What did you just say?

After Amy's mother comforted her for a while. They went to the kitchen to eat. In the kitchen at a small table sat Amy's grandfather, Mark Wu. He was a proud man who always sought to protect his families interest and property, but after what has happened over the past few years he has had to question everything that he has done. When Elizabeth was younger she was in love with a factory worker who came from country B. While he seemed like a good man, Mark wanted Elizabeth to marry Brandon who worked for the Wu company and was slowly rising. In the end he worked with Brandon to drive that man out of east city and arrange their marriage. Now an old man he wondered everyday what their life would be like if he had let Elizabeth marry that man.

As they ate their meal Amy kept wondering if and were she would see Micheal again. she then remembered that he looked like was going into Su's pastries. Thus she thought that maybe she should go and talk to Margaret. Maybe she would know were he was.

Over at the MR international east city main office, Micheal sat at his desk going over documents. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

In walked one of Micheal secretaries holding a stack of documents. He then proceeded to hand them to Micheal.

" sir my team has gathered all of the information you requested and have even drafted a plan to take over Wu company and their property."

He went on to inform Micheal that the way the Chen's and Lu's took over everything was actually illegal and that they have evidence of the Chen's failing to pay taxes for the past few years. He also informed Micheal that the bank that holds all of the Chen's loans is owned by him.

" I see, your plan is to have the government freeze all of their assets for tax evasion then use the bank to retake all of the property"

"Yes sir"

" it's a good plan, I like it. I'll see that you and you team are properly rewarded for you work"

"Thank you young master"

After that the man bowed and walked out.

Micheal then stood up and walked over to look out the window. From his office he could see all of east city. MR international owned and operated out of the tallest building in the city and at the top was Micheal. As Micheal looked out he smiled and then muttered.

"Lu family and Chen family, your misdeeds will not go unnoticed I will make you pay for those you have hurt."


Over at the Chen house hold there was quite a scene. Lisa sat on the couch with a bag of ice on her face trying to take down the swelling and stitches on her busted lip. Her father Brandon stood there fuming over what he was looking at.

"Who dares to hit my daughter. They clearly are someone look for a painful death"

As he said this his wife Susan walked in holding several shopping bags.

"Dear what is happening I just walked and your yelling"

She then turned and look at Lisa. The sight of her daughter made her drop her bags and run towards her.

"Lisa what happened who did this to you?"

Lisa then proceeded to tell her everything that happened at the Su shop. Hearing this her mother became angry. Just then a another person arrived, It was Richard Lu. The moment he walked in Lisa ran to him and jumped in his arms. As she cried Richard was shocked to see what had happened to her face. He then comforted her and asked her parents what happened.

They then began to inform him of what transpired. After hearing this he squinted his eyes.

"So somebody has the audacity to challenge our two families. They must not wish to live a peaceful life. Lisa don't worry I will take care of this"

After he said that he pulled out his phone and called a person. He then turned to leave telling Brandon and Susan that he will take care of the matter and bring the one responsible to beg for forgiveness. With this the Chen's breathed a sigh of relief.

As he was leaving he started thinking about how Lisa looked.

"What a shame her face was her best feature."

He then started thinking about Amy. All the time they had dated she never let him touch or even kiss her. She said she was always saving that for their marriage. Then he grew a wicked smile on his face.

"I think next time I see her I'll use the leverage of her debt to get her into bed"

At Su pastries Margaret and Jack were cleaning up and putting things away when the door opened. They looked and saw Amy walk in both greeted her with a smile and asked how she and her family were doing.

"They are doing well. Actually I came here for another reason."

Margaret and Jack then looked at each other with a confused look on their face.

"Has Micheal come by at all recently?"

the Su's were put in a tough spot. Last time Micheal was here he helped them get rid of Lisa Chen but asked that they keep his identity a secret. They both wanted to tell Amy everything but didn't know how. Just then the door flew open and in walked Richard Lu and a group of men.

"Alright you Su family have tried my patience for to long."

He had a evil look in his eye as he starred at both Margaret and Jack. Then he looked over and saw Amy standing there. He then started smiling.

"Amy, it has been awhile."

He then looked at the men behind him.

"Two of you take the girl to the car the rest, beat the Su couple till the sign over the shop and tell us who hit Lisa"

Amy's eyes grew red with anger

"Richard your a despicable man, leave the Mr. and Mrs Su alone"

Richard just laughed. This could not be more perfect, he was going to have the Su shop get revenge for Lisa, and ravage Amy all night. What more could be asked for.

As the two men made their way towards Amy with sick smiles on their face.

"Come along now young lady there is no way you can fight"

Amy felt helpless what were they going to do. She closed he eyes. Just then she heard a loud BANG! As she opened her eyes she saw the two men laying on the ground in pain in front of her were two men in black suites.

They were some of Micheal's men. He had a feeling that Lisa or her family might try something so he ordered a couple men to stay and keep an eye on the pastries shop.

Richard was stunned. His two man had been takin out so easily. His eyes grew fiery.

"Who the hell are you two why do you interfere?"

The two men ignored Richard and simply turned around and looked at Amy, Margaret, and Jack.

" are you three alright?"

The three just nodded

"Hey I'm talking to you. Who are you are you the one that hit Lisa Chen?

The two men turned back and looked at Richard.

"No. That woman from earlier was slapped by our boss for bullying these shop owners"

Richard just smiled.

"Then you can call him up and tell him to come. He needs to beg for mercy especially if he wants to see his two underlying again"

As he said this the other fifteen men behind started laughing.

However the two men just sneered.

"There is no reason to call our boss over this little thing"

Richard gritted his teeth.

"What did you just say?"