
The second-level guards are for securing the inner space. They didn't allow any worker to move without their permission and at night's full security were given to the worker's cells, so they can assure no one is trying to escape from the place.

The one who rule Kiachi is Hing Soin. Most of the second-level guards are personally appointed by the superior guard, Xlon Xa. Now Wei and Yu Zhan have to face Xlon Xa's guards for knowing the hidden secret of Kiachi.

Both of them are now inside the building in the middle of guards, those wandering along every corner. They move cautiously, hide on the dark corners, pillars, and rolled on the floor. They reached a double path area, where two passages are shown, both of them don't know which passage takes them to which area. The time also moving fastly, so they decide to split, and enter each passage, and come back to the same place after investigating.

At the same time, Xia chooses to pick the left lamp as a key, anyway, that's the right one to open the door. The middle part of the wall slowly starts to rotate, Xia fastly enters the room. The room seems to be someone's bedroom, but the weird part is the room not seem to be used by a normal person. The bed, cushions are torn by someone, the wall shows the nail marks of some animal, and the stinky smell is originating from that room. On the corner table, a plate with fresh meat is placed.

Luckily, at that time no one is inside the room unless it's must be her last day. She understood that the place isn't that safe for her, so she makes a wise decision, takes the same route to return from this place.

Suddenly she heard a sound coming towards the room. The door needs a few seconds to open, if she tries to escape right now, she will be captured by the one who is coming. So she hides the lamp near the table and hides herself on beneath the bed. Their voices can be heard from inside the room, so Xia hears the conversation. They were talking about the beast attacks on the village.

"Sir, they already capture two more beasts. After two days they will deliver them to us."

"There is any whereabout of the two beasts, who escaped from the Gulrang."

Firstly Xia thought that they were working with the huntsmen, only they were catching beasts in this village. But the name 'Gulrang' from their speech makes her confused. Because that's the place where she imprisoned with a Wang. The beasts they were talking about must be Wang and Xin.

'What the connection between Gulrang and Kiachi? Is kiachi also Imprisonate beasts?" Is this type many questions pop up on her mind.

They entered the room. That room is Hing Soin's were Xia was also hiding. Soin realizes the presence of an intruder in his room. He stops the other person from talking.

"What happens, sir? Is any problem." The other person is Xlon Xa.

"Someone is here. I can feel it. The one's smell really fascinating." Soin enjoying the smell of Xia.

Xlon observe every corner at an instant, and finds out the meat placed on the corner.

"Sir, I think the smell comes from the meat. The cook already placed your lunch on the corner table."

"Any way you leave from here. I need some privacy, and tell the guards, I need the whole place empty. "

Hing Soin is sure that someone is in his room, Xia was tensely hiding on beneath the bed.

While Wei's taken passage, takes him to a place were four guards were guarding a room. From inside the room, some animal noises where reflecting. Zheng Wei takes a round ball from his pocket, burns it, and throw it to the place were guards standing, From the ball a smoke was produced after smelling it, the guards fell unconscious. At that time, Wei enters inside the room there are different type of beasts were imprisoned.

For Zheng Wei, entering to Kiachi is for clearing his assumption, that Kiachi had some connection between the beast attack on Shinon. But here the beasts were imprisoned, and the people were guarding this place. After getting a smell of humans, the beasts were gone uncontrollable, and they are making sounds, and trying to break the door, they imprisoned. Their making sound is much higher, the other guards get suspicious after hearing the noises.

The guards from the other entrance entered the scene and other guards were on the way. Seeing a low-level guard on the place makes them suspicious, they surrounded Zheng Wei. Their swords sharpness reflects in his eyes.

On the other side, Yu Zhan reached out to a room, the area he reaches hadn't any guards at all. The room seems to be a laboratory, there are some strange smelled liquids, roots, spices, and tools to bake and slice it has seemed. But he couldn't figure out the liquid, so he takes some liquid from the bottle and the roots with him. Suddenly he also hears the strange voices the beasts produced and the boots sound of guards who running towards the area.

"Is Wei get captured?" A doubt appear in Yu Zhan's mind.

---At Hing Soin's Room---

While Hing Soin pulls out Xia from the hiding place forcibly. His hands tightened around her neck. she tries to take off his hands from her neck but attempts failed. The last move to save herself was to strike him with the knife she had.

Xia stabbed him on his stomach, his hands were loose the grip for a second, at that time she pushes him with all his strength and moves backward. Hing Soin's wound healing fastly, within seconds his wound just disappears from the body.

A devilish smile appears on Hing Soin's face. He stares at her intently, and he slowly coming close to her. His whole body was slowly shifting into an unexpected form that Xia couldn't imagine. A fear shown in Xia's eyes, her heartbeats fasten, and her hands were shaken, after seeing his transformation.


At Xiong, Wang suddenly wakes up from his sleep and touches his chest. His heartbeat rises suddenly without any cause, which makes him anxious and uneasy. It gave the impression that something bad was going to happen.