I don’t deserve you

"Don't you go anywhere I will be right back and I'll make you kneel before me and beg for mercy "

After saying this Lisa Chen ran off. The Su's just look at Micheal not knowing how to react, however Micheal only reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He the proceeded to dial one number. Once the other side picked up he only said one sentence.

" send 30 men to Su pastries I'll be waiting"

There was only one response from the other end. "Yes sir"

Margaret and Jack looked at each and were amazed. What was going on Micheal came back dressed in a fine suit and even had the guts to hit Lisa Chen. Now he is having 30 people come here. When did he become this powerful.

Micheal could see their look of confusion so he smile and asked them to sit. He then proceeded to explain everything about his family and what has happened over the past six years. The two were amazed, to think this boy who they would give there left overs to was actually from one of the worlds most wealthiest families.

After fifteen minutes six black SUV pulled up and men in black suites got out. They entered the shop. the Su's where terrified, however the men leading them was a tall frightening looking men. He walked over to were Micheal was sitting. Micheal looked at the man, and didn't say anything. The Su's wondered if these are Lisa people. Then the man bowed and greeted Micheal.

"Young master I have brought the men you requested"

This scene shocked both Margaret and Jack. Margaret nearly fell over and fainted. They realized that everything that Micheal said was true. Micheal then reached into his pocket and pulled out a large roll of cash and handed it to Jack.

"Uncle this for these men. If their bill is greater then that let me know I'll give you more other then that please keep the change."

Jack look at the money in his hand. This was more money then shop made in a month and yet Micheal just gave it away like it was pocket change. Jack just sat there with a look of disbelief and Margaret jaw was on the floor.

Just then the door to the shop was kicked open and every body looked to see what happened. Ten men walked in holding bats. Their clothes wear torn they looked like they belong to a gang. Behind them walked in Lisa Chen her face all swollen from when Micheal hit her earlier. Then one of the men shouted.

"Alright which one of you hit Lisa Chen. Come forward on your knees and beg then maybe we will let you off with just some broken limbs."

Just then laughter broke the silence. Everyone looked Micheal.

" awe man looks like I over estimated miss Chen."

He then turned around to one of his subordinates

"Sorry Wolf, looks like I called you here for nothing"

The man simply responded

" are you sure you don't want us to take care of this young master?"

Micheal just shook his head. "Naw this I can handle on my own"

He got up for the table and walked toward the group. As he did Lisa pointed to him as the one that hit her. Everyone in the gang looked at Micheal. The leader then started smiling.

"So your the one that his miss Chen. Alright get on you knees and maybe will the you off with...."



Within five seconds the leader was on the floor crying in pain. All of his limbs were broken and blood was coming out of his mouth. Everyone was shocked. What just happened he was so quick I didn't even see what he did. Lisa eyes were bulging out of head.

Micheal then picked up the wooded bat that the leader was holding.

"Miss Chen I have to say I am disappointed in you I would have thought that you would bring better men then this."

He then squeezed the bat with one hand and it shattered into pieces. Everyone in Lisa group look at the man lying on the floor. He was their leader, he was one of the strongest people in all of east city yet this guy beat him in the blink of an eye.

"Bullshit" one of them screamed

"You got a cheap shot. Come on everyone take him all at once"

Just then everyone rushed at Micheal. But Micheal only sneered.




Again in the blink of an eye the other nine men lay on the ground their limbs all broken and they were howling in pain. Lisa fell to the floor. How was this possible they were the best men in east city, how could this guy beat them so easily. Micheal then walk towards Lisa and grabbed her and lifted her up. Her eyes were filled with fear , what was he going to do.



Micheal hit her again. This time her lips split open and was bleeding from the strike. He the tossed her out side.

As she landed on the ground she looked back at him. What is this man is he some sort of devil.

"Miss Chen I recommend you go home and pass this message to your father and fiancé. Don't bother the small shops in east city anymore they are under my protection."

After he said that he turned around and shut the door. Lisa got up and stared running to get away. A minute later police cars showed up and arrest all ten of the gangsters. The Su's saw this and were amazed. Then the chief of police in east city arrived and greeted Micheal. He talked to him for a short while before bowing his head and leaving.

Micheal walked over to Jack and pulled another wad of cash.

"Uncle this is for the police men here what ever they order today is on me."

Incredible the Su had more money then what the would make in three months. Micheal then got his pastries and returned to his car. On the way to his hotel he made a phone call. His orders were simple investigate the Chen and Yu families.

On the other side of town in a small house Amy Wu had just gotten home.

" Amy is that you grandpa and I have made dinner come and eat"

However the last thing Amy could care about is food.

"It's ok mom I'm not hungry, if it's alright I'm gonna head to bed"

As she headed to her room her mother came out of the kitchen with a worried look on her face.

Once Amy got into bed tears started rolling down her face.

"Micheal I don't deserve you."