It's A Small White Liar

When they wake up the next day, the sun's rays invade the rented house, revealing a scene of tranquility by the sea. The fresh scent of the ocean hangs in the air as they head to the kitchen to start the day. When they get there, they are surprised by an incredibly beautiful afro woman, organizing the kitchen with calm efficiency. Her eyes look up to greet the newly awakened ones.

"Good morning! I hope you had a good night. I'm Paula, the one responsible for making sure everything is in order around here," she says, a warm smile lighting up her face.

Lúcio, known as Lúcio, wastes no time and gives a charming smile. "Good morning, Paula! My name is Lúcio, these are Bryan and Patrick." Says Lúcio pointing to each of them. "You're the best part of our morning. If you need any help, I'm available," he comments, trying to be funny.

The friends exchange glances, already anticipating Lúcio's typical attack. Paula responds with a light laugh, maintaining her professional composure. "Thank you, Lúcio! I think I can handle organizing the house, but if I need anything, I'll let you know."

While Paula returns to her task, Bryan and Patrick cannot contain their discreet laughter at Lúcio's attempt.

After leaving Paula in the kitchen, the friends decide to explore the nearby restaurant for breakfast by the sea. The aroma of fresh coffee and the gentle sound of waves complement the relaxed atmosphere.

Sitting at a table overlooking the sea, Patrick, Lúcio, and Bryan peruse the menu. The conversation flows lively, full of expectations for the day. Lúcio, however, doesn't miss the opportunity to tease his friends.

"What do you think of Paula, huh? It seems that someone here was enchanted by the cleaner," comments Lúcio with a mischievous smile.

Patrick laughs, shaking his head. "You don't waste time, huh, Lúcio? She's nice, but I think someone is creating too many expectations."

Bryan, between bites of his croissant, adds with a playful tone, "Lúcio, have you ever tried to win someone's heart before noon? We're here to enjoy the weekend, not to make appointments."

Lúcio raises his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. I'll save my charm for later then. But seriously, don't you think she has a charming smile?"

The conversation continues between laughter and jokes as they enjoy their coffee and morning delicacies. The trio's friendship, surrounded by relaxed moments and jokes, creates a light and fun atmosphere, removing any trace of concern.

During the refined brunch with their parents, the conversation about their week at work inevitably touches on the professional environment shared by Leonora and Patrick. Her parents, aware that they both work at the same company, show genuine interest in how things are unfolding. Their gazes carry a mixture of curiosity and parental affection.

"How was your week, darling? Any interesting news at work?" Grace asks, smiling.

Leonora, while enjoying a bite of brunch, ponders how to approach the sensitive issue. "It was productive, mom. Lots of meetings and ongoing cases. It was a challenging week, but it was manageable."

Her parents, noticing the peculiar dynamic between the two, decide to explore a little more. "And how is it working with Patrick? Are you able to maintain a good partnership?" The father asks, carefully observing Leonora's reactions.

Leonora, pondering how to approach the topic without revealing personal complexities, chooses her words carefully. "The professional dynamic has been efficient. We are focused on our work and maintaining a professional environment."

The parents, attentive to nuances, feel that there is something more to be explored, but respect Leonora's privacy. However, her mother, with a perceptive look, asks fondly, "And how is your relationship outside of work? Are you still in regular contact?"

Leonora, faced with the challenge of explaining the subtle change in the relationship, opts for a less detailed response. "Yes, we talk from time to time. We each have our own responsibilities, but the friendship is there."

It's a small white liar!

Her parents nod understandingly, confident in Leonora's ability to manage the nuances of her professional and personal life. The conversation continues, and the brunch passes amid laughter and exquisite flavors, each one respecting the delicacy of the interconnected relationships in Leonora's life.

As they're still eating, Patrick decides to call Anita. His friends take the opportunity to play with him. "Hey, Patrick, tell Anita that we miss her too," comments Lúcio, causing laughter.

Anita answers enthusiastically on the other end of the line, and Patrick shares lively stories from the beginning of the trip. The excited friends greet Anita and ask when she plans to return.

"How's the trip going?" Anita asks, her soft voice blending with the ambient sound of the beach in the background.

Patrick smiles. "It's been incredible, love. I'm here with the boys. Guess what Lúcio tried to do this morning."

The friends, upon hearing this, cannot contain their laughter. Lúcio tries to hide it, but Bryan's complicit look gives everything away.

Anita laughs on the other end of the line. "Tell me everything!"

