Qi Instability

As the carriage trot back to the clan direction, I noticed someone.

Her vibrant green hair is eye-catching in the crowd, even though her action is out of place as she bumps to anyone else, she just keeps walking dull.

It was the young lady in the store earlier, and I'm afraid I don't know her name.

It seems lady luck and fate decided to collaborate with each other to help her meet me.

Since this was our unofficially second meeting, it seems that was the case.

"Yin Yue, invite her inside the carriage." I pointed.

Yin Yue looked at me before she followed my request. "Yes."

She exited the carriage and approach the young lady.

Approached by Yin Yue, she looked at her and at the carriage. Her eyes dimmed some hope and she nodded and entered the carriage.

Stupefy, she remembered our first meeting just a moment ago so I introduced myself first.

"Hello big sister, the name is Yi, Yin Yi. Nice to meet you."

She was startled at first before replying with the same courtesy. "H-hello young master. This lowly one is named, Lan Ling."

"Do you want some tea?" After signalling Yin Yue to make some I continued. "Sorry to trouble you, big sister Ling but, I just can't help to be curious about your lack of attention in your surrounding. Did something happen?"

Contemplating a bit, she gathers her resolve and spoke her problem. "Y-young master, do you know any alchemist? If you know someone please, please help this lowly one to talk to him!" She was desperate.

But it seemed she forget something. I was only a child, which showed how desperate she's really is, to the point she missed this kind of things.

"For what?" I ask.

"For pills!" She replied promptly. "It's for my mother! I need pills that can save her! Please, young master, I'm begging you. I pay whatever you want, my life, my services, even if I serve you for my entire life is acceptable! So please help us, i'm begging you!"

She falls on her knee's and her eyes are now moisture as she looked at me with a little bit of hope.

I shook my head and sigh.

Seeing that her face turned pale instantly. But I spoke promptly after that and her face color quickly rejuvenate as she looks at me with hope.

"How about let me see her first before we talk?""


The carriage soon turned around towards east where commoners live.

Soon enough, we've arrived at the front of the house with two stories room, small garden, and small backyards on the back. Their livelihoods are pretty good. Not so shabby but good enough to live for people who content about their possession in life.

She invited us inside and immediately take the staircase towards the second floor where her mother is resting.

Opening the door, the first I saw instantly is the woman who is coughing blood on her wrist.

Her eyes are very dull and her face lacks color, she was very pale, and her blood circulation is very slow and chaotic.

One glance is enough to speculate what's her illness... Qi Instability!

This phenomenon is pretty much rare. If practitioners and mortals wouldn't fall in love with each other, this illness is bound to not happen.

An example of this illness is the case of my mother.

The reason that my mother can't cultivate is that her Qi between Yin and Yang wouldn't meet to the extent degree of harmony in each other. Her Yin is too weak to retaliate with Yang's dominance.

This case would occur between lovers. Because although in this world females Yin Qi is far stronger than male Yang Qi, if male practitioner mate with a female who has no less, little abundant of Yin Qi to match the male Yang Qi, it bound to happen that Yang Qi would take supreme inside the child bodies causing this illness.

Albeit the fact that Yang Qi is far weaker in this world, it was adamant that male traits are lofty if they meet someone weaker than themselves, causing this illness to happen. Same case on the female Qi, if we were talking only about this world law, then yes.

Fret not, because this condition is very easy to cure. The solution is simple. The only you need to do is balance it, or the most simple way is to suppress the Yang Qi inside her body.

How you may ask?

There are two ways.

First, I will suck her Yang Qi inside just like I did in my mother's case.

Second, boost her Yin Qi inside to suppress the Yang Qi and take control.

The first solution is basically a no - no, so the latter is the best solution in these circumstances. And I had the best person in mind to cure her... It's mother.

I already look at how much Yang Qi inside her, and if my guess is accurate, her father is supposed to be in Earth Qi Refiner, so Yin Yue has no capability to cure her as she was still on Elementary Spirit Qi.


Lan Ling immediately approaches her mother seeing her cough blood. "Please, mother do not move too much. You're still weak as of now."

"But... Who will take care of the shop? You've still had a class in the morning, cough, so I- cough! cough!!"

"Mother! Please just rest! I can take care of it!!"

Lan Ling angered made her mother bit her tongue.

Lan Ling is depressed so it was acceptable that she's worried about her health and shout on her mother's persevering act to work even though her condition is worsening.

Lan Ling looked at me and spoke sincerely with wet eyes. "How about it young master? Do you know someone that could cure my mother?"

"Yes," I said nonchalantly.

Of course. I've become immortal because of my immense knowledge, so there's no problem that I cannot solve young lady.

Hearing my words, Lan Ling immediately knelt on my front and express her gratitude. "Thank you, young master!"

"Okay. There's no need for ceremony. Come. Let's go to my courtyards and heal your mother's illness.

Lan Ling expresses her gratitude again and carried her weightless mother towards the carriage.

The guard's first reaction is perplexed seeing two unknown individuals entering their young master carriage but none of them spoke their thought, due to the reasoned that one of them is sick and couldn't do something to me at least, and the fact I invited them inside.

The horse trots again steadily in the street.

Even though I was helping her, this action of mine is because she was special the first time I saw her, and that's why I helped her too... She was destined to do something extraordinary.

Her potential for alchemy is immense, so she was substantial to me as well, for both of us.

Contemplating about it too, it seems lady luck is also smiling at me, to meet this young lady and solve my issue right now.

I was grateful inside...

Soon, our destination is on sight.


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