Alice opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was Mark's face. "You're finally awake," he said.

"How long was I asleep?" she asked.

"Twenty minutes, you fell asleep while Vincent was telling something about why he wasn't able to eat breakfast this morning," Mark answered.

"And where are the other guys?" Alice asked another question.

"They said they need to hang-out with their girlfriends so they left," Mark replied. Suddenly Alice realized that her head was resting on Mark's lap. She immediately tried getting up, but found herself pushed back down to Mark's lap. "Stay like that, I don't mind," he said.

Alice stared at the blue sky, it looks so relaxing. "It's good to just lie down and relax for a while," she muttered.

"It is," Mark agreed as he played with Alice's hair.

"Alice, I have a question," Mark said.

"What is it?"

"You and Grant seem to be getting along well, what if you forget about me and start to hang-out with him instead?" Mark asked with a frown.

"That's a stupid question," Alice chuckled. Mark looked at her with a confused look on his face "Grant and I are getting along but that doesn't mean that I'd just forget about you. Mark, we've been friends for two years and we've been through a lot, you're important to me there's no way that I'd ever replace you with someone else," Alice said.

Mark used his hand to cover his blushing face. "How could you say something that embarrassing with a straight face?" he muttered.

"How is that embarrassing?" Alice asked.

"You're as blunt as ever, let's go back to the room." Alice got up, so did Mark and they returned to the classroom.

"Where have you two been?" Miriam scowled.

"Rooftop," Alice answered.

"We've been having a meeting for the school festival, the lines are done now make sure to memorize it by next week." Miriam ordered.

"B-but the tests are next week," Alice whined.

"Alice the tests are on Wednesday and Thursday and by Friday you have to recite the lines in front of the class, the same goes for Mark and the other casts." Gail explained.

"Darn that's a lot of work," Mark sighed.

"Just sit down and try to familiarize yourself with the script," Harold said as he handed a script to both of them. The meeting continued and Alice read the script. "Oh, by the way, there might be a few changes in the story," Harold chuckled.

Alice's eyes widened as she read the script, but she made no comments meanwhile Mark couldn't help but smile to himself as he read the lines. Then this part came up which annoyed both of them but they proceeded on reading. Soon they were finished reading. Miriam seemed to notice so she asked them what they think.

Alice took a deep breath then she stood up. "Why did the story became romantic?! Why did Peter fall in love with Wendy? And isn't Captain Hook supposed to be an old man? Why is he as young as Peter? And why did he kidnap Wendy to be the princess of his ship?! The story is completely changed!" Alice yelled hysterically.

Everyone in the class laughed. "The normal Peter Pan story is for elementary students, we are in high school so a little romance wouldn't hurt," Miriam said.

"The lines are too cheesy, Wendy I know that I'm the boy who never grows up but if falling in love with you is a part of growing up, I'm willing to do it for you," she said monotonously. "What kind of line is that?!" she shrieked.

"Oh Alice, don't tell me that you can't handle that," Tiffany smirked.

"What are you trying to imply?" Alice glared.

"I can be a better Wendy than you," Tiffany said.

"Even if you could you still aren't Wendy so why bother?" Alice retorted which caused most of her classmates to snicker.

"Just shut up Tiffany, I don't know if you're a masochist or something but you should quit bugging Alice because you always end up getting beaten or embarrassed and also give up on Mark and Grant they don't like you," Alex whispered and this made Tiffany furious.

"I'm going out," she stormed out the classroom.

"Dude what did you tell her?" Josh asked.

"Nah, nothing personal," Alex chuckled.

Alice huffed and sat down. "Also, I forgot to inform you that there will be a test in chemistry," Miriam announced.

"Could this get any worse?!" Alice slumped on her desk.

"I'm not prepared for this chemistry test!" Lance grunted as they were heading towards the lab.

"No one is," Matthew added.

"At least you don't have to memorize three-page length of lines," Alice whined.

"Get over it Alice," Alex said.

"I can't, there's got to be some way to release this frustration!" she growled.

"Gym class, it's the final game and we are up against Miriam's team." Vincent said.

"They're not much of a threat though, without Grant their team is crap," Mark chuckled.

"That's rude Mark," the others said.

After that, it was time for their chemistry class, so everyone headed to the lab. "Okay everyone I'll give you all an hour to finish the test then we'll do the checking afterward," their teacher said as she handed out the test papers.

"How do you answer this?" Lance's eyes widened when he saw the paper.

"Oh my god, what's up with these equations?" Alex nearly yelled.

After the horrific event, they headed to the gym for of course gym class. "Alright, everyone line up, it's time for the final basketball match, players please gather at the court." their coach shouted.

"I won't hold back even if I'm against you," Grant said.

"I wouldn't mind that, it's exactly what I want," Alice smirked.

After some strategizing, the game finally began, Alice told them that she'll play at the next quarter since she has to observe the other team's plays. Once the game started the guys were actually surprised to see that the girls actually improved, they were on defense. They were frustrated since they can't be too aggressive on their plays since they are up against girls. When the first quarter ended, Grant's team was in the lead, so Alice had no choice but to play too.

As usual, things went well with Grant's team but things also got better with Mark's team. "Where did that?" Grant gasped when the ball was stolen from him.

"Too slow Grant-man," Alice laughed as she passed the ball to Alex and he scored. Soon it was already the last quarter, Alice's team took the lead but the other team wasn't far behind. "Pass the ball Tiffany!" Gail shouted.

"No way, I have to prove to Grant that I could play like Alice too," Tiffany said so she positioned herself to shoot but the moment she released the ball it was blocked by Alice.

