A family named Song

As Adam heard his grandfather's response he titled his head and raised a eyebrow

"Gave up on life, what does that mean?"

Old master Song just shook his head and looked Adam in the eyes

"While it is painful to recount this, i think it would be best if i told you what happened back then"

After he said this, Master Song walked towards the door of MR and asked Adam to follow him. They walked to a park nearby and both sat on a bench. It was then as he was looking out at the lake the park had that master Song recounted past to his grandson.

"Back then your uncle was a prodigy, whatever he put his mind to he would succeed. Even in the military school i sent him to which was one of the toughest in the country he excelled, and not just because he had the surname Song. he went by a different name to avoid special treatment"

Hearing this Adam remembered that his father did the same thing to him, in military school it does not help when teachers find out your family basically runs the military. Just as these thoughts were going through adams head his grandfather laughed

"You should have seen the look on the teacher's face when he graduated and they found out he was my son. Originally they had gathered to show him off to me as someone i should take under my wing, when he called me father all their jaws dropped to the floor"

Hearing this Adam also laughed, then he looked at his grandfather and asked what caused his uncle to run away?

This question made master Song lower his head

"Even though he excelled in almost all things military, in truth he actually hated it. He wanted a simple life one where he could raise a family and not have to worry about politics and business. That is why when he turned 18 he left and came here to east cisty. "

Hearing this shocked Adam,

"He left, but that would mean that he skipped mandatory service,that a crime punishable by at least 5 years in prison."

Master Song bowed his head

"Yes he skipped out before he was conscripted, he came here and for a few years lived a peaceful life, we never talked because he knew that if i found out were he was i would drag him back"

Adam then mustard up the courage to ask

"So what happened to make him comeback"

Master Song just shook his head

"I don't know, one day he just came back, but I didn't even know till a year later, by then he had enlisted and tried to stay low key, however you know that within the military I basically have eyes and ears everywhere. So when I found out that he was back I was able to pull some strings and got him a commission and an officer, from there he would go on to form the snow leopards and reach the rank of general in no time flat. I was amazed at what he was capable of."

As old Master Song was recounting this a tear formed in his eye, Adam saw this gave a tissue to his grandfather

"I could tell that something about him was off, his eyes had no life in them, and whenever I asked him about what had happened he would never talk. Then when we went to war with the terrorist group red Hand he was killed in action"

Adam remembered hearing stories about the war from his father and how his uncle bravely fought till the last however his family could not even give him a proper burial due to the fact that his body was never recovered. All they had to go on was an eyewitness account of how the general fought to the death with the red hand leader and both died when the cave collapsed on them.

After Master Song finished he stood up and looked at Adam

"Adam know that you family loves you and will always support you, but also being a member of the song family means that duty comes first whether it be to your country or you loved ones"

Adam stood up and shook his head

" i will grandfather"

Old master Song smiled and then leaned in close to Adam

"Bye the way, that Lin girl seems quite beautiful, is there anything going on between you two?"

Hearing this Adam face turned red as a tomato

"There is nothing she was just helping me out and then i saw she needed help, old man get your head out of the gutter"

After he said this Master Song laughed

"It ok to pursue her you know that the Song are like the Yang as long as you love them the family will not mind if you marry"

With that said old Master Song walked away followed by the two officers that he came with

"I am going to have a look around, you go back and help Michael deal this what he has going on"


Over at the Wu household Amy and her mother arrived after confirming that Michael was in fact the young master of the Yang family. When they went inside they saw Mark going over some cooking equipment. When he saw them come in he he had to ask

"So what did you find out? Is that boy you had over really the master yang of MR?"

Elizabeth nodded and told her father what had happened in Michael's office. When he heard this the old man nearly fell over. He never would have thought he had dinner with someone so powerful.

Elizabeth then told her father about what happened as they were leaving, about how they ran into Adam Song. She told him about how he bears a resemblance to Amy Father and shared a surname with him and is from the same City.

Hearing this Mark Wu eyes grew large

"Could it be, did that man have a family when he returned to north city"

Elizabeth lowered her head

"I don't know, please dad reach out to your friend again and ask if he knows anything about a family named Song"

As she asked this, tears were falling down her face, could the man she loved and still loves found someone else. If he did then this world is too cruel.