"Now we're here to have breakfast. Paula, the maintenance person, is organizing everything. Lúcio tried to win her over first thing in the morning," he says, laughing with his friends around.

Anita laughs on the other end of the line. "Ah, Lúcio is always messing up. I feel sorry for my friend. And how are things there? Tell me more!"

While enjoying breakfast, the friends join in the conversation, each one taking out their cell phone to say "hi" to Anita.

Bryan jokingly says, "Anita, the beach here is amazing. You should see how Patrick tried to impress Paula. It was hilarious!"

Lúcio, smiling, adds. "But, of course, without success. Paula is too professional to fall for their charms first thing in the morning."

Anita laughs on the other end of the line, enjoying the light spirit of the conversation, she doesn't believe anything her boyfriend's friends said. "You look like you're having fun."

Lúcio decides to play the role of Patrick. "And when are you coming back, love?"

Patrick looks at his friends, sharing a knowing look. On the other side, Anita can't stop laughing. After a while, she calmed down and I decided to respond. "We haven't decided yet, but I promise I'll be back before you know it. I'm enjoying every moment here."

Patrick, understanding, responds. "That's right, enjoy it. I can't wait to hear all the stories when you get back. I love you, Anita."

"I love you too, Patrick. Stay safe there. Kisses! Bye boys, behave yourself."

Patrick hangs up the phone with a smile, feeling grateful for the technology that keeps them connected despite being physically apart.

The friends, now ready to explore more of the beach and enjoy the sunny day, continue their laughter and jokes, they went back to the house. The whole house and the rooms were already clean and Paula has left.

Back at the conversation then takes a slight turn towards the personal when the mother, with a subtle expression, mentions Isabel. "Talking about friendship, what do you think about the relationship between Patrick and Anita? It seems like they have a good connection."

Leonora, for a brief moment, turns pale, her gaze reflecting the surprise of the question. She didn't see that coming, but she's isn't surprised. Her mother has always seemed to be found of Patrick, and Leonora is sure that deep down, Grace is hoping for them to get back together.

Therefore, Leonora composes herself and responds carefully, choosing her words. "Well, I've heard about Anita, but I haven't had the opportunity to meet her in person yet. Patrick and I focus more on work, so I don't have a detailed insight into their relationship."

The parents, noticing Leonora's subtle reaction, decide not to delve into the matter further. "I understand, dear. Everyone has their own personal life, and it's good to maintain a healthy separation between work and personal relationships," comments the father, seeking to preserve Laura's privacy.

To be fair, until then, Leonora didn't know the name of Patrick's girlfriend, or the fact that he has a girlfriend. Back in London, when she talked with her friends, she had always cut them off to anything related to him.

When they return to the house after breakfast, they realise that Paula is no longer there. The house is tidy, and the scent of cleanliness hangs in the air. Patrick, visibly satisfied with the situation, comments: "Paula really doesn't waste time, huh? She must have other houses to take care of."

Lúcio, always ready for a joke, adds. "And here I thought I had made a special connection."

Laughing, they decide to enjoy the morning at the beach. Patrick suggested, "let's pack a few things and have a picnic by the sea. What do you think?"

The idea encourages the group. They grab some beers, put them in the cooler, gather dried meats and other snacks. With a Bluetooth speaker and backpacks on their backs, they walk towards the beach, eager to spend the day under the sun and by the sea.

As they walk along the beach, Bryan comments, "Lúcio, maybe it's best to keep the charm in reserve for now. We're here to relax, remember?"

Lúcio laughs, agreeing. "You're right, Bryan. Let's enjoy the day without any complications."

The soft sand beneath their feet and the sound of waves lapping the shore is a reminder that they're far from the pressures of everyday life. When they get to the beach, they choose a strategic location on the sand and spread out a towel. The sound of the waves, the gentle breeze and the view of the ocean provide a perfect setting to relax. Bryan opens the cooler, revealing the cold beers, while Lúcio takes out the dried meats.

"Here's to paradise and good times!" proposes Patrick, raising his beer can.

The day unfolds with laughter, relaxed conversations and sporadic dips in the refreshing sea. The group's positive energy is contagious, and every moment is made the most of.

As they gaze at the horizon, Lúcio mentions, "This place is really incredible. And to think we almost missed this weekend."

Bryan agrees, "Sometimes, it's good to break out of your routine and seek out these refuges. Life is too short to not enjoy moments like this."