"Sorry, I win," she smirked as she drove past the still shocked Tiffany. She passed the ball to Mark but he was suddenly guarded by Grant. "Pass me the ball Mark!" Alice yelled. Alice received the ball but it suddenly slipped away from her and Tiffany was able to take it.

"Tiffany, give it to me!" Grant yelled.

"I'll shoot this!" she dribbled across the court.

"Heh, as if," Alice stole the ball. "Game over Tiffy," she threw the ball in the air then their coach whistled.

"Mark's team wins with a score of 50 to 48! Congratulations, you just got a 100% grade for your performance test."

"Darn it!" Tiffany roared as she quickly turned causing her hand to forcefully hit Alice. Alice being exhausted and dizzy plus Tiffany's hand hitting her caused her to lose balance and land on the floor. Everyone saw it, they saw her head landing hard on the floor; even Tiffany was shocked.

"Alice!" nearly everyone gasped. They saw Alice move, she pushed herself to a sitting position with her hands for support, she looked up. "That hurt," she mumbled.

There was blood oozing from her forehead! "Oh shoot she's bleeding!" Josh hyperventilated.

"Stop overreacting Josh," Alice managed to laugh as she touched her forehead. "I'm bleeding," she said as if she's amazed.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mark cupped her face.

"I'm feeling lighthe—" she fainted, Mark caught her.

"Bring her to the clinic," their coach ordered, Mark carried Alice and he ran to the clinic.

"I-it's all an accident!" Tiffany shouted as she saw blood on the floor. By that time, their coach left and headed to the clinic too. Grant placed his hand on Tiffany's shoulder, Tiffany looked at him to smile but her smile disappeared when she saw his expression.

"Darn it Tiffany," he seethed then he left and headed to the clinic.

"You know Tiffany if you weren't mean to Alice then the others would believe you too," Rebecca said. Tiffany looked around and most of her classmates were looking at her and whispering.

"It's an accident, I never meant to do it," she sobbed although no one pitied her except her friends Miriam, Joanna, and Jenny.

"A-am I dead?" Alice groaned as she opened her eyes and saw a white ceiling.

"Idiot, you're at the clinic," Mark chuckled from beside the bed. Alice turned to face him but she grimaced at the sudden pain she felt. "Don't move around, you have a pretty bad wound." Mark sighed.

"I do? But where's coach?" she asked.

"Coach is talking to the nurse, I actually thought that you might get amnesia," Mark said.

"I wonder, would it be cool to have amnesia?" she wondered.

"No, you'd forget about us," Mark replied.

"Silly, I swear even if I have the worst case of amnesia I won't forget about you," Alice smiled causing Mark to blush. "Because Mark is an idiot." she laughed.

"You shattered a cheesy moment," Mark pouted.

After having a short talk with the school nurse and their coach Mark accompanied Alice to the gate. Alice still wasn't able to walk so Mark had to place his arms around her for support. Everyone who saw them thought that they were a couple. Mark and Alice walked to the gate still in the same position. "I see Mark, you're taking advantage of the situation as usual." Grant smirked.

"What did you say?!" Mark marched towards him completely forgetting about Alice who almost fell on the ground, good thing someone was there.

"Whoa there, how irresponsible of you," Justin said.

"Mark is an idiot," Alice muttered. "Thanks Justin."

Mark lifted his hand and gestured a sorry to Alice. "Why are you here?" Grant asked.

"I came once I got a call at the house," Justin replied. Suddenly they saw a familiar face walking towards them.

"Tiffany," Grant snorted.

"I only came here to say sorry, for everything. I realized that clearly you're a much better person than me, I swear I won't bother you Mark, or Grant ever again." she said.

"Yeah sure, but it doesn't mean that if I forgive you, I don't hate you anymore." Alice smiled.

"Rivals?" Tiffany asked.

"You're not worthy of being my rival," Alice said with the sweetest smile. A gloomy aura emerged from Tiffany.

"It's okay," she groaned.

"Oh, by the way, this is Justin. I think he's the guy who gave you the autograph that you've been bragging about this morning," a mischievous smile formed on Alice's lips.

Tiffany's eyes widened. "Justin,"

"Oh do I know you?" Justin asked.

"I'm your number one fan!" she squealed.

"I'm flattered but pretty much everyone says that to me, now excuse us we're going home." Justin said.

"Home? You? Alice? Grant?" Tiffany trembled.

"Alice is staying at our house and Justin is my older brother, got that?" Grant scowled as he opened the car door. Justin escorted Alice inside and Grant followed, he left the window open.

"Bye Mark!" Alice waved then she looked at Tiffany's direction "Bye Tiffany! Congratulations on getting Justin's autograph, now I'll be going home with him because our parents are good friends!" Alice smiled.

"You were a bit evil," Grant said.

"I was being nice to her," Alice smiled innocently.

"She just had to rub it in, you reap what you sow Tiffany." Mark chuckled as he began walking home.

"Did the nurse mention when can I remove these?" Alice asked as she pointed the bandages wrapped on her forehead.

"She said tomorrow," Grant replied.

"I guess I'll be taking care of Alice tomorrow," Justin grinned.

"Eh? Why?" both Alice and Grant asked.

"Grant has classes and I don't, plus I can skip my modelling anytime." he replied.

"Then I'm skipping classes too," Grant said.

"Don't be an idiot, go to school tomorrow. I'm sure Justin and I will be okay," Alice smiled.

"You heard her," Justin said smugly.

"Darn it," Grant cursed.