Our son is home

Micheal stood there with at look of confusion on his face who were these two men and why did they come to find him specifically? While he was trying to think of who these men are one asked the question again.

"Are you Micheal Yang ?"

This brought him back to reality. He nodded his head and said yes.

The man reached into his jacket and pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. After saying a few words he handed the phone to Micheal and informed him that his father wished to speak with him.

"What my dad, What have done with him?"

Micheal quickly grabbed the phone and held it up to his ear. He then heard his father voice on the other end.

" Micheal is that you?"

"Dad is everything alright, these people are cleaning out our house. Are you and mom in trouble?"

Suddenly there was a bust of laughter on the other end of the line.

" Micheal calm down, these people work for our family. I ordered them to pack up all of your things and bring you home"

Home? What was he talking about since he was little this has been the only home Micheal has known, and what did he mean that these people work for our family. Our family is poor how can we afford servants.

" Micheal I tried reaching you earlier but no call would go through, so I sent these people on ahead to get everything ready"

That's right his phone still powered from this morning and he had yet to turn it back on.

"Micheal I know you are a little confused but please follow these two men, and I will explain everything when you get here."

" and just were is there?" He asked

"Country B north city"

What north city in country B that was one of the biggest and wealthiest places on the continent. What was his parents doing in north city?

Micheal told his father that he would comply and then handed back the phone to the man. The man then told Micheal to follow him. The men then opened the door of a car and asked Micheal to get in.

"Wait that's a BMW." Micheal was amazed, but after looking closely he relished that this model of BMW alone was worth over a 2 million. How? How could his family own such a car.

" young master is there a problem?"

One of the men asked since Michael was frozen at the site of the car.

" if the car is not to your liking we can go buy another one"

What? Buy another one what is he talking about, also did he just refer to me as young master.

Michael just shook his head and told them that the car was fine. On the way to the airport Micheal was racking his brain trying find out what was going on. As they drove past the baggage check in, this is when Micheal noticed that they were going straight onto the tarmac.

" hold don't we need to go check in to get our tickets"

"That won't be necessary young master your family has sent one their private jets to fly you home"

private jet ? How can his family own a private jet, also he said one of there are more?

Micheal looked out the window and saw a G6 jet sitting ready to go. As he got out of the car all of the crew bowed and greeted him.

"Good evening young master Yang"

This nearly made Micheal fall over. He had no idea what was going and figured that the only person with the answers he sought was his father.

After a long plane ride Micheal was taken by car to a large villa. This sight amazed him. He had only ever seen this kind of place in movies or tv shows . It must cost a couple hundred million he thought. As he got out of the car several servants came out and greeted him the same way at the airport. As he walked inside he saw his parents. However, they we completely different from how he last saw them. They were both wearing expensive cloths and his mother even had jewelry on that looked like cost millions.

" Mom , Dad " these were the only word that Micheal could think of saying.

Both walked towards Micheal and hugged him.

His mother Mary began to shear tears.

" our son is finally home"

After a joyful reunion the three sat down for dinner. Micheal had not gotten to eat all day because of what all happened. As they sat down many chefs brought out dishes Micheal could only dream of eating yet they sitting right right in front of him.

Just then his father spoke

" Micheal I know you are wondering what is going on and with everything you have been through you have that right. That's is why both your grandfather and I will tell you everything tonight."

Grandfather? Micheal never met his grandfather. he always assumed that his grandfather died when he was very little.

Just then a voice came from behind him

"So he has returned"

Micheal turned around and saw and old man with a cane walking to the table. At that moment everyone stood up. Then Micheal father greeted him.

"Hello father"

"So the young master of the Yang family has finally come home"

Micheal was amazed this old man was his grandfather. The old man walked towards Micheal and gave him a hug. He then sat down and began putting food on his plate.

"Alexander, what all have you told him about our family?"

The old man said while looking at Micheal's father

"nothing yet"

The old man shook his and told everyone to sit down and enjoy their meal. While they were eating the old man introduced himself as John Yang the former head of the Yang. A title that was now held by Michaels father Alexander, and a title that will be held by Micheal one day. He went on to inform him that the Yang family is one of the wealthiest family in the world and have business in almost every sector even dabbling in politics from time to time. This all amazed Micheal. But then one question kept coming across his mind. Why did I grow up so poor?