Alice stared at her bedroom door, she heard knocks saying that her friends are already there waiting for her. She took a deep breath. "This is it, it's their big day I hope my plan works."
She opened the door. "Ready?" she asked, she thought it was funny because it sounds like she's a doctor who was about to give her patients check-up. The boys nodded in response.
"So who's going first?" Gerald asked curiously.
"Since you're the most curious you're going first!" Alice grinned. "Come on let's go!" she skipped merrily towards Joanna's room.
Gerald stood nervously in front of the door as if he's going to commit his first robbery. "Hey isn't this Angela's room as well?" Vincent asked.
"Shut up Vincent it's not yet your turn," their female Amazon-like leader huffed, she then turned to Gerald who was still in front of the door, his hand resting on the knob. "Don't hesitate Gerald, do your job and give her this." Alice reminded him as she placed something on his palm.
"A bracelet?" Gerald's brow raised in interest.
"Tell her to wear it she likes you if she doesn't wear it, then you're hopeless,"
Gerald would have laughed if it wasn't directed to him. He entered the room.
"Oh, it's you Gerald." Joanna greeted happily.
"Hello Joanna," he greeted back.
"What brings you here?" she asked.
"Say Joanna, if someone were to confess to you what would you do?" he asked rather innocently.
"Oh," Joanna swallowed a lump in her throat. "It depends actually,"
"What if that person is me?" he looked away in order to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. Alice would probably be laughing right now because of his crappy confession. "I like you, Joanna, I really do"
"That's sweet Gerald, I'm really happy but at the same time I think things are happening way too fast." her voice shook.
Gerald only smiled "Don't worry, I'm not in a hurry or anything. Here," he handed her the bracelet. "For now we'll be friends, but if you wear that, it means you like me too. I'll wait for you, even if it takes forever... Okay that's a little overboard, I'm so corny." he laughs it off.
"Thanks Gerald, I'll keep it." she beamed.
Gerald heaved a huge sigh of relief once he exited the room. "Corny and your confession is under consideration." Alice groaned.
"Hey! At least I'm given a chance, besides I think there's a huge chance that she'll wear it." Gerald retorted.
"Fine then, let's go Alex it's your turn."
"Already?" he whined.
"It's now or never bro," Josh told him.
"I'm coming Julianne!" Alex ran towards her room like he was a Greek warrior about to attack the Trojans.
"Let's hurry before he does something stupid," Mark stated the obvious.
Alex felt ridiculous, he somewhat regretted dashing towards Julianne's room without Alice and the others. He already knocked and he could hear footsteps approaching the door. He did something stupid, he hid the moment the door opened. Julianne looked around, she said something about troublesome pranksters then she returned back inside.
"I thought you were smarter than that," Lance chuckled.
"I somewhat anticipated this," Alice said as she went near him. Alex scratched his head and grinned sheepishly.
"What should I do Alice?" he asked. He felt like he was the lamest guy on earth, here he was asking advice from a girl on how to confess to a girl, seriously lame.
"Just act normal. Ask her on a date then ask her to be your girlfriend." Alice replied.
"Are you sure? Isn't it a little bit too fast?" Alex whined.
"Trust me. I did my research last night."
"It's better said than done,"
"Just do it." Alice pushed him.
"Alex? Why did you barge in here?" Julianne gasped.
"Wait I can explain I was about to knock when a random girl bumped me," he said.
Julianne giggled "By random, you mean Alice?"
"Oops..." Alice mouthed from outside.
Alex slapped his forehead. "Sorry, by the way is anyone else in here? I have some important business with you," Julianne shook her head.
"So what's this important business?" Julianne asked.
"Is it okay if you hang-out with me? I mean everyone knows that I like you, thanks to Alice." he rolled his eyes when he said Alice. "Won't you get teased?"
"I don't mind. I love to hang-out with you. It's fun." she smiled
'She's a goddess,' Alex brushed off the thought and focused on his goal. "Really? Then I hope you won't get shocked if I ask you a question,"
Julianne made a gesture for him to go on. "Will you go out with me?"
"You mean hang-out?" she asked back.
"No, I mean... I want to be your boyfriend." he replied.
