Planning to enter Kiachi-1

Kiachi has a three-level security system, so breach the security isn't that easy. Yu Zhan only knows about the First-level security, that means, gate guards. They secure outside the area of Kiachi from entering outsiders.

Zheng Wei and Yu Zhan were observing the place while standing on a hill which is nearer to Kiachi, from there they can see Kiachi clearly with the help of a pocket telescope. Zheng Wei was observing the site through the pocket telescope. Only four guards to secure the entrance, all they wearing a mask on their face, and they are armed men too.

"At least, we should tell these to Xi. I'm sure he will understand our situation." Yu Zhan talks about hiding the matter from others.

"Of course, he will understand, but in keeping secrets from Xing, he is not that trustworthy," Wei remembers the character of Xi to Yu Zhan, and continue. "We need to wait for sunset to enter the place, so now we should go back. Before Fang got into trouble."

A few hours later, Xia and Hua also coming to the hill. Hua taking her there for showing the kiachi from a distance.

"You are so adamant, Xia. I can only let you show the place from here." Hua spoke, and she stretched her hand to point, Kiachi. From there, Kiachi was shown, but nothing clear.

"What is this Hua? I can't even clearly see it from here, can we move more close to there." Xia looks towards Hua with a little hope, but Hua nods her head as a clear NO.

Xia's activities to reach there went worthless. Nothing special she gets from the place. But she figures out the route to get there. So she decides to come there on the night to seek more details.

So they continue their journey towards the village. They were talking about many other things while walking. Xia trickly asks about Kiachi to Hua, because she went there for seeing her mom.

"When you meet your mom in Kiachi, What she says? Is she alright?" Xia tries to seek more information from Hua.

"I don't know Xia, is she alright or not. Seems like she is not OK. Mom was scared of someone, but who, no idea."

"Isn't she said what is it she scared of?"

"She didn't say it, but one thing she said the guards there." Xia anxiously waited for the continuation. "The guards are not humans, they are monsters. I think she gets a brutal torturing there unless who say these kinds of things."

They entered the street sellers area, on there Hua meet some of her friends and went towards her friends, while Xia makes herself busy to look around the shops. Suddenly Two earrings take her attention, and both are good, so she just confused about which one to buy.

"May I help you to choose." A male sound heard from behind. Xia turns her head to view who's that person.

The one standing behind is Zheng Wei. After seeing him, a smile appeared on her face as agree. She shows both the earrings to him. He takes each earing from the two sets and put it in her ears. His face expressed that it's hard to judge which one is prettier.

"Don't tell me, you are also confused. Just tell me which one is prettier in me." Xia curiously asks.

"The prettiest one is you, that way I'm just confused." A cute smile appears on Xia's face. He continued, "In my opinion, buy the red one which makes you gorgeous." Zheng Wei also knows who to impress a girl.

"Xia, Look what I bought to you--" Hua disturbs their moments. She didn't pay attention to Zheng standing with Xia.

After approaching Xia, Hua notices the one standing next to her."Ohh, Lord Zheng Wei" She surprisingly says his name and shows her respect by bowing her head.

Zheng Wei and Yu Zhan together reached the market. When Zheng Wei sees Xia, he gives the purchasing works to Yu Zhan and comes towards her. So Yu Zhan, now searching for Zheng Wei on the streets.

"I need to leave, so let's meet at another time." Zheng Wei leaves from there.

"What were you talked with each other?"Hua curiously askes with a naughty smile like she guesses something romantic about the meeting of Xia with Wei.

In the other place, Fang Song was staying in Zheng Wei's room. So Xing and Xi don't get suspicious about the absence of Wei. Unexpectedly, Xing knocks the door and enters. Fang Song suddenly acted as reading a book on Wei's room.

"What are you doing in Wei's room, and where is he?" Xing gets suspicious so he asked about the purpose of staying in Wei's room.

"Shh... Lower your voice. Can't you see he is sleeping, and you don't have any rights to ask me about my purpose of staying here." The reply just makes Xing mad. By the way, Fang already arranged the bed with pillows in the form of a man, and cover it with a bedsheet. So he can answer about Wei's whereabout.

" Why he suddenly fall to sleep at this time? I think you can answer it without making any excuse." That also an expected question from Xing, but Fang is doubted that the answer he going to give might not satisfy him. Then how will he handle these things?

"It's because of the side-effect of medicine he takes for headache." Fang's answer lightly believable but Xing just moved towards the bed, and his hand reaches to remove the sheet. Before he touches, Fang grabs his hand and takes him outside.

"Xing, I can't let you disturb him at any cost. If you want to discuss anything, wait for him to wake up." Fang harshly said to Xing.

"Are you forget about your position. Always remember Fang, how Wei treats you will never change your position, you will always be a--" Suddenly Xi enters the scene.

"What are you doing in front of Wei's room?" For Xi's question, Xing didn't answer and left to his room furiously.

"Nothing Xi, we are just talking about today's night hunt," Fang doesn't want to make the situation worse, so he just ignores what happens now and closed the room.

After a while, another knock on the door, and someone tries to open it. But the door is locked so they stay outside.

"Fang, open the door." a gentle male voice heard from outside.

Fang opens the door, Yu Zhan and Zheng Wei were standing outside. Fang suddenly pulls him to the room.

Yu Zhan placed some bags on the table, he bought from the market.

"What is in it?" Looking at the bags, Fang asked.

"Oh, it just fruits and clothes." Yu Zhan takes an apple from the bag and throws it to Fang. "Take it."

"Really!! Both of you went shopping." Here Fang was trying to hide their absence. And they just enjoying themselves on purchasing, the thought makes him furious.

"Fang, it's not what you thought. It's just for an excuse if we caught by Xing." Wei clears his misunderstandings.

"What's your plan then, How you two going enter there?" Fang lowers his voice and asks. The three men gathered together, and Wei describes the plan very clearly.

After hearing that, it seems quite interesting and dangerous at the same time. But both of them support Wei's plan. As a first step, Wei goes to Xing's room to consent him to go hunting with Fang.