to even open her eyes.

Luka's tail wagged volatilely from the words that echoed in the room. His hand drifted softly to her clothes taking them off restlessly. His nails and fangs helping to tear off the fabrics that was preventing him to touch Lily's bare body. With the pieces of her dress falling to the side of his bed so to were Lily's legs. The fell to the side almost like a gate opening for him to enter. His ears perked as her scent grew sweeter and stronger. The room was filled with lavender, pine and morning dew. It smelled sweetly of the forest that he loved exploring. Now he was going to take his time exploring a new territory, Lily's body!