
Right after I thought that the door once again open. The thugs came back, yet this time, with the absence of the leaders.

It was obvious that he doesn't have any idea that this is happening now, right after he ordered them to pursue the former owner of this shop, if my deduction is spot on.

They ordered me to followed them in which I gladly obey as I don't want something happens here, right this moment when we were transporting the store's necessity.

Lan Ling and Yin Yue protested, of course, but I whispered something to them, and their worried face lessens somehow. Though Lan Ling is ready to pounce and smack the thugs, even she was at a disadvantage 1 to 6.

It seems she became too overconfident on herself after becoming a practitioner. Albeit the fact I made her a practitioner, it was still evident she has no experience in a brawl, so she has no chance of winning over them even she gained strength above mortal limitation.

Afterward, we exited the shop and they led me to the alleyway, three streets away from where we came from.

The thug's scout for some bystanders before surrounding me after checking there is no one.

One of them spoke. "Kid, give that gold, and we'll promise every bone you have would be still intact after this. " Smirk plastered on his face.

As on cue, his subordinate laughs and smirk on his remark.

I act terrified with trembling knees, and pale face.

Seeing me look frightened, the smile on their face become more widened and start laughing again.

"Look here, little kid." The supposed to be leader put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me close. "We just wanted the gold. Nothing more nothing else, don't you think it's a good deal, no?"

"B-but this gold i-is f-for my m-m-mother medicines." I act along.

"Hahaha, who cares about that if you're going to be hurt." He laughed. "And I bet your mother wouldn't let her son be hurt because of her. Right men?"

"Of course, who's mother would've done such wicked deeds just for herself."

"Yeah, you're right."

"So give that gold now kid and walk away silently."

To pressure me, the supposed to be scared kid, they start cracking their finger and neck. Unfortunately, they robbed the wrong kid this time.

"P-please, t-t-this is for m-mother medicine."

My stuttering voice convinced them that I was now on the verge of collapsing, and any minute now, I am going to give them the money.

With trembling hand, I passed towards him the bag of coins slowly.

He smirked. "Good. It seems your easy to talk to kid." And take the bag.



"No this is for my mother!!"

I hit his hand away and hugged the bag of gold with a fright look on my face.

The thugs became dumbfounded seeing that. They thought that I was just gonna hand the gold coins to them like any other kid that they have harass. But they are wrong...

In a few seconds, the one who is acting the supposed to be "Leader" became angry. His countenance is very furious.

"Beat him!!" He sends me a kick towards my face, which I receive without complaint.

But I don't want to ruined my handsome face so I blocked it with my hand and act that I was hit and flew backward.

Hey, you! Don't comment immediately!! This is part of the act! Without this, you can't call it face-slapping!! Hhmmp!!!

There was a moment of delays before the barrage of kicks came towards my limping body on the ground.

...And it was ticklish...

Of course, It was ticklish.

I was peak Elementary Spirit Qi practitioner, so receiving mortals strength is not life-threatening at all.

Okay, where was I? Ah, yeah, of course.

Ah! Ah! Cough! *Clears Throat*

Fate is not kind to me.

Heavens wouldn't look at me.

People look at me as though I am a monster.

But I don't care! As long I had my mother, I was content with all I had.

I don't need heavens. I don't need fate.

All I need is my mother!

But why! Why... Why, for just a single medicine for my mother, they wouldn't let me have it.


Are the heavens really don't care about me?

Is fate abandoning my mother too...? Why!!

I hate them all!!

I hate all of them!!!

To all those looking down on me, and those hurt my mother! They would pay!!

I kill them all! All of them!!!

This guys who kicking me! Their gonna be my stepping stone too!!

I'll kill all who block my path!!

I'll slaughter those who stop me from reaching heavens!!

Mortals, Practitioners, Immortals, Gods!! All of them!!

Even fate I'll kill her!!


Pretty lit right? Ha, don't sweat the matters. I was born an actor.

Now for the time of the true face slapping.

Should I just faint death and act like I was possessed by Immortal?

Gained a system?

Or how about I make a puppet to act as my fiance to save me?

It's all pretty fire, I like all of them... But I need to pick one.

Okay, I pick number-!?



In the midst of their kicks, I stood up slowly and grimly look at them with wry smile.

I spoke. "Okay, enough farce. Who the fuck hit my balls!?"