Julianne smiled then she hugged Alex. "I thought you'd never ask. All this time I've been thinking that those rumours about you liking me aren't true. I'm so glad." Alex hugged her back.
"I'm dating the most beautiful girl ever," he said in awe.
Julianne blushed "Quit it!" she giggled. "Thank Alice, if she didn't tell me about your feelings I never would have had hope that you'd even like me."
"Are you saying you liked me since back then? And Alice knows this?" he whined. Julianne just laughed.
"Alice is really sly huh?" she grinned.
"I'll see you later Julianne," Alex smiled sweetly.
"Come on, Matthew it's your turn let's go before-" it was too late. Alex already bolted outside the door.
"You knew?" he asked.
"Yeah it's been like four or five months since I found out." she answered.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he whined.
"I doubt if you'd try this hard if you knew she liked you from the start," she said skeptically and Alex just thanked her for that.
They headed to Therese's room since it was Matthew's turn according to Alice. "All you have to do is-" Alice whispered to Matthew, he nervously nodded. He knocked on the door then came in.
"Oh hey Matt, what brings you here?" Therese asked.
"I wanted to borrow your guitar," he replied. For a moment Matthew thought Therese looked disappointed.
"Here" she handed him the pink guitar. "So are you leaving?"
Matthew shook his head "Sit down and listen," Therese did as she's told. Matthew began strumming the guitar.
"Hey there Therese. you're such a beautiful girl and you don't know that I have a crush on you for a very long time. I also wish that you'd give me a chance to be your boyfriend," he sang in a rather poor tune.
Therese giggled. "Wow you're good at guitar but you're pretty bad at singing," Matthew looked down in embarrassment. "Thanks Matt, it flattered me you know. I've gotten plenty of confessions before," Matthew frowned, all the hope he had just got slapped away from him. "But this is the sweetest one I've ever gotten." Therese smiled.
"Thank you Therese," Matthew grinned goofily. "So you're my girlfriend now?" he asked.
"No, let's take things slow, flash." she stuck her tongue out.
"But life's way too short to take it slow," Matthew whined.
"Isn't it a line from a song?" they laughed together.
"Okay, I understand. Thanks for giving me the chance. I'll see you around." Matthew waved.
"Bye Matthew,"
"My life is complete." Matthew sighed happily once he got out of the room. He was greeted by smug looks on his friends' faces.
"Dude, you need singing lessons." Gerald patted his back. Matthew only grinned which kinda freaked his friends out.
"Insult me all you want, nothing can ruin my day."
Alice smiled "Three down, four to go. Vincent, it's your turn and we're off to the library." she said.
"Why should we go to the library?"
"I texted her, just follow me."
The boys smiled "You can really count on her," Josh chuckled as he and the others followed the female brunette.
"So now what?" Vincent gulped once they entered the library. There were quite a number of people in the said place. He caught a glimpse of his target, Angela.
Alice grunted. "Just do what you have to do. Don't be an idiot," she reminded. Vincent nodded then he walked towards Angela.
"Look after him, I'll be looking at random stuff," she told them.
"Hi Angela," Vincent greeted. He somewhat regretted seeing her in the library, he wasn't the brightest person in the class, and for her to see him at the library it's a bit ambiguous.
"Hello," she replied happily. "What brings you here?" she suddenly asked.
Vincent flinched. "She must be suspecting me, think Vincent think!"
"I'm here with my friends, cause Alice is looking for a book and she asked our help to look for it," he lied.
"Alice sure is lucky to have friends like you." Angela frowned. "I mean, you're all there to help her anytime."
"Why are you frowning?" he asked.
Angela sighed. "I feel guilty, Tiffany is a close friend of mine and whenever we hang out she would say bad things about Alice. I would always pretend to agree but the truth is, I think Alice is such a cool girl even though she acts like one of the guys most of the times," she laughed at the last part.
"No need to be guilty, Tiffany is still your friend. It's better that way, so that no one's feelings would get hurt." Vincent said. He then realized that he isn't making any progress. "Angela, look at those books," he pointed the shelf in front of them.
Angela's eyes followed Vincent's fingers.
"I like you!" he blurted out. They heard the librarian's shush. Vincent turned away from her "I'll see you next time," he muttered in embarrassment.
