He gave up

As Micheal, Adam, and Stacy were standing talking about what happened with the black hawks, the door to Micheal office suddenly opened. Everyone suddenly turned to see what was happening, then inside stepped a elderly man with a cane followed by two men in military uniform. Stacy saw this and was absolutely confused, what was happening, who are this people. Micheal just stood there with a little smile on his face like seeing and old family member. However, Adam eyes opened wide at the man walking in the room. Suddenly Adam muttered a word that surprised Stacy Lin.


Stacy turned and looked at Adam and saw the surprise on his face, like a child who was caught red handed by their parents.

Suddenly one of Micheal secretaries came forward.

"Master Yang I am deeply sorry these people just stormed in and I could not stop them"

Micheal just raised his hand

"It okay, they are welcome here at MR international anytime"

He then stepped forward and bowed to the old man

"It wonderful to see you Master Song"

See this both Stacy and the secretaries were amazed, who was this man that even the great master Yang bowed to. Just then the old man walked towards Michael put a hand on his should.

"My dear boy there is no need for you be so formal, but it does do my heart good that there are still some with manners in this world"

Micheal stood up straight and smiled, he then waved for them to be brought some refreshments and invited both master Song and his men to sit.

As they all sat down and had their tea , Micheal spoke

"master Song I was not expecting you to visit east city at all, tell me is everything alright"

Adam's grandfather put down his drink and cleared his throat

"To be honest I had wanted to visit east city for some time but never really had a chance to so, that was until I received word that the snow leopards we called up and deployed to this city"

As he said this he and his men turned their eyes towards Adam, who was still drinking his tea suddenly felt a chill go down his spine. Like he had done something wrong. He then sat up straight and then informed his grandfather about what had occurred.

"Grandfather I needed the snow leopards to handle a gang here in east city. They had been causing trouble"


Suddenly master Song fist hit the table and a look of displeasure came upon his face.

" a gang? For a gang you called up the snow leopards. They are a elite fighting force your late uncle trained and formed himself."

Master Song was very upset that his grandson was using this group as a police unit to clean up crime. Adam sat there he knew he messed up, he knew he should have used a different group of reserves. But when he thought of how the black hawks terrorized the innocent people like Stacy and her mother, he wanted a example to be made.

Just then Micheal spoke up

"Master Song, I was the one who recommended that Adam use the snow leopards to deal with the black hawk gang"

Master Song turned his attention towards Micheal

"You see master song they black hawk gang was the largest gang in east city with over 2000 members many of whom were very skilled fighters. They had a reputation for doing anything thing they wanted and got rid of anyone standing in their way. Whether that be a rival gang or a police chief."

These word amazed master song, while he knew that some gangs were large he never new that they could consist of that many members.

"My dear boy I understand that when faced with a strong enemy it is best to deliver a deceive blow, however I do not understand why you came into conflict with this black hawk gang in the first place"

Before Adam or Micheal could say a word Stacy spoke up

"It is my fault sir"

All eyes turned to Stacy, as she stood there she began to shake. She then lowered her head and bowed to master Song.

"Earlier when I was assisting young master song, members from the black hawk gang stared harassing me about my father. Young master stepped in drove them away but they swore revenge. Later they tried to kidnap me and my mother in order to find the young master"

Micheal then chimed in

"This girl is Stacy Lin she works directly for me and his head of my banking division, I also went to high school with her and I can attest to her honesty"

Stacy just stood there with her head bowed and started to cry all have this had happed because of her and her family, she could only think if it were not for her Adam would not have gotten into trouble protecting her.

Suddenly in a flash old master Song was in front of her and handing her a handkerchief and pattered her on the head

" my dear don't cry none of this is you fault, I was to quick to react with out knowing all of the details"

As he did this Adam and the two military men had one thought going through there head. The old man always wanted a granddaughter.

Old master song turned around and bid Micheal good bye for now, however as he waking out he asked Adam to accompany him out, Adam stood up and walked out with his grandfather.

When it was just Micheal and Stacy left in the office, Micheal stood up and looked at Stacy.

"The old man likes you, that pretty impressive Stacy"

She just stood there with a confused look

"Why does master Song not like many people"

Micheal just giggled

" no it's not that, it's just most would never imagine the god of war to act like he just did when comforting a crying girl"

When Stacy had heard what Micheal had called master song her eyes opened wide.

"God of war"

This man was Andrew Song, the leader of country B army, the man has never lost a battle, in the past when country B was at war he and his men once held off five invading armies. That is the man Adam calls grandfather and who Micheal grandfather calls friend.


As Adam was walking his grandfather out, master Song stopped and looked at him in the eyes.

"Adam I know sometimes I can seem a little harsh, and unfair but after what had happened with your uncle. You father and I just want you to be a man who will always do what is right. That is our Song family way"

Adam looked at his grandfather and asked

"grandfather please I have only ever heard stories about my uncle. What did he do to make you so fearful that I would turn out like him."

Andrew Song lowered his head, and spoke

"he gave up on life"