The first son

Hearing this, Amy started to feel calm.

"Your right grandpa, six years ago Micheal was always working to help pay off his family debts. But now that those were paid off thanks to mom I'm sure he is working hard to ensure that his family won't ever suffer like that again"

Mark looked at Amy with a look of confusion

"Family debt?"

Just then Elizabeth remember something that had been in the back of her mind for six years.

"Amy, your grandfather and I have ordered new cooking equipment. They delivered it today and it is currently in the kitchen. Would you mind going though and inventory everything and make sure it's in proper condition?"

Amy nodded her head. Then she kissed her mother and grandfather for their kind words and putting her at ease. As she left Mark looked at his daughter.

"Elizabeth is everything alright, what was that about paying off that Micheal kid's family debt?"

Elizabeth looked at her father with a serious look.

"Six years ago, Amy was dating Micheal. However her father and I thought it would be better if she married Richard, thus we decided to arrange a marriage between them. When we decided to tell Amy she was furious and refused to break up with Micheal. In order to get her to agree I told her about the boy I dated when I was younger and how Brandon and you chased the boy out of East city."

Hearing his demons re-emerging like this made mark lower his head.

"I thought Brandon was a good man, what a fool I was"

Elizabeth then informed him of something else

"I also offered to pay off all of Micheal's family debt if Amy married Richard. Thus Micheal would not be hurt and his family could have a fresh start. I decided to not pay off any of debt till Amy and Richard graduated from college and were close to getting married. When that time came and I was ready to pay off the debt, I made a call to the bank but they told me they had no such debt belonging to the Yang family. Then I decided to have someone investigate and find out what was going on. However all I got from them was an email telling me that they could not find out any information and that they decided to retire early."

this story baffled Mark. How could the bank not have any record of a debt. Also why did the private eye his daughter hire decide to up and quit. None of this made sense.

"Elizabeth where did this person you hire go, before he decided to retire?

Elizabeth thought for a minute and then told her father that the man had went to North city in country B, that was were her private eye had tracked Micheals family.

These word made mark shake. When Elizabeth saw her father react like this she asked him what was wrong.

"Elizabeth, North city is were MR's president, master Yang is from."

When Elizabeth heard this her eyes widened.

"Dad what are you saying"

Mark just shook his head

"I don't know, but I think I need to make a call to an old friend"


Meanwhile Adam Song had decided to buy a house with money Micheal gave him. He had already picked out the house he wanted. A nice villa worth about 50 million, when Stacy saw the price tag she was amazed. As the two were finalizing the paper work Stacy decided to ask Adam how he knew Micheal.

"Mr. Song, just how are you and master Yang acquainted?"

Adam looking at Stacy decided it would not hurt to inform her about their families since she works for Micheal.

"Micheal and I met in the army back in country B, but our families have had a close relationship for a long time now."

Stacy looked at Adam

"Your family is the Song family right,?"

Adam nodded his head. Then Stacy decided to ask him something.

"How come I've never heard of the Song family or Micheal's Yang family"

Adam just giggled and looked at Stacy.

"The answer is simple really. When a family achieves the level of wealth and power like Micheal and I families have, they find that there will be a target on their back. So it's better to use that power to hide their family from being a target."

This made since to Stacy, she started to understand why nobody ever heard of the Yang family or why Micheal was raised poor. For a long time she thought she understood the wealthy but now she can see that there are multiple layers of wealth and the higher you go the dangerous it's get.

"So Stacy that answer all of your question?"

Stacy thought to herself for a minute then replied

"Actually there is something else, if your family is just a wealthy, and powerful as Micheal's why are you having him buy you a house and stuff. Surely you could afford one."

Adam lowered his head. Then he pulled out some cigarette and lit one up.

"Your right, I could afford one no issue. However the assets of the Song family are controlled by my grandfather, and he doesn't want me as the future heir to get into any trouble or tarnish the family image"

Stacy raised a eyebrow

"What makes your grandfather think you would cause any kind of trouble"

Adam puffed on his cigarette

"It's not something I've done. He just doesn't want to see me end up like my uncle"

"Your uncle?"

Adam nodded his head

"Yeah, you see my father is actually the second son on the Song family. The first son was my uncle. However my uncle did not want to join the military and inherit the family businesses. So he ran away, rumor has it he came here to East city. After a couple years he returned to the family and joined the army, but my father and grandfather said he returned broken. They said that he seemed to have lost something."

Stacy lowered her head

"That's sad, whatever happened to your uncle?"

Adam had finished his cigarette and stood up.

"My uncle had quickly risen through the ranks to become a general, however right after I was born war broke out and he went off to fight. It was in this war that he was killed, since then my grandfather wished to avoid a situation like that again so he and my father have kept a close eye on me growing up. The only reason I was allowed to come to East city was because Micheal needed my help. If it had been any other reason those two would never have allowed it."

Hearing this story Stacy felt sorry for Adam. She could see that his family was strict and put a lot of pressure on him. She walked towards Adam and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Well you still have about 100 million left on this card and you still need a car to drive around, so how about we head to the dealership to make another purchase."

Adam just looked at Stacy and could tell she was trying to cheer him up.

"Alright lets go get a car"