"If you're gonna leave then I guess you can't hear me confess," Angela chuckled.
"What?" he immediately turned to her.
"I like you too Vincent," she smiled.
It took all of Vincent's self-control to stop himself from jumping with joy and making a fool of himself. "I'm really happy right now." He said bashfully.
"Me too," Angela said.
"Then, I'll see you around." Vincent had to leave before things get awkward.
Vincent sighed in relief as he met up with his friends. All together they left the library. "You know you did well, but haven't I told you that you shouldn't lie to girls?" Alice shook her head in disbelief as Vincent grinned sheepishly.
They decided to have lunch and Alice gave the other boys some last-minute advice. So far everything was going well and Alice has no plans on one of them making a failure. After eating, they headed towards the arcade since Alice knew that Sarah and Jayne were there.
"Do your best you two, we'll be right here playing random stuff." Alice said. Lance and Josh agreed so they left.
Josh sighed heavily as he and Lance went near Sarah and Jayne. "We need to separate them. We can't do double dates forever." He softly chuckled while Lance nodded in agreement.
"I'll find a way, I'll go first."
"Hi Sarah! Hi Jayne!" Lance cheerfully greeted. The two acknowledged him by waving at him. Lance was about to ask Sarah for alone time when Jayne asked a question.
"Is Josh with you?"
Good timing. "He's right there," Lance pointed Josh. Jayne muttered a thank you before approaching Josh.
"She really likes him," Sarah said in awe. Lance turned to her, his brows rising in curiosity.
"She does?"
Sarah eyed her best friend and Josh. "Yeah, it's so romantic. I hope I'd be like that with a guy someday."
Lance grinned "I'm sure you will, you're kind, smart, pretty and sweet. You're the perfect girl."
Sarah's eyes widened as a blush crept onto her cheeks. "No I'm not," she puffed out her cheeks in embarrassment.
"And you're cute as well," Lance's smile widened. "It's the reason why I like you so much," he clenched his eyes shut. He's afraid to see Sarah's reaction. He suddenly felt warmth, his eyes shot open and he saw Sarah was hugging him!
"You're an amazing guy Lance, I'm glad to know that you like me too."
He looked at her and asked. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
Sarah's hug tightened. "You know the answer," Lance smiled as he nuzzled his nose on Sarah's hair. Everything is perfect.
"Oh my gosh, that's so sweet!" Jayne squealed happily when she saw her best friend hugging Lance "They're the perfect couple," Josh smiled at his friend's success.
"I wonder when you'll ask me," Jayne asked as she crossed her arms.
"We've been texting for a while now, and we talk all the time. When will you ask me to be your girlfriend?"
"Huh?" Josh's brain was having a hard time processing the entire situation, he's just staring at her with his mouth gaped open.
"No answer huh?" Jayne said impatiently as she pressed her lips onto Josh's own. Josh blinked repeatedly to confirm if everything he's seeing isn't a dream.
"So?" Jayne asked once she pulled away.
"Jayne you are awesome! Will you be my girlfriend?" Josh asked with a huge smile plastered on his face.
Jayne giggled "Took you long enough, yes I will be your girlfriend." She said happily as she hugged Josh.
When Josh and Lance returned to their friends, they were both mesmerized.
"Sarah loves me,"
"Jayne kissed me... on the lips."
Alice pinched their ears to snap them out of their trance. "Great work! Now for one last person." She turned to Mark.
"Hey Alice, I have to go. I still haven't done the activity sheets that were given to us yesterday," Matthew said nervously.
"Actually, us too. The deadline is before five so we need to rush it." the other boys said in unison excluding Mark who looked really uneasy.
"What the hell? Why didn't you tell me? Mark waited patiently for his turn at least wait for him!" Alice scowled.
"They told me yesterday," Mark said in order to save his friends.
Alice scoffed. "Fine, I'll see you losers tomorrow."
The guys left without saying another word. "Should we go to Mia's room now?" Alice asked Mark. The latter gulped nervously.
"I don't know if I should still do this,"
"What the---why not?"
Mark sighed deeply as he remembered a conversation he had with the guys the day before.