Ask you a question

The next day Michael had woken up early, as he walked around his new house he saw how empty it was and thought of who he could get to decorate it. He then had taken a shower and after eating some breakfast he decided to call one of his secretaries. He informed them to find an interior designer and have them meet him at his home to discuss redecorating his home. The secretary understood and hung up.

After a while Michael got a call informing him that the designer would be at his house shortly with the hour. Michael thanked them and dropped the call. He then went out to the patio area and enjoyed the view of east city and the surrounding mountain side.

Just then there was a knock at the door

"Wow that was fast"

As Michael opened the door he expected to see the designer instead he was great with Adam Song

"Adam, what are you doing here?"

Adam let himself in walking pass Michael and sat down on the sofa, he then let out a sign and lowered his head

"Michael, can I confide in you?"

Michael looked at Adam confused, what was going on why was Adam acting like this. He just shook his head

" of course what's up"

Adam looked Michael in the eye

"Does Stacy Lin have a Boyfriend?"

After hearing this Michael nearly fell out of his seat. What was Adam doing asking this sort of question? Michael shook his head

"I honestly don't know, i just came back and i am not in the know of who is dating who"

Michael said this as he shrugged his shoulders

A little smirk came on Adam face

"Well if she is not dating anyone, do you mind if i date her"

These words shocked Michael, so Adam does have a thing for Stacy

"Adam, I don't mind if you want to date her, but then again I am not the one to ask. I am merely her employer, what she does in her private life it her choice alone"

Adam smiled

"Well that is great i will pursue her then. By the way how are things going with Amy, are you two love bird planning on getting back together"

Instead of having a surprised look on his face Michela just grinned a little. This look confused Adam

"Now that you mention it I have been thinking about dating her again. Yesterday her mother told me that everything that had happened was because of her and Brandon Chen. and that Amy still cares for me."

Adam then smiled

"That's great, you always act love struck around her, and this gives me an idea on how to approach Stacy"

Michael looked at Adam with a little confusion,

"What idea are you hatching"

Adam just shrugged

"How about a double date, it will allow me to break the ice with Stacy and you could get some time with Amy"

Hearing this Michael was a little surprised, however as he thought about the double date it did not seem like a b ad idea. True Adam could use this as a way to get closer to Stacy and it would help Michael ease some tension between him and Amy. he then looked at Adam

"That actually sounds pretty good. There is a fair this weekend, let's do it, I will reach out to Amy and you call Stacy.

Just as Michael was about to dial Amy his doorbell rang.

"ah , that must be the designer i asked my secretary to hire"

Adam just looked as Michael got up

"Designer? "

Michael laughed

"Yeah this place it a little empty so i thought i have someone come in and decorate it"

As Michael opened the door he was shocked to see the person standing in front of him


It was Lacy Ming, the girl from highschool who we ran into the other night with Luke Zen.

As Lacy looked up and saw Michael, her jaw dropped

"Michael Yang?. What are you doing here."

Michael could feel a headache coming on, why of all people did the designer have to be Lacy Ming. just then a voice came out from behind them.

"Master Yang"

Both looked to see who was talking. It was one of Michaels secretaries that came to escort Lacy to the mansion.

When Lacy heard the secretary call Michael Master Yang her eyes grew as big as dinner plates. She turned and look Michael and then back at the secretary.

"Excuse me did i hear you correctly, this man standing hear is Master Yang of MR international?"

The secretary nodded.

"Yes this is my employer Master Yang, he asked me to bring him a interior designer for his home"

Hearing these words made Lacy almost faint, the boy she used to pick on and almost got beaten up the other night is the most powerful man in East city. How could this be, she had worked hard over the past several years to build up her reputation as a designer and now that could all be destroyed at the whim of a person she used to bully.

As these thoughts were going through her head Michael secretary called out to her

"Ms. Ming, do you know Master Yang already?"

Before Lacy could say anything Michael chimed in

"Yeah, we used to go to highschool together, although we note that close"

Hearing this made Lacy want to dig a hole and climb in it. She felt so embarrassed.

As she looked at Michael, he simply smiled and told them both to come inside. Suddenly her head began to fill with terrible thoughts, was he going to do something to her, something illegal?

As they entered the living room Michael sat down across from Adam and asked the both to have a seat, as Lacy looked at Adam sitting there she became more nervous, who was this man was he someone Michael had brought into deal with her. Then Michael looked at Lacy and spoke.

"So Lacy, your a interior designer?"

Lacy just looked at Michael very nervously and nodded her head.

"Y.. Yes, i have been a designer for about 4 years now, here are some of my previous works"

She then handed Michael a book with some of the places she had worked on previously. As Michael was looking through it he noticed how nervous Lacy was and how she kept looking at Adam who was playing on his phone. He then realized she probably though she was being set up and decided to put her at ease.

"Oh Lacy, I forgot to introduce you, this is my friend Adam Song from North City up in country B. Adam this is Lacy Ming, she used to go to highschool with Me, Amy, and Stacy. She and Stacy were actually really close"

Hearing this Adam stood up and walked over to Lacy

"Is that so, miss Ming do mind if I ask you a question"

Hearing these words Lacy felt a chill go down her spine, what could this man possibly want.