One hour later Micheal and Adam were sitting in his office. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Micheal replied.

The door opened and in walked Andy Mo. He still had a fearful look on his face, coming to this office to see Micheal still sent chills down his spine. He knew one wrong move and he could be thrown back into jail and never see the light of day.

As Andy walked in, Micheal looked at him.

"So Andy, what news do you have?"

Andy stood up straight and looked at Micheal, he then informed Micheal of Richard Lu's plan.

Richards plan was simple, he would hire a group guys to attack Adam thinking he is master Yangs grandson. While Adam is being attacked Richard and a group of guys would come to his rescue. Afterword Richard would be seen by Adam as a friend and could be trusted. Richard is planning to use this trust to set up Adam and create an incident so embarrassing that he could blackmail master Yang and MR into leaving East city.

After hearing this plan Micheal and Adam looked at each other and started laughing. As they laughed Andy just stood there with a confused look on his face. Then Adam looked at Andy.

"This Richard guy has seen to many movies. Stuff like that doesn't happen in real life."

Micheal just nodded his head, and then pulled out a cigarette pack and gave Andy and Adam each a smoke. As he lit his cigarette Micheal still chuckling about what he just heard looked at Adam.

"Your right, things like that don't happen in real life, however since the plan is to take down Richard why not let him think it's real life"

Adam looked at Micheal and took a puff of his cigarette.

"So you want me to get beaten up?"

Micheal knew this was asking a lot of Adam, as the heir to the Song family he had bean trained to always win a fight no matter how many opponents he faced. However now Micheal was asking him to loose on purpose.

"I know it doesn't sound pleasant to you, but how about I make it up to you."

Just then Micheal called one of his secretaries to come to his office. Moments latter in walked the secretary and followed by Stacy Lin. As Stacy looked up she was surprised at what she saw. Andy Mo was out of jail and talking to Micheal, then she looked and saw Adam sitting in the chair. She was taken back by how good looking he was and she even began to blush.

"Ms Lin, this is my friend Adam, he is going to be staying in East city for a while. Please accompany him and help him get settled"

Just then Micheal pulled out a card and handed to Stacy.

"There is 150 million on this card, use it to buy him a house, car, clothes. Pretty much what ever he needs."

As He said this he looked at Adam and smiled. Adam knew what Micheal was trying to do. He knew that Adam was always being watched by his grandfather and that the master of the Song family would not let the future heir get into trouble. However Micheal getting him a house and items here in East city gave Adam what he wanted most freedom. Adam stood up and looked Micheal in the eye.

"You think you can buy me? The future heir of the Song family."

As he said this a aura came off of Adam. It was powerful and sent a chill down Andy and Stacy spine. However Micheal sat there smoking his cigarette. Just then Adam grinned.

"Well your right, call me when your ready."

Then Adam grabbed Stacy and dragged her out of the room.

"Come on let's go spend some of Micheals money"

As Andy watched Adam drag Stacy out of the office which a look of pure confusion on her face. All he could think about was aura Adam gave of and how it didn't even faze Micheal.

Just then Micheal looked at Andy.

"Andy go back to Richard and see if you can find out when he plans to set up this little rescue."

Andy nodded and started heading out the door. Just then Micheal spoke up and pulled out another bank card.

"Oh Andy here take this. There is a hundred thousand on this card use it to get stuff that you need."

As Andy took the card he was amazed. He was seeing what kind of person Micheal was. While Micheal would ruthlessly destroy his enemies, he valued the people that worked for him. This made Andy remember back to his youth, and how Micheal and him were friends. As he left the office he kept think "when did I change?".


Over at the Wu household, Amy, her mother and grandfather had moved back into the house that Richard and Brandon had stolen from them. Now that they had gotten their property back and the millions that they had paid to the bank, Elizabeth and her father started to use that money to grow their meal business.

In the garden Mark and Elizabeth sat, going over the details of the new Wu family business, Amy walked in with a confused look on her face. Elizabeth noticed it and asked her what was wrong. Amy still a little afraid decided to tell her mother and grandfather. She told them about how the police came by and had a warrant for Micheal, she then told them that she just talked to Micheal and he told her that the police made a mistake and had gotten the wrong person.

Hearing this Mark simply said.

"So the police got the wrong person, as long as your friend is ok that's all that matters"

Hearing these words Amy shook her head.

"It not that grandpa, when I talked to him I could tell he was lying. Since Richards betrayal I know when someone is lying to me."

Elizabeth looked at her daughter with concern

"You think he is hiding something from you"

Amy became more embarrassed talking about this in front of her mom and grandpa.

"I don't know mom, Micheal and I have known each other for so long, However I feel as though he has changed"

Just then mark decided to to put his granddaughter mind at ease.

"Amy dear, people always change. You said it yourself that you haven't seen him in six years. In that time he probably has had events in his life that have caused him to grow."