Oh the Jealousy!

Alice awoke with the sound of soft snores but she still kept her eyes closed, she felt soft breathing tickling her neck and a warm, comforting feeling enveloped her. Suddenly the ticklish sensation on her neck stopped and she felt some weight leave her shoulder.

"Hey Alice, are you awake yet?" she heard.

Her eyes shot open and she saw Mark looking down at her, her eyes widened, their faces were only centimeters apart. Alice immediately backed away from him. "Why are you still here?!" she exclaimed.

Mark chuckled "Well you told me to don't leave you last night," Then it hit her like a ton of boulders, Alice remembered everything.

She awkwardly laughed "Oh thanks, you may leave now, you have to take a shower and change your clothes, you might get sick," she said as she quickly stood up. "I'll just meet you and the others later in your room." Alice hurriedly said as she pushed Mark outside her room and she slammed the door shut.

She heard Mark chuckle and say goodbye, once his footsteps trailed off, she sighed in relief. "Why did I let something embarrassing happen last night!" Alice went to the bathroom to take a nice, warm bath. She was mentally banging her head on the bathroom's tiled walls. It's so embarrassing but she can't ditch her friends today.

Once Alice finished taking a bath, she dressed up and went to Mark's room in which he shares with Gerald and Alex. Once Alice entered the others were already there. "Hi," they greeted her. Alice smiled as she went near them and sat down afterward.

"So did the date go well?" Alex curiously asked.

Mark grinned, "It went better than I expected it to be."

"So you slept in Alice's room, right?" Gerald asked. Alice's face went pale as she saw Mark nodding.

"Why?" Josh asked sounding intrigued.

"Thunder," Mark chuckled.

"What do you mean?" Lance asked.

"Alice got scared of the thunder last night, so she told me to sta—" Alice cut him off by covering his mouth with her hand, they could see a dark shade of pink covering her cheeks.

"I think Mark said enough so time to continue phase number two of your love problems right?" she said nervously.

"Sure," Vincent shrugged. Alice sighed in relief.

"So you do have a girl side." Matthew laughed.

"Oh shut up," she grunted.

The day went on, as usual, Alice gave the boys some advice and they made their moves with their crushes. As usual, Alice ordered some bubble tea, sat on a corner, and watched them. On the next day, Alice didn't accompany them anymore since she knew that the guys didn't need her help anymore.

"Forever alone, damn it Alice. Why aren't you like the stereotype kind of girl wherein you won't get judged?" she cursed herself. The thought of the guys getting girlfriends and leaving has brought her a huge amount of distress.

Unbeknownst to her, the guys did have a little bit of difficulty with the girls. Alice was always watching and helping them and they got really used to the girl's company. Since she wasn't around, the guys thought that something was missing.

Alice would always motivate them in some way; whether it was positive or negative. Their crushes also asked them why Alice isn't with them. It's funny how much help someone with no experience in love would be.

Alice was just listening to music when she heard a knock on her door. Thinking that it was the guys, she opened it without any hesitation but she got confused when she saw Tiffany. "Why are you here?" she asked as she eyed her suspiciously.

Tiffany was shaking in anger! Alice stepped back as Tiffany closed the door and drew something from her pocket. "Shit," Alice swore as her eyes widened in shock, Tiffany had a swiss knife!

"You ruined Mark's impression on me!" she growled. Alice shook her head then a smirk formed on her lips.

"Hey, it isn't my fault that you're acting like…" Alice stopped when Tiffany flashed the swiss knife at her. "Acting like this," she groaned. "And besides, that date meant nothing. We just got blackmailed by our friends." she rambled. She looked calm on the outside but she's panicking deep inside.

Tiffany only went near her. "You could kill me with that," she pointed out as she stepped back.

"Don't worry, I only want to give you a lesson. A date is still a date Alice if you're gone I'd get Mark to myself, and Mia won't even be a problem," Tiffany smirked.

Alice gasped when Tiffany suddenly shoved the knife towards her. Luckily, she got a hold of the blade but her palm was oozing with blood. She grimaced from the sudden pain. "Shit," she cussed.

She faced Tiffany who was now looking at her in horror. "Look, Tiffany, you can insult me and you can fight me but don't you ever dare to try to touch me again because we aren't on the same level." she narrowed her eyes. "I won't report this to the teachers, heck this can be our dirty little secret… but next time that you do something like this again, expect the worst." Alice's words were like venom to Tiffany's ears. Tiffany dropped the small swiss knife and she ran outside the room.

Meanwhile, the guys were on their way to Alice's room when Tiffany ran past them. "That's weird, Tiffany didn't notice you Mark," Lance chuckled.

