Planning to enter Kiachi-2

In Han Xing's room, he is walking throughout the room. By walking, he tries to control his anger on Fang. Suddenly, Zheng Wei entered his room. Wei looks tired, and he walked towards Xing like a patient. Wei's this look terrifies Xing.

"At this condition, why you come here? First of all, sit here." Xing takes Wei to the bed, so he can take rest while talking. Originality on Wei's acting can't be described, he is a born actor.

"I just came here to call you for hunting. We are already late to leave from here."

"Wei, you are not in the condition to go for a hunt, in my opinion, you need to take rest. We can manage today's hunt without you. So don't be stressed, and rest well." Wei's half plan went success.

"It's not like that, I'm fine. Let's go." Wei stands up and walks towards the door. Suddenly, he shows that he going to befall, Xing abruptly holds him and laid him on his bed.

Yu Zhan, Fang, and Xi were waiting for them on the downstairs. As the plan, Yu Zhan goes to Xing's room for calling them. Watching Wei laid on the bed, Yu Zhan starts to play his role.

"What happens, man! Why are you laying in his bed? What did you do to him?" Yu Zhan must be a funny fellow and an over-actor. His performance is another level.

"Are you blind, can't you see his condition." Xing furiously said to Yu Zhan, After saying these, he makes himself calm, and continues. "Just tell others, we can't join today. In this condition, I need to take care of him."

Yu Zhan tries to change Xing's mind, but he stays on his word. Wei was watching these things, from the bed. Zheng Wei realizes, Yu Zhan can't change Xing's mind, so he must do something before the plan flops.

"Xing--" Gentle voice appeared from Wei. Yu Zhan and Xing look at him, so he continues, "Yu Zhan is correct, without a leader to guide, hunting a beast may cost lives. If you are these much concerned about me, then let him stay here." The option is also a good one, so Xing agrees to it, and giving responsibilities of Wei to Yu Zhan. Xing and others leave for hunting.

Zheng Wei throws a pillow towards Yu Zhan, as a compliment for making the situation complicated. After a few minutes, they also left for Kiachi.


As per the plan, Xia leaves the house after Hua felt to deep sleep. From the house, Xia takes a knife for safety, and walk towards the route Hua leads her in the morning. Xia takes several hours to reach the hill. From there to Kiachi, she needs to take her on way.

She is a cautious thief, somehow, she reached near the gate. Xia plans to understand the surroundings before she robs the place. She was hiding on the trees situated near Kiachi. Two guards were standing on the gate, the other two were splits, and patrolling the surroundings.

Zheng Wei's plans to make these two soldiers unconscious, take their places and enter Kiachi. While one of the guards patrolling, Wie makes a sound from the bushes. The guard goes to check what's in there at that time, he attacks and made the guard unconscious. Zheng Wei ties him on a tree far from there, and wears his clothes and mask, and comes to his position. The other soldier also shifted by Yu Zhan.

Xia watching these from the tree, where she hides. But she didn't figures out the person, who does it. At the night, it isn't that possible to find out. Xia misunderstood them as thieves like her, as per probability, if the new thieves rob there, then nothing left for Xia to stole, and after the robbery, the guards may strengthen their security too. So she changed her plan to rob the place on the next day to today.

How to enter is the main complication for her, so she went to search the surrounding once more, who knows if she finds out a new way to enter. While searching she comes to the backside, she confirms her failure to enter the place. So she walks to go back, abruptly her foot gets crossed on something, and she just fell to the ground. She looks at that, it looks like a handle. She removes the soil from its top, it's a secret door to enter Kiachi.

While Yu Zhan and Wei were standing at the gate, the other two soldiers were didn't find out the truth till now. The gate opens from inside, the next group guards were coming, so the other's duty is over for today. With the two guards, Wei and Yu Zhan also entered to Kiachi. On the other side, Xia enters through the secret door.

The way Xia chooses is quite dark inside. So she carefully takes every step on the stairs. At the end of the stair, her hand unknowingly touches a lever, fixed on the wall, and it moves it upward. Suddenly the fire lamps are lighted up, now the narrow path shown clearly. She slowly moved forwards in search of a path that leads her inside.

A stinky smell was all over the place. The passage leads her to a wall and no more way to go. The wall isn't an ordinary one, it's a door to enter Kiachi. But how to open it, is the question towards Xia. There are two lamps were mounted on the wall, and both are takeable too. Which one to take, the right one or the left one. Her mind gets confused, no other way to open the door, if she takes the wrong one, what will happen is a mystery.

Wei and Yu Zhan cunningly enter inside, and without making doubt on them, they slowly follow the other two guards. They observe the building, there are no guards at the entrance. The guards enter into a small building near Kiachi. It's the resting area for outer guards.

Wei and Yu Zhan somehow enter the Kiachi. The place is really large, and some guards are walking inside the area. Their uniform wasn't similar to the guards working inside. They moved slowly so as not to fall into the hands of the enemy. The second-level security, the guards who rule the workers.