Are you Micheal Yang?

Early in the morning in East City Micheal Yang had just gotten off work. He had gotten a job working over night in a factory to save up some money. Over the past six months he had a strict schedule work over night the go to school then sleep till it was time to go to work again. While he did that he also studied for his college entrance exam so he could further his education and get a better job. Micheal was from a poor family that was in a lot of debt, due to this his parents left him in the care of a guardian while they had to find work in other parts of the country to pay off the debt. Micheal knew how hard his parents worked and wanted to help them out as best he could. His plan was to get a carrier were he could pay off all of the debt and take care of his parents. He had studied hard to get into one of the best universities and had a few scholarships lined up so the bills would not burden his family. However, there was another reason for him to work over night at the factory, he wanted to buy a ring. 12 years ago he made a promise with his childhood friend and girlfriend Amy. He promised Amy that when he turned eighteen he would marry her, they had grown up together and were almost always by each others side. Now he had enough money to buy a ring and propose to her. On his way to school he received a text from Amy "could you meet me at the usual spot?". Micheal was overjoyed he had just pickup the ring yesterday and now was the perfect time to propose since their graduation was today. He quickly rushed to meet her at the tree in the park they always hung out at. when he arrived he saw Amy standing there looking out at the pond by the tree.

"Amy !" He yelled as he ran towards her.

However Amy didn't look like her usual self there was hint of sadness in here eyes.

"What's wrong you look upset about something?"

Amy just replied " I'm fine I have just been thinking"

"Oh about what ?" As Micheal said this he started to reach into his pocket to pull out the ring"

" Micheal I think we should break up!"

As she said this Micheal froze. He didn't know how to react. "What break up, why? is there something I did ?"

Amy just looked at him and said "I think that you and I should go our separate ways. My family is wanting me to take up a certain carrier in their company and I believe that they are right. Plus you have you own family situation to deal with and you should focus on that"

These words hit him like a rock. Micheal didn't know how to respond but he knew what she basically saying, but he just never thought that these words would come from her. Even though Amy was from a wealthy family she never let it give her a ego like other rich kids he knew. she was always kind and supportive and never looked down on Micheal because he was poor. However now she was breaking up with him because of his status, but he could not figure out why what caused her to be like this

After that Amy left leaving Micheal to his thoughts. Micheal didn't know what to do or say he just stood there. After awhile he left and started heading towards school. At the main gate he saw several people standing there with their parents taking pictures and congratulating one another. As he made his way to get changed for the ceremony he heard a voice call for him. "Micheal". As he turned around he saw that it was Mr. Zhao the school counselor.

"Micheal there you are. I have been trying to reach you for the past hour".

He forgot that he turned his phone off to talk to Amy, but never turned it back on.

" oh sorry Mr. Zhao I turn it off and forgot all about. What were you trying to talk to me about?"

" Micheal I had just received word from the university on which students will be admitted, and I am afraid that you are not the list.

What? He was not admitted to the university how could this be.

"Mr. Zhao how is that possible I have the best grades in the school, how could I not be admitted"

Mr. Zhao just sighed and said " Micheal I am not sure why the university decided not to admit you but their word is final I'm sorry"

As he left Micheal didn't know how to react. This was the second bomb shell to hit him today first Amy now this. What is going on? All of his hard work and determination flushed down the drain. How was he going to get a better job, to pay off his family debts, and provide a better life for his parents.

After the ceremony Micheal began to leave and try and figure out what to do next. He had to do something just because his plan here failed doesn't mean that his life is over he still has his family he has to try and take care of them. As he stepped out the back he saw something that shocked him to his core. He saw Amy holding onto the arm of the richest kid in school Richard Lu while he was talking to Mr. Zhao, and he heard every word of their conversation.

"Mr. Zhao thank you for notifying me of my acceptance in the university"

" the pleasure was all mine young master Lu, to be honest I was afraid that they would have picked the other student with better grades but luckily I was able to use my recommendation to get you in"

"Mr. Zhao you are so thoughtful my father won't forget this. By the way I didn't introduce to you my fiancé Amy Wu. We got engaged a couple days ago."

What? She is engaged to Richard, how, when? These words shook Micheal to his core. The girl he had loved for so long and the counselor he trusted and viewed as a mentor both betrayed him. For what to gain favor with the rich and powerful. Micheal felt like his entire wold fell apart, and there was nothing he could do about.

As Micheal was walking home he was still trying to rap his head around the whole situation that just transpired. When he reached the rundown little shack that he called home for his entire life he received another shock.

His door was open and people were loading all of his family possessions into a truck. What is going on are they bill collectors trying to collect payments and decided to seize what little my family has. No not this time.

"Who are you why are you packing up all of my family belongings?" Micheal yelled at the top of his lungs. But the people just looked onward and kept loading their things.

"Why aren't you answering me.?" As he said this he ran towards those people ready to fight. His face was red and his eyes bloodshot. Just then he heard a voice.

"Are you Micheal Yang?"

As he turned around to see who asked the question he saw two men in black suites approach him. They asked again

"Are you Micheal Yang?"