Second chance don’t waist it

As Amy was lying in her bed tears began rolling down her face and she could only think of one thing.

Flash back to six years ago.

At the Wu family house Amy was standing in her living room. In front of her was her father Brandon Chen and his wife Elizabeth Wu.

" I won't marry him." Amy yelled

"You ungrateful daughter how dare you talk to me like that"

Her father was enraged he wanted Amy to marry Richard so the Wu and Lu business can merge and become the dominant force in east city. However Amy didn't want to marry Richard, she always saw him as a spoiled brat who would always use his family name to get what he wanted. Instead her dream was to marry Micheal like they had promised when they were kids.

But now her father was trying to force this marriage on her. Just as the to were at each other's throats Elizabeth stood up.

"That's enough you two, Amy come with me for a second"

She and Amy walked out and headed to the gardens behind the house.

"Amy I know you don't think to highly of Richard but he is from a good family and he seems like a good young man."

Amy was amazed her mother was actually taking side with her father. Dad had just married into the Wu family because he was liked by grandpa yet he always made it sound like he ran the Wu family. In truth it was my mother and she would always do the opposite of what Brandon wanted.

"Amy I know you want to marry that boy Micheal Yang , but that boy won't suit our family well. His has a lot of debt to pay off and he barley out of high school."

These words shocked Amy. Her mother new about her wanting marry Micheal, and she knows about his family situation. How, why?

Then her mother told her about how she was married to Brandon. When her mother was younger she had a man she loved for a long time but her father didn't agree. So he forced them apart. in the end the man left east city and Elizabeth married Brandon instead.

"Amy I don't want to use force like your grandfather, but you father is right Richard is a far better person to marry then Micheal. So I will make deal with you, if you marry Richard I will pay of all of Micheal's families debts. Otherwise I will leave this to your father at that point I can't assure that Micheal will be safe".

What was she saying? Amy would have to choose between Micheal getting hurt or his family getting a fresh start. How could this be? either way she would loose Micheal, but she couldn't let him get hurt.

"Ok I'll agree to the marriage"

Her mother nodded her head and then went back inside. Amy just stood there with tears rolling down her face. Repeating the same words over and over. "I'm sorry Micheal"

Four years later and Amy had just graduated from the university. According to the deal made between her and Richard parents. They would marry once they both graduated. Over the years Amy had grown to like Richard he showed his kindness and even bought her some expensive gifts. Since they would be married soon she wanted to talk to him about ideas for the wedding. When she walked into his apartment she was shocked to see women's clothes scattered all over the floor. She walked towards the bedroom and peaked inside. She saw Richard in the arms of another woman. It was none other then Lisa her best friend and college roommate.

Amy was about to storm in a beat them both over the head when she heard something that rocked her to her core.

"Richard when are you and my father going to to take over Wu company and toss that women and her daughter Amy out that house?"

"Very soon Lisa, that girl and her mother are so stupid they have no idea what we are doing or that you are even Brandon Chen's daughter"

What Lisa was Amy half sister. Her father cheated on Elizabeth and had another child. Also what did they mean taking over Wu company. Amy wanted to barge in and get some answers but she was to scared and was out numbered. She turned around and ran out. As she made it out side she quickly called her mother but there was no response. So she ran home.

When she arrived she saw he mother and grandfather on the street crying.

"Mom, grandpa what happened?"

They both looked at Amy and gave her a hug. They told her that her father and the Lu family had been secretly marketing deals to buy up Wu company stock and took over the company. Then they used connections to place a large debt on the three of them in order to get the house and all of Wu property. This socked Amy so much she fainted.

When she woke up she was on a couch in a cheap hotel room. As she looked around she saw her grandfather making calls and yelling at the people on the other end.

"You ungrateful bastards who has fed you over all these years."

She then look and saw her mother looking out the window with no expression on her face.

"Mom what do we do now?"

"I don't know Amy, I don't know"

She turned around and gave Amy some money and told her to go get something for them to eat. Amy left and went to the Su pastries shop. She had not been here since high school. As she entered she saw Margaret standing at the counter. When Margaret saw he she instantly gave her a hug.

"Amy it's been to long. How have you been."

She felt a little happy that there were still good people in this world. While they talked Amy ordered some food. While that was happening Margaret kept looking at Amy's hands.

"Amy were is the ring?"

"What ring?" She asked

"Didn't Micheal prepose to you four years ago?"

Huh? Propose what was Margaret talking about. Margaret then told Amy that Micheal had worked overnight at a factory to save up Money for a ring to give to her. This was like a knife through Amy's heart. He was going to propose he had bought a ring for her. He really did try and keep his promise but she couldn't. Amy then grabbed the food and ran out the door.

"Amy wait"

But she was already gone. When she got back to the hotel she gave the food to her mother and grandfather and then walked out. Elizabeth then followed to see what was wrong. While sitting in the hallway Amy cried into her mothers arms and told about what just happened. Elizabeth blamed herself if she had let Amy be with Micheal if she would have stopped husband then all of this would have never happened.

Over the next couple months the three of them used what Money and jewelry they to buy a small house and started make home cooked meals. Then sell them to people who were busy with work go and get food. Their business started to pick up and they started to pay off the debt.

Fast forward to the present

Amy lying in bed weeping when there was a knock on her door. Her mother came in and asked what was wrong. Amy sat up and told her that she had ran into Micheal. Her mother gave her a hug and gently whispered in her ear .

"This may be a second chance, don't waist it"