The afternoon stretches at a leisurely pace, and the sun begins to set, painting the sky with golden hues. The group, satisfied and refreshed, decides to return to the house to prepare dinner, looking forward to another memorable chapter of this long weekend by the sea.

"This is life, guys. Sun, sea, friends and good vibes," Patrick says, raising his beer can in a symbolic toast.

As the day progresses, they indulge in carefree conversations, laughter and games by the sea. The sun paints the sky with golden tones, and the atmosphere is one of total relaxation. They explore the tranquil beaches and dive into the refreshing waters, the friends share laughs. The relaxation of the moment is interrupted when a group of dolphins is seen in the distance, darting gracefully and happily into the waves.

Leonora, realising the sensitivity of the topic regarding her relationship with Patrick and how she feels about him dating, Leonora decides to soften the conversation by changing the subject. She smiles at her parents and shares exciting news about her mother's studio.

"Changing the subject, I talked to Marcella last night. It seems that the proposal to be CEO at mom's studio is coming to fruition," she reveals, excited, her eyes shining at the prospect of a collaboration between her friend and her company. family.

Leonora's parents, interested, want to know more about the conversation. "How was the conversation? Did Marcella seem excited about the idea?" Grace asks, curious about the possible expansion of the family business.

Leonora nods. "Yes, she was quite excited, but she thought it best that we discuss all the details when she gets back to town. Marcella is visiting her mother at the moment, so we prefer to wait until she is back to finalise the plans."

Her parents, pleased with the news and understanding the logistics of the situation, express support. "This is wonderful, dear! It will be great to have Marcella involved in the family business. You two will do an incredible job together," praises the father, proud of the development of the business.

Back at the house, the friends organise themselves to prepare dinner. While they cut vegetables and prepare the barbecue, they remember the fun times at the beach. The sunset paints the sky with warm tones, reflecting on the relaxed atmosphere that fills the seaside house.

When they finish cooking, they choose a table on the terrace to enjoy their meal with a view of the ocean. The delicious aroma of grilled meats mixes with the sea breeze, creating a unique sensory experience.

"This day was perfect, don't you think?" Patrick comments, as they enjoy dinner.

Lúcio agrees, with a satisfied smile. "Definitely one of those days that makes you forget everything."

As the night progresses, the atmosphere in Leonora's parents' house transforms, welcoming and filled with family affection. With the soft light of the candles creating a serene aura, the conversation naturally moves to childhood stories, remembering moments that shaped their trajectories.

Sitting in the room, everyone shares laughs and jokes, immersed in the complicity that only family can offer. Leonora, alongside her parents, feels grateful for the stability and support she has always found at home.

In a moment of pause, Leonora's mother looks at her with affection. "Leonora, we are so proud of the incredible woman you have become. These family moments are precious, aren't they?"

Leonora, touched by her parents' words, smiles sincerely. "Yes, mother. Each of these moments is a treasure. And speaking of special moments, when Marcella returns, I intend to schedule a meeting to discuss more details about the proposal."

Her parents, showing interest, agree and encourage the search for new opportunities. "That will be okay, just let us know when the meeting will take place." Martin says, reflecting the family's unwavering support.

As the night progresses, Leonora and her parents share plans and dreams, building additional memories into this collection of special moments. The conversation flows smoothly, and the connection between them strengthens even more.

Amid laughter and stories, Leonora realises that, regardless of what the future holds, the family's solid foundation is a constant beacon. With the hope of new beginnings and the trust placed in her by her loved ones, she embraces the night, aware that each chapter, whether professional or personal, is shaped by the richness of experiences shared with those she loves.

After dinner, they decide to enjoy the night by the sea. They light a bonfire on the beach, share stories and watch the stars dot the night sky. The crackling flames mix with the gentle sound of the waves, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

In the middle of the conversations, Patrick remembers that he promised Isabel to call again. As everyone settles in around the campfire, he makes the call. Friends, curious, approach to participate in the conversation.

"Hi, love! We're here on the beach, enjoying every moment," Patrick says, sharing the day's laughs and stories.

Patrick's friends take the opportunity to greet Anita, conveying to her the group's relaxed and happy atmosphere.

"We can't wait for you to join us on the next trip," Lúcio comments.

Still sitting around the campfire, they share stories, plans for the future and toast to the friendship that brought them there. The night progresses, and the starlight reflects on the sea surface, creating a magical scene.

The night continues with songs around the campfire, laughter, and the promise of more adventures the next day. Under the starry sky, the seaside house houses not only friends, but also memories that intertwine with the sound of the waves and the warmth of friendship.