"Yeah, she looks like she's in a bit of a hurry it's kinda weird since she came from the direction of Alice's room." Vincent pointed out.

"Alice!" Mark gasped, and then they rushed to Alice's room.

Once they entered Alice's room their eyes widened to see Alice sitting on the floor as she clutched her bleeding hand. "Close the door," she ordered. Gerald closed the door and they approached her.

"What the hell happened?" Alex asked.

"Eh, nothing much." she chuckled.

"Let's heal your wound first, do you want us to bring you to the nurse's office?" Gerald asked worriedly.

Alice shook her head "I'll be fine,"

"Idiot, you'll die if you keep losing blood." Mark scowled.

Suddenly Alice laughed "Why are you laughing?" he asked in annoyance.

"Look at that guy," she pointed Josh who was currently at the corner of the room "What a coward." she laughed.

"Hey! I just hate blood!" Josh defended.

"It's just a small cut you know, I could've handled it myself." muttered Alice.

Mark ignored her and he just proceeded to clean the wound using the alcohol he found on top of Alice's drawers. Alice tensed as she winced in pain, her head raised and it hit the wall behind her. "Damn it Alice, would you please relax?" Mark asked.

He pinned Alice's shoulder against the wall "It won't hurt that much," he said as he once again dabbed the cloth onto Alice's wound. Alice relaxed, she took a deep breath. Once Mark was done he wrapped another cloth around Alice's wound.

"Alice, what did really happen?" Josh asked. Alice hesitated to tell them but she knew that they'd keep bugging her if she didn't speak about it.

"Tiffany's gone mad," Alice scratched her head using her uninjured hand. "It's pretty clear that she likes Mark and well, she hates me because I'm friends with him. Actually she thinks I'm a flirt because I hang-out with guys." she snorted.

"Get to the point," Gerald said and Alice immediately rolled her eyes.

"Fine, she interfered with the date back then, and Mark kind of defended me so it only gave her more reason to hate me. Next thing I know she's in front of my room trying to hurt me." Alice narrated it so casually that it was scaring the guys.

"We have to report this!" Gerald exclaimed. Alice only shook her head.

"Why? You could've died." Mark shook her shoulders.

"No way I'm reporting her, that'll take the thrill of everything. Besides, I took care of Tiffany." Alice sighed.

"What do you mean thrill?!" Alex asked furiously.

"Well, isn't this exciting? This school year just got more interesting because of Tiffany." Alice laughed.

"You really are an idiot," Matthew scoffed.

Mark went near her and his face was dangerously close to hers, suddenly Mark flicked her forehead. "Owww! What was that for?" Alice whined as she rubbed her forehead.

"Will you take this situation seriously? All of us here are very concerned for you." Mark hissed and the others nodded.

"Fine, I will." Alice pouted "I won't report her because it'll only cause more trouble and it would be best to keep quiet. I threatened Tiffany so I know she won't be speaking about this to anyone."

"Threatened? That's so cool of you Alice," Alex said happily then Josh hit him on the head.

"Don't encourage her!" he growled.

"What did you tell her?" Vincent asked.

"I said I'd kill Mark if she'd do it again," she laughed. Mark hit her on the head, "Just kidding, I just told her she'd regret it." she chuckled.

"That only? I thought it'd be something like I'll kill you or I'll throw you off the ship," Lance trailed off, he stopped when the others glared at him.

Alice sighed. "Enough about me, how'd your day go?" she asked to change the subject.

"Fine I guess," Matthew answered in an uninterested tone and the rest of the guys nodded.

"What's with the negative atmosphere? Aren't you all happy that you're all good enough that you didn't need my help?" Alice asked.

"We need your help Alice," Gerald said. "And it's getting kind of boring, at this rate all of us might end up getting friend-zoned," he added.

"In other words, you want to make your final moves?" she mused and the guys nodded in response. "I'll help you guys, we're doing it tomorrow. I'll handle everything, I promise that all of you would become happy men tomorrow." she said happily.

"Great," the guys said.

"Good, now get out of my room and get some rest. You'll need it." she grinned.

"Rude as always", Alex chuckled.

"Hey guys," she called before they left. "Sorry for making you worry for today and thanks for being concerned for me about Tiffany." she smiled. "I promise that you'd all succeed tomorrow." The guys smiled at her then they left.

"They'll be making their final moves, they're about to take a step forward and I'm going to get left behind." she slapped herself with the foolish thought. "Wait, I should not get concerned about this. Who cares if all of them will get in a relationship and I don't?" she could only sigh